
New stuff

        - Added OnException event property to TkbmMWScheduler. Will be called if
          some scheduled event internally excepts and the exception is not caught
          by the user code.
        - Added Read and Write functions to TkbmMWLock.
          Calling Read/Write will impose a read or write lock until the end of
          code block scope. (experimental)
        - Added more functions to TkbmMWRTTI class.
        - Added Insert, Append and Delete methods to SmartBind navigator.
          They support generic list and dataset navigators.
        - Added Refresh method to SmartBind navigator. Will
          force a structural refresh of bindings refering to the same navigator.
        - Added Value[const AName:string]:TValue property to SmartBind navigator.
          Provides and sets the named current record/item value property.
        - Fixed TkbmMWFireDACResolver missing from non Win32 platforms.
        - Fixed TkbmMWBoyerMoore.
        - Fixed and improved TkbmMWSmartEvent.
        - Fixed compilation of kbmMWDebugStackTrace.
        - Fixed Windowed ListView SmartBind for VCL and FMX.
        - Fixed and improved SmartBind.
        - Fixed various range errors.


  1. 【转】iOS夯实:ARC时代的内存管理
  2. Oracle buffer cache
  3. 【五子棋AI循序渐进】——整合完成
  4. 使用UEditor无法SetContent的问题
  5. Java实现多线程邮件发送
  6. Flex Alert.show()方法的详解
  7. PostgreSQL的 initdb 源代码分析之十二
  8. 实现网页页面跳转的几种方法(meta标签、js实现、php实现)
  9. 非均匀B样条拟合MATLAB程序
  10. 好的安排小明(南阳19)(DFS)
  11. Ubuntu Server 12.04安装图解教程
  12. unity3d 打包个人记录
  13. android activity的生命周期和启动模式
  14. Kubernetes 笔记 04 架构是个好东西
  15. ORM杂记
  16. Luogu P1439 【模板】最长公共子序列
  17. Angular 学习笔记 Material
  18. Apache-Axis小结
  19. json字符串的标准格式
  20. Spring 3整合Quartz 2实现定时任务三:动态暂停 恢复 修改和删除任务


  1. 模拟赛 T3 DFS序+树状数组+树链的并+点权/边权技巧
  2. 各类app的小结
  3. [RN] React Native 使用 图片预览和放大 插件 react-native-image-zoom-viewer 过程中,放大报错问题
  4. 第03组 Beta冲刺(4/4)
  5. IPython 安装
  6. IRQL
  7. prometheus、node_exporter、cAdvisor常用参数
  8. IE浏览器卡死提示是否停止运行此脚本的解决办法
  9. 【07月01日】A股滚动市净率PB历史新低排名
  10. 新添加的用户无法sudo解决方案