
insert into `数据表名称` (`字段名称`, ...) values ('1', ...);
delete from `数据表名称` where 子句;
update `数据表名称` set (`字段名称`='1', ...) where 子句;
select * from `数据表名称`;
select (`字段名称`,...) from `数据表名称`;
select `字段名称1`*`字段名称2` from `数据表名称`;
select `字段名称1` as `别名1`, `字段名称2` as `别名2` from `数据表名称`;
select distinct from `数据表名称`;
select * from `数据表名称` where `字段名称` > 1;
select * from `数据表名称` where `字段名称1` > 1 and `字段名称2` < 2;
select * from `数据表名称` where `字段名称1` > 2 or `字段名称2` > 4;
select * from `数据表名称` where not in (1, 2);
select * from `数据表名称` where in (1, 2);
select * from `数据表名称` between 1 and 3;#类似大于等于1,小于等于3
select * from `数据表名称` where `字段名称` is null;
select * from `数据表名称` where `字段名称` like '值_' or '值%' or '%值%' or '%值';#下划线表示一个字符,百分号表示任意个字符
select * from `数据表名称` order by `字段名称` asc;
select * from `数据表名称` order by `字段名称` asc;
select * from `数据表名称` order by `字段名称1` asc, `字段名称2`desc;
select * from `数据表名称` limit 0, 1;
select count(`字段名称1`), max(`字段名称2`), min(`字段名称3`), sum(`字段名称4`), avg(`字段名称5`) from `数据表名称`;
select * from `数据表名称` group by `字段名称1` order by `字段名称2` desc;#分类排序
select * from `数据表名称` group by `字段名称1` having `字段名称2`='2';


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