
1,arc land

506  git branch

507  git status

508  git reset multicloud/qcloud/cluster_management/spark_cluster/dependent_file/spark-1.6.2-bin-hadoop2.6.tgz

509  git status

510  git add multicloud/qcloud/tools/ssh.py

511  git status

512  git log

513  git commit -a

514  git status

515  git log

516  git pull --rebase origin master

517  git log

518  arc diff

519  arc diff

520  history

git checkout -b test1
432 git status
433 git branch
434 ls
435 cd core/
436 ls
437 cd ..
438 cd multicloud/
439 ls
440 cd qcloud/
441 ls
442 cd ..
443 cd ..
444 ls
445 ls multicloud/qcloud/spark_cluster/README.md
446 vim multicloud/qcloud/spark_cluster/README.md
447 git branch
448 git status
449 git commit -a 'test1'
450 git commit -a
451 git log
452 clear
453 git pull --rebase origin master
454 arc diff
455 pwd
456 arc help
457 source ~/.bashrc
458 arc
459 arc help
460 ls ~/.bashrc
461 arc diff
462 arc diff
463 arc land

2,ssh aliyun

ssh -i aliyun.pem root@

chmod 600 aliyun.pem



ssh-keygen -t rsa

scp -i ~/aliyun.pem id_rsa.pub root@


cat id_rsa.pub >> authorized_keys

chmod 600 authorized_keys



docker exec -it ssss /bin/bash

5, scp:

scp -i ~/work/keys/alicloud.pem * hadoopmaster:/root

6, firewall

systemctl stop firewalld

7,auto build command


python auto_build_spark.py -f /Users/chunyueli/work/github/infra/multicloud/qcloud/cluster_management/spark_cluster/dev_conf/alicloud_dev_spark_cluster_conf.json -k /Users/chunyueli/work/keys/alicloud.pem -F /Users/chunyueli/work/github/infra/multicloud/qcloud/cluster_management/spark_cluster/restart_qcloud_cluster.py -i -a restart


python auto_build_hadoop.py -f /Users/chunyueli/work/github/infra/multicloud/qcloud/cluster_management/spark_cluster/dev_conf/alicloud_dev_hadoop_cluster_conf.json -k /Users/chunyueli/work/keys/alicloud.pem -F /Users/chunyueli/work/github/infra/multicloud/qcloud/cluster_management/spark_cluster/restart_qcloud_cluster.py -i

8, docker command


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