




// -- NAME --

const name = 'record';

// -- DATA --

const data = function () {
return { };
}; // -- COMPUTED -- const computed = { }; // -- COMPONENTS -- const components = {
} // -- WATCH -- const watch = { }; // -- METHODS -- const methods = { }; // -- HOOKS -- function mounted() {
} // == EXPORT == export default {
name: name, data: data, components: components, computed: computed, watch: watch, methods: methods, mounted: mounted
css: .block {
width: 200px;
height: 220px;
.describe {
margin-left: 40%;
/* .el-row {
margin-bottom: 20px;
&:last-child {
margin-bottom: 0;
} */
.el-col {
border-radius: 4px;
margin-left: 38px;
margin-right: 38px;
margin-top: 60px;
margin-bottom: 40px;
} .box-card {
width: 250px;


.block {
width: 200px;
height: 220px;
.describe {
margin-left: 40%;
/* .el-row {
margin-bottom: 20px;
&:last-child {
margin-bottom: 0;
} */
.el-col {
border-radius: 4px;
margin-left: 38px;
margin-right: 38px;
margin-top: 60px;
margin-bottom: 40px;
} .box-card {
width: 250px;


<script src="./zyview.js"></script>
<style src="./zyview.css" scoped></style>


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  2. STL之序列容器vector
  3. sqlserver 服务器主体 无法在当前安全上下文下访问数据库
  4. [C++] memset 和sizeof 的使用注意
  5. thinkphp模型层Model、Logic、Service讲解
  6. 安装opencms时遇到问题及解决方法
  7. 阿里巴巴 web前端性能优化进阶路
  8. UML类图基本画法
  9. (NO.00004)iOS实现打砖块游戏(十一):&quot;一闪一闪亮晶晶,我们都是小星星&quot;
  10. svn中出现各种感叹号说明
  11. MySQL sum聚合函数
  12. sql读取 所有表、结构 描述
  13. CentOS7+CDH5.14.0安装全流程记录,图文详解全程实测-1虚拟机安装及环境初始化
  14. oracle列转行
  15. 永久代 PermGen 简述
  16. HTML杂项和HTML废弃标签
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  19. lxm --- ans lb config
  20. Prufer Code


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  2. NX二次开发-NXString转换为char*方法
  3. Centos6.5安装mysql5.7.19
  4. due to a StackOverflowError. Possible root causes include a too low setting for -Xss and illegal cyclic inheritance dependencies. The class hierarchy being processed was [org.jaxen.util.AncestorAxisIt
  5. ElasticSearch 索引查询使用指南
  6. 面试总结【css篇】- 盒子模型
  7. vue axios springBoot 跨域session丢失
  8. Springboot整合dubbo搭建基本的消费、提供和负载均衡
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  10. PL SQL 12.0.7的安装及注册码,汉化包,连接Oracle远程数据库,中文乱码问题处理