From Michael I. Jordan

As with many phrases that cross over from technical academic fields into general circulation, there is significant misunderstanding accompanying use of the phrase.

human-imitative AI;

Intelligence Augmentation” (IA)

Intelligent Infrastructure” (II),

IA will also remain quite essential, because for the foreseeable future, computers will not be able to match humans in their ability to reason abstractly about real-world situations. We will need well-thought-out interactions of humans and computers to solve our most pressing problems. And we will want computers to trigger new levels of human creativity, not replace human creativity (whatever that might mean).

Supplementary knowledge:

1. 学科发展是有不平衡性的,站在风口(AI)上,猪都能飞起来


Michael I. Jordan

IA will also remain quite essential, because for the foreseeable future, computers will not be able to match humans in their ability to reason abstractly about real-world situations. We will need wellthought-out interactions of humans and computers to solve our most pressing problems. And we will want computers to trigger new levels of human creativity, not replace human creativity (whatever that might mean).


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  5. 获取出口IP地址
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