eclipse 怎么安装terminal插件

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A fully working command-line Terminal inside Eclipse (renamed from "TCF Terminals").

Just press Ctrl+Alt+T to open a local command prompt (Terminal). That's all - it just works :) Previous sessions are remembered and auto-reconnected on quit and restart. Supports Windows, Linux and Mac.

For additional options or remote sessions, use Ctrl+Alt+Shift+T or click the "Terminal" toolbar button. Supports SSH, Telnet or Serial line. Full ANSI cursor control, readline and coloring, Use vi, emacs or similar programs on any remote host.

In the Terminal, type Alt+Up to maximize or restore it. Use Alt+Right for quick access to other Eclipse views. Type Ctrl+PgUp/PgDn to switch between multiple Terminal Tabs. See Preferences > Terminal for additional options like registering custom shell environments (like Git Bash, Cygwin, or just custom PATH settings).

Enhancements and Fixes in 4.0 20150430 (Mars M7):

  • Restructured from TCF into TM to simplify code, reduce plugins and promote contributions

Enhancements and Fixes in 1.2.1 (Luna SR2) - full list at

  • Faster access to local Terminal: Ctrl+Alt+T works on selection or active editor, while Ctrl+Alt+Shift+T provides an option dialog to use for remote terminals. Also, added "Show In" (Alt+Shift+W) support for many perspectives [435158, 435015]
  • New Preference for the default startup directory of the local terminal, and custom "Show-In" menus [454965, 435014]
  • Additional xterm emulation support for copy-and-paste across line breaks [453393, 458218, 458398, 458402]
  • Reduced dependencies - Terminal pulls in fewer plugins now
  • Fixed typing accent, umlaut and other non-English characters in the Terminal [448144]
  • Fixed restoring encoding of terminal sessions after restart [443046]
  • Fixed race condition that caused initial wrapping at 80 chars sometimes [435107, 460303]

Found an issue? - Please report a bug!

Interested in requesting enhancements, or participating?

Brought to you by the Eclipse TCF and Eclipse TMCommitters from Wind River, with help fromwinpty@github, Mirko Raner, CDT, and many other Community Members.


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