当登录一台服务器时,每次输入密码之后都要等很久才会得到命令提示符,尝试修改了sshd_config中的UseDNS no,但效果依然不好。

ssh -v

This is probably an issue with D-Bus and systemd. If the dbus service is restarted for some reason, you will also need to restart systemd-logind.
You can check if this is the issue by opening the ssh daemon log (on Ubuntu it should be /var/log/auth.log) and check if it has these lines:
注:CentOS 下查看 

cat /var/log/secure

sshd[2721]: pam_systemd(sshd:session): Failed to create session: Connection timed out
systemctl restart systemd-logind


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