


NuGet 分别添加 NUnit 和 Moq

install-package nunit -project 测试项目名称

install-package moq -project 测试项目名称

public class Person
public string Id;
public string FirstName;
public string LastName;
public Person(string newId, string fn, string ln)
Id = newId;
FirstName = fn;
LastName = ln;
} public interface IPersonRepository
List<Person> GetPeople();
Person GetPersonById(string id);
} public class PersonService
private IPersonRepository personRepos;
public PersonService(IPersonRepository repos)
personRepos = repos;
public List<Person> GetAllPeople()
return personRepos.GetPeople();
public List<Person> GetAllPeopleSorted()
List<Person> people = personRepos.GetPeople();
people.Sort(delegate(Person lhp, Person rhp)
return lhp.LastName.CompareTo(rhp.LastName);
return people;
public Person GetPerson(string id)
return personRepos.GetPersonById(id);
catch (ArgumentException)
return null; // no person with that id was found


public class NUnitTest
{ private Mock<IPersonRepository> mo = new Mock<IPersonRepository>(); private Person onePerson = new Person("", "Wendy", "Whiner");
private Person secondPerson = new Person("", "Aaron", "Adams");
private List<Person> peopleList; /// <summary>
/// 填充基础数据
/// </summary>
public void Init()
peopleList = new List<Person>();
peopleList.Add(secondPerson); } [Test]
public void TestGetAllPeople()
mo.Setup(m => m.GetPeople()).Returns(peopleList); PersonService service = new PersonService(mo.Object); Assert.AreEqual(, service.GetAllPeople().Count);
} [Test]
public void TestGetAllPeopleSorted()
mo.Setup(m => m.GetPeople()).Returns(peopleList); PersonService service = new PersonService(mo.Object); var p = service.GetAllPeopleSorted()[]; Assert.AreEqual("Adams", p.LastName);
} [Test]
public void TestGetSinglePersonWithValidId()
mo.Setup(m => m.GetPersonById(It.Is<string>(s => s == "")))
.Returns(onePerson); PersonService service = new PersonService(mo.Object); var p = service.GetPerson(""); Assert.IsNotNull(p);
Assert.AreEqual(p.Id, "");
} [Test]
public void TestGetSinglePersonWithInalidId()
mo.Setup(m => m.GetPersonById(It.IsAny<string>())); PersonService service = new PersonService(mo.Object);
} }


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