4 docker-compose安装FastDFS


network_mode 必须是host, 原因是当上传文件时,tracker会把storage的IP和端口发给client,如果是bridge模式,则发送的是内网IP,client无法访问到。


4.1 docker-compose-fastdfs.yml

version: '3'
image: season/fastdfs:1.2
container_name: fastdfs-tracker
restart: always
- /mydata/fastdfs/tracker/data:/fastdfs/tracker/data
- /mydata/fastdfs/tracker/conf:/etc/fdfs
- 22122:22122
command: tracker
image: season/fastdfs:1.2
container_name: fastdfs-storage
- fastdfs-tracker
- fastdfs-tracker
- /mydata/fastdfs/fdfs_conf/storage.conf:/fdfs_conf/storage.conf
- /mydata/fastdfs/storage/data:/fastdfs/storage/data
- /mydata/fastdfs/store_path:/fastdfs/store_path
- 23000:23000
TRACKER_SERVER: "fastdfs-tracker:22122"
command: storage
image: season/fastdfs:1.2
container_name: fastdfs-nginx
- /mydata/fastdfs/nginx/conf/nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/conf/nginx.conf
- /mydata/fastdfs/store_path:/fastdfs/store_path
- fastdfs-tracker
- 10000:10000
TRACKER_SERVER: "fastdfs-tracker:22122"
command: nginx

4.2 nginx.conf

#user  nobody;
worker_processes 1; #error_log logs/error.log;
#error_log logs/error.log notice;
#error_log logs/error.log info; #pid logs/nginx.pid; events {
worker_connections 1024;
} http {
include mime.types;
default_type application/octet-stream; #access_log logs/access.log main; sendfile on;
#tcp_nopush on; #keepalive_timeout 0;
keepalive_timeout 65; #gzip on; server {
listen 10000;
server_name localhost; #charset koi8-r; #缩略图需要使用插件,需要单独构建nginx镜像,此处忽略
#location /group([0-9])/M00/.*\.(gif|jpg|jpeg|png)$ {
# root /fastdfs/storage/data;
# image on;
# image_output off;
# image_jpeg_quality 75;
# image_backend off;
# image_backend_server http://baidu.com/docs/aabbc.png;
# } # group1
location /group1/M00 {
# 文件存储目录
root /fastdfs/storage/data;
} #error_page 404 /404.html; # redirect server error pages to the static page /50x.html
error_page 500 502 503 504 /50x.html;
location = /50x.html {
root html;

4.3 storage.conf

#is this config file disabled
# false for enabled
# true for disabled
disabled=false # the name of the group this storage server belongs to
group_name=group1 # bind an address of this host
# empty for bind all addresses of this host
bind_addr= # if bind an address of this host when connect to other servers
# (this storage server as a client)
# true for binding the address configed by above parameter: "bind_addr"
# false for binding any address of this host
client_bind=true # the storage server port
port=23000 # connect timeout in seconds
# default value is 30s
connect_timeout=30 # network timeout in seconds
# default value is 30s
network_timeout=60 # heart beat interval in seconds
heart_beat_interval=30 # disk usage report interval in seconds
stat_report_interval=60 # the base path to store data and log files
base_path=/fastdfs/storage # max concurrent connections the server supported
# default value is 256
# more max_connections means more memory will be used
max_connections=256 # the buff size to recv / send data
# this parameter must more than 8KB
# default value is 64KB
# since V2.00
buff_size = 256KB # accept thread count
# default value is 1
# since V4.07
accept_threads=1 # work thread count, should <= max_connections
# work thread deal network io
# default value is 4
# since V2.00
work_threads=4 # if disk read / write separated
## false for mixed read and write
## true for separated read and write
# default value is true
# since V2.00
disk_rw_separated = true # disk reader thread count per store base path
# for mixed read / write, this parameter can be 0
# default value is 1
# since V2.00
disk_reader_threads = 1 # disk writer thread count per store base path
# for mixed read / write, this parameter can be 0
# default value is 1
# since V2.00
disk_writer_threads = 1 # when no entry to sync, try read binlog again after X milliseconds
# must > 0, default value is 200ms
sync_wait_msec=50 # after sync a file, usleep milliseconds
# 0 for sync successively (never call usleep)
sync_interval=0 # storage sync start time of a day, time format: Hour:Minute
# Hour from 0 to 23, Minute from 0 to 59
sync_start_time=00:00 # storage sync end time of a day, time format: Hour:Minute
# Hour from 0 to 23, Minute from 0 to 59
sync_end_time=23:59 # write to the mark file after sync N files
# default value is 500
write_mark_file_freq=500 # path(disk or mount point) count, default value is 1
store_path_count=1 # store_path#, based 0, if store_path0 not exists, it's value is base_path
# the paths must be exist
#store_path1=/home/yuqing/fastdfs2 # subdir_count * subdir_count directories will be auto created under each
# store_path (disk), value can be 1 to 256, default value is 256
subdir_count_per_path=256 # tracker_server can ocur more than once, and tracker_server format is
# "host:port", host can be hostname or ip address
tracker_server=fastdfs-tracker:22122 #standard log level as syslog, case insensitive, value list:
### emerg for emergency
### alert
### crit for critical
### error
### warn for warning
### notice
### info
### debug
log_level=info #unix group name to run this program,
#not set (empty) means run by the group of current user
run_by_group= #unix username to run this program,
#not set (empty) means run by current user
run_by_user= # allow_hosts can ocur more than once, host can be hostname or ip address,
# "*" means match all ip addresses, can use range like this: 10.0.1.[1-15,20] or
# host[01-08,20-25].domain.com, for example:
# allow_hosts=10.0.1.[1-15,20]
# allow_hosts=host[01-08,20-25].domain.com
allow_hosts=* # the mode of the files distributed to the data path
# 0: round robin(default)
# 1: random, distributted by hash code
file_distribute_path_mode=0 # valid when file_distribute_to_path is set to 0 (round robin),
# when the written file count reaches this number, then rotate to next path
# default value is 100
file_distribute_rotate_count=100 # call fsync to disk when write big file
# 0: never call fsync
# other: call fsync when written bytes >= this bytes
# default value is 0 (never call fsync)
fsync_after_written_bytes=0 # sync log buff to disk every interval seconds
# must > 0, default value is 10 seconds
sync_log_buff_interval=10 # sync binlog buff / cache to disk every interval seconds
# default value is 60 seconds
sync_binlog_buff_interval=10 # sync storage stat info to disk every interval seconds
# default value is 300 seconds
sync_stat_file_interval=300 # thread stack size, should >= 512KB
# default value is 512KB
thread_stack_size=512KB # the priority as a source server for uploading file.
# the lower this value, the higher its uploading priority.
# default value is 10
upload_priority=10 # the NIC alias prefix, such as eth in Linux, you can see it by ifconfig -a
# multi aliases split by comma. empty value means auto set by OS type
# default values is empty
if_alias_prefix= # if check file duplicate, when set to true, use FastDHT to store file indexes
# 1 or yes: need check
# 0 or no: do not check
# default value is 0
check_file_duplicate=0 # file signature method for check file duplicate
## hash: four 32 bits hash code
## md5: MD5 signature
# default value is hash
# since V4.01
file_signature_method=hash # namespace for storing file indexes (key-value pairs)
# this item must be set when check_file_duplicate is true / on
key_namespace=FastDFS # set keep_alive to 1 to enable persistent connection with FastDHT servers
# default value is 0 (short connection)
keep_alive=0 # you can use "#include filename" (not include double quotes) directive to
# load FastDHT server list, when the filename is a relative path such as
# pure filename, the base path is the base path of current/this config file.
# must set FastDHT server list when check_file_duplicate is true / on
# please see INSTALL of FastDHT for detail
##include /home/yuqing/fastdht/conf/fdht_servers.conf # if log to access log
# default value is false
# since V4.00
use_access_log = false # if rotate the access log every day
# default value is false
# since V4.00
rotate_access_log = false # rotate access log time base, time format: Hour:Minute
# Hour from 0 to 23, Minute from 0 to 59
# default value is 00:00
# since V4.00
access_log_rotate_time=00:00 # if rotate the error log every day
# default value is false
# since V4.02
rotate_error_log = false # rotate error log time base, time format: Hour:Minute
# Hour from 0 to 23, Minute from 0 to 59
# default value is 00:00
# since V4.02
error_log_rotate_time=00:00 # rotate access log when the log file exceeds this size
# 0 means never rotates log file by log file size
# default value is 0
# since V4.02
rotate_access_log_size = 0 # rotate error log when the log file exceeds this size
# 0 means never rotates log file by log file size
# default value is 0
# since V4.02
rotate_error_log_size = 0 # if skip the invalid record when sync file
# default value is false
# since V4.02
file_sync_skip_invalid_record=false # if use connection pool
# default value is false
# since V4.05
use_connection_pool = false # connections whose the idle time exceeds this time will be closed
# unit: second
# default value is 3600
# since V4.05
connection_pool_max_idle_time = 3600 # use the ip address of this storage server if domain_name is empty,
# else this domain name will ocur in the url redirected by the tracker server
# the port of the web server on this storage server

4.4 测试


docker exec -it fastdfs-storage /bin/bash

进入 storage 容器中使用命令上传一个图片, 可使用容器自带的测试图片, 也可 docker cp 将本机图片复制进来

cd /fdfs_conf
fdfs_upload_file storage.conf anti-steal.jpg #用容器自带的测试图片上传, 返回路径如 /group1/M00/00/00/xxxx

访问 localhost:10000/group1/M00/00/00/rBIAAmNmi82AJxLsAABdrZgsqUU214.jpg 出现防盗链图片即代表部署成功


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  7. BZOJ 2761 不重复数字 (Hash)
  8. nginx 源码安装
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  18. 客户端无法重新使用 SPID 为 63 的会话,该会话已被重置用于连接
  19. sys.stdout.flush()以及subprocess的用处
  20. FastAdmin composer json 版本说明


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