动态成员查找是 Swift 中的一项功能特性,可提高与 Python 或 Javascript 等动态语言的互操作性。它允许动态成员查找调用看起来像访问类型属性的常规调用:

let people = People()
let name = people.name // 像访问属性一样

name是从字典中查找的,而不是作为 People 的属性访问的。


要在你的自定义类型中使用动态成员查找,请使用 @dynamicMemberLookup标注你的类型,并实现如下方法:




struct People {
private var map = ["name": "drbox", "job": "developer"]
subscript(dynamicMember key: String) -> String {
map[key] ?? "undefine"

现在你可以像访问它的属性一样查找 People 对象的成员。

let people = People()
let name = people.name
let job = people.job


  • 首先我们使用@dynamicMemberLookup标注了People类型
  • 实现了subscript(dynamicMember:)方法,该方法我们接收一个String类型的参数,并返回一个String类型值


struct Info {
let job: String
let homeAddr: String
} struct People {
let name: String
let info: Info
} let info = Info(job: "developer", homeAddr: "beijing")
let people = People(name: "drbox", info: info)
print("job: \(people.info.job)") // 访问成员属性的属性

通过调用people.info.job可以访问Info的属性值。但是,如果你想直接通过people.job 而不是people.info.job 调用它怎么办?


struct People {
let name: String
let info: Info subscript<T>(dynamicMember path: KeyPath<Info, T>) -> T {
info[keyPath: path]
} let info = Info(job: "developer", homeAddr: "beijing")
let people = People(name: "drbox", info: info)
print("job: \(people.job)") // 直接访问成员属性的属性



public struct Reactive<Base> {
/// Base object to extend.
public let base: Base /// Creates extensions with base object.
/// - parameter base: Base object.
public init(_ base: Base) {
self.base = base
} /// Automatically synthesized binder for a key path between the reactive
/// base and one of its properties
public subscript<Property>(dynamicMember keyPath: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<Base, Property>) -> Binder<Property> where Base: AnyObject {
Binder(self.base) { base, value in
base[keyPath: keyPath] = value



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