【.bash_profile 与 .bashrc 的区别】
.bash_profile is executed for login shells, while .bashrc is executed for interactive non-login shells.

【login shell 与 non-login shell 的区别】
1、当你直接在机器login界面登陆、使用ssh登陆或者su切换用户登陆时,.bash_profile 会被调用来初始化shell环境
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
        . ~/.bashrc
2、当你不登陆系统而使用ssh直接在远端执行命令,.bashrc 会被调用
3、当你已经登陆系统后,每打开一个新的Terminal时,.bashrc 都会被再次调用。

[hadoop@hclient2 ~]$ echo "invoke hclient2:~/.bashrc">>.bashrc
[hadoop@hclient2 ~]$ echo "invoke hclient2:~/.bash_profile">>.bash_profile

Login Shell
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.3 (Santiago)
Kernel 2.6.32-279.el6.x86_64 on an x86_64

hclient2 login: hadoop
Last login: Mon Feb 25 23:03:45 on tty1
invoke hclient2:~/.bashrc
invoke hclient2:~/.bash_profile

[hadoop@hclient2 ~]$
2、SSH 登陆
[hadoop@hserver ~]$ ssh hclient2
Last login: Mon Feb 25 22:42:19 2013 from hserver
invoke hclient2:~/.bashrc
invoke hclient2:~/.bash_profile
[hadoop@hclient2 ~]$
3、su 登陆
[root@hclient2 ~]# su - hadoop
invoke hclient2:~/.bashrc
invoke hclient2:~/.bash_profile

Non-login Shell:
Note: ssh ...[user@] hostname [command]
If command is specified, it is executed on the remote host instead of a login shell.
[hadoop@hserver ~]$ ssh hclient2 hostname
invoke hclient2:~/.bashrc

【故】若要配置环境变量之类,最保险是写在 .bashrc 文件中。因为不管是登陆还是不登陆,该文件总会被调用!


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