*** Settings ***
Library AppiumLibrary
Library AutoItLibrary
Library os *** Keywords ***
[Arguments] ${xpath} ${count}
Xpath Should Match X Times ${xpath} ${count} 上传文件
[Arguments] ${path} ${data} ${encode}=base64
Push File ${path} ${data} ${encode} 元素不应该包含文本
[Arguments] ${locator} ${expected} ${msg}=
Element Should not Contain Text ${locator} ${expected} ${msg} 元素值应该是
[Arguments] ${locator} ${expected}
Element Value Should Be ${locator} ${expected} 元素名应该是
[Arguments] ${path} ${name}
Element Name Should Be ${path} ${name} 元素属性应该匹配
[Arguments] ${locator} ${attr_name} ${match_pattern} ${regx}=False
Element Attribute Should Match ${locator} ${attr_name} ${match_pattern} ${regx} 元素应该包含文本
[Arguments] ${locator} ${expected} ${msg}=None
Element Should Contain Text ${locator} ${expected} ${msg} 元素应该失效
[Arguments] ${locator} ${level}=INFO
Element should be disabled ${locator} ${level} 元素应该有效
[Arguments] ${locator} ${level}=INFO
Element should be enabled ${locator} ${level} 元素文本应该是
[Arguments] ${locator} ${expected} ${msg}=None
Element Text Should Be ${locator} ${expected} ${msg} 关闭当前应用
Close Application 关闭所有应用
Close All Applications 切换应用
[Arguments] ${index_or_alias}
Switch Application ${index_or_alias} 切换页面内容
[Arguments] ${webview}
Switch To Context ${webview} 卸载应用
[Arguments] ${application_id}
Remove Application ${application_id} 后台运行
[Arguments] ${sec}
Background App ${sec} 向上滚动
[Arguments] ${locator}
Scroll Up ${locator} 向下滚动
[Arguments] ${locator}
Scroll Down ${locator} 失败后运行关键字
[Arguments] ${keyword}
[Documentation] Example: # Disables run-on-failure functionality and stores the previous kw name in a variable. # Restore to the previous keyword.
... Register Keyword To Run On Failure \ \ \ Log Source
... \ \ \ \ \ \ \ # Run `Log Source` on failure.
... ${previous kw}=
... Register Keyword To Run On Failure \ \ Nothing
... Register Keyword To Run On Failure \ \ \ \ ${previous kw} \ \ \ \
Register Keyword To Run On Failure ${keyword} 打印资源
[Arguments] ${level}
Log Source ${level} 打开URL
[Arguments] ${url}
[Documentation] Example:
... 打开应用
... http://localhost:4755/wd/hub \ platformName=iOS \ platformVersion=7.0
... deviceName='iPhone Simulator'
... browserName=Safari
... 打开URL \ http://m.webapp.com
Go To URL ${url} 打开应用
[Arguments] ${url} ${platformName} ${version} ${deviceName} ${app}
[Documentation] 打开应用 ${url} ${platformName} ${version} \ \ ${devicename} ${app} @{args}
... 例如:
... 打开应用 http://localhost:4723/wd/hub Android 5.1.1 5e25d20d ${CURDIR}${/}app${/}fft.apk
... ${url} 是用于访问应用的地址,一般是固定的。 url 和 端口可以根据具体地址修改。
... ${version} \ 是安卓的版本
... ${devicename} 是手机的UDID, 可以打开cmd 然后用 adb devices -l \ 看到设备列表。
... UDID 是看到的第一列的内容,真机是一串字符串,模拟器是 \ ip:port \ 的形式
... ${app} 是apk 存放的路径 ${CURDIR} 系统变量,取得当前脚本路径。 ${/} 系统变量 '/'
open application ${url} platformName=${platformName} platformVersion=${version} deviceName=${deviceName} app=${app} 按关键字
[Arguments] ${keycode} ${metastate}=None
Press Keycode ${keycode} ${metastate} 摇动手机
Shake 放大元素
[Arguments] ${locator} ${percent}=200% ${step}=1
Zoom ${locator} ${percent} ${step} 敲击元素
[Arguments] ${locator}
Tap ${locator} 横屏
[Documentation] 手机设置横屏
[Arguments] ${locator}
Clear Text ${locator} 滑动
[Arguments] ${start_x} ${start_y} ${end_x} ${end_y}
swipe ${start_x} ${start_y} ${end_x} ${end_y} 滚动
[Arguments] ${start_locator} ${end_locator}
[Documentation] 从一个元素滚动到另一个元素
Scroll ${start_locator} ${end_locator} 点击元素
[Arguments] ${locator}
Click Element ${locator} 点击元素坐标
[Arguments] ${coordinate_x} ${coordinate_y}
Click Element At Coordinates ${coordinate_x} ${coordinate_y} 点击固定点
[Arguments] ${x} ${y} @{args}
Click A Point ${x} ${y} @{args} 点击按钮
[Arguments] ${index_or_name}
Click Button ${index_or_name} 点击文本
[Arguments] ${text} ${exact_match}=false
[Documentation] 点击匹配到文本的元素:
... 点击文本 "text"
... 点击文本 "text" True
... 默认模糊匹配所有元素,可以设置成精确匹配。
... 如果可以匹配到两个或两个以上的元素,那么需要用 click Element 元素,去处理。
Click Text ${text} ${exact_match} 睡眠
[Arguments] ${sec}
sleep ${sec} 竖屏
PORTRAIT 等待页面元素出现
[Arguments] ${locator} ${timeout}=100 ${err}=None
Wait Until Page Contains Element ${locator} ${timeout} ${err} 等待元素出现文本
[Arguments] ${text} ${timeout}=10 ${err}=None
Wait Until Page Contains ${text} ${timeout} ${err} 等待页面不包含元素
[Arguments] ${locator} ${timeout}=10 ${err}=None
Wait Until Page Does Not Contain Element ${locator} ${timeout} ${err} 等待页面不包含文本
[Arguments] ${text} ${timeout}=10 ${err}=None
Wait Until Page Does Not Contain ${text} ${timeout} ${err} 缩小元素
[Arguments] ${locator} ${percent}=200% ${step}=1
Pinch ${locator} ${percent} ${step} 获取Appium超时时间
${timeout} Get Appium Timeout
[Return] ${timeout} 获取Web元素
[Arguments] ${locator}
[Documentation] 获取匹配的定位器的第一个元素:
... ${element} 获取Web元素 id=name
... 点击元素 ${element}
${element} Get Webelement ${locator}
[Return] ${element} 获取元素坐标
[Arguments] ${locator}
${location} Get Element Location ${locator}
[Return] ${location} 获取元素尺寸
[Arguments] ${locator}
${size} Get Element Size ${locator}
[Return] ${size} 获取元素属性
[Arguments] ${locator} ${name_or_value}
[Documentation] 获取元素属性:(name 或者 value)
... ${val} \ 获取元素属性 ${locator} ${name_or_value}
... 例如:
... ${val} 获取元素属性 id=xxxx name
... ${val} 获取元素属性 id=xxxx value
${val} Get Element Attribute ${locator} ${name_or_value}
[Return] ${val} 获取匹配xpath数
[Arguments] ${xpath}
[Documentation] 例如:
... ${count} \ \ \ 获取匹配xpath数 \ \ //android.view.View[@text='Test']
${count} Get Matching Xpath Count ${xpath}
[Return] ${count} 获取可见文本
${contents} Get Contexts
[Return] ${contents} 获取当前文本
${context} Get Current Context
[Return] ${context} 获取所有web元素
[Arguments] ${locator}
[Documentation] @{element} 获取所有web元素 id=my_element
... 点击元素 @{element}[2]
@{element} Get Webelements ${locator}
[Return] @{element} 获取文件
[Arguments] ${file_path} ${decode}=False
pull file ${file_path} ${decode} 获取文件夹
[Arguments] ${folder_path} ${decode}=False
Pull Folder ${folder_path} ${decode} 获取文本
[Arguments] ${locator}
[Documentation] 获取符合元素的文本:
... ${text} \ 获取文本 \ //*[contains(@text,'foo')]
${text} Get Text ${locator}
[Return] ${text} 获取网络连接情况
${stat} Get Network Connection Status
[Return] ${stat} 获取资源
${source} Get Source
[Return] ${source} 设置Appium超时
[Arguments] ${sec}
Set Appium Timeout ${sec} 设置网络连接状态
[Arguments] ${sec}
Set Network Connection Status ${sec} 输入值
[Arguments] ${locator} ${val}
Input Value ${locator} ${val} 输入密码
[Arguments] ${path} ${passwd}
Input Password ${path} ${passwd} 输入文本
[Arguments] ${path} ${text}
Input Text ${path} ${text} 返回
[Documentation] 浏览器返回上一个的页面
Go Back 重置应用
Reset Application 锁屏
[Arguments] ${sec}
[Documentation] 这个方法只使用于IOS
Lock ${sec} 长按元素
[Arguments] ${locator}
Long Press ${locator} 长按关键字
[Arguments] ${keycode} ${metastate}=None
[Documentation] keycode 可以在这个网址里面找到:
... http://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/KeyEvent.html.
... Args:
... \ \ \ \ - keycode - the keycode to be sent to the device
... \ \ - metastate - meta information about the keycode being sent
Long Press Keycode ${keycode} ${metastate} 隐藏键盘
Hide Keyboard 页面不应该包含元素
[Arguments] ${locator} ${lvl}=INFO
Page Should Not Contain Element ${locator} ${lvl} 页面不应该包含文本
[Arguments] ${locator} ${lvl}=INFO
Page Should Not Contain Text ${locator} ${lvl} 页面应该包含元素
[Arguments] ${locator} ${lvl}=INFO
Page Should Contain Element ${locator} ${lvl} 页面应该包含文本
[Arguments] ${locator} ${lvl}=INFO
Page Should Contain Text ${locator} ${lvl} 页面截图
[Arguments] ${filename}=
Capture Page Screenshot ${filename}


  1. ecshop 秒杀并发时库存会被减到小于0的解决办法
  2. linux学习日记之目录配制
  3. bzoj2330 糖果
  4. css样式表(四)
  5. [后端人员耍前端系列]KnockoutJs篇:使用KnockoutJs+Bootstrap实现分页
  6. 当手机被PS掉,人们看到的是手中的灵魂
  7. php弱类型
  8. Unicode转为UTF8
  9. linux 内核驱动加载过程中 向文件系统中的文件进行读写操作
  10. Longge的问题(欧拉,思维)
  11. shell变量$(CURDIR),$0,$1,$2,$#含义解释
  12. ip 百度地图 php
  13. JAVA学习资源分享
  14. 安装和启动tftp-server服务器及可能出现Redirecting to /bin/systemctl restart xinetd.service问题的解决方式
  15. Python入门 序列章
  16. Zookeeper中Session Timeout的那些事
  17. Oracle11g 密码延迟认证导致library cache lock的情况分析
  18. 解压cpio.gz、zip类型文件
  19. RAMPS1.4 3d打印控制板接线与测试5
  20. spring答题


  1. 十三、LaTex中的参考文献BibTex
  2. WebService简单使用教程
  3. axios 请求常用组件,及其错误
  4. Linux man学习
  5. C++ 6小时刷完面向对象
  6. 22_4mybatis——动态SQL
  7. 浅谈java虚拟机|系列1|架构简介
  8. DevExpress WPF v19.1新版亮点:Data Editors等控件新功能
  9. JVM体系结构及优化
  10. 非root用户随开机而启动mysql服务