


// filename: full_adder.v

module full_adder(
input wire a_in,
input wire b_in,
input wire c_in,
output wire sum_out,
output wire c_out
); assign sum_out = a_in & b_in & c_in;
assign c_out = (a_in & b_in) | (b_in & c_in) | (a_in & c_in); endmodule


// filename: full_adder_tb.v

module full_adder_tb;
reg ain, bin, cin;
wire sumout, cout; //task 1: createan instance
full_adder u_full_adder(
.a_in (ain),
.b_in (bin),
.c_in (cin),
.sum_out (sumout),
.c_out (cout)
); //task 2: clock and reset generator
parameter CLK_PERIOD = 20;
reg clk, reset_n; initial begin
clk = 0;
forever begin
#(CLK_PERIOD/2) clk = ~clk;
end initial begin
reset_n = 0;
#100 reset_n = 1;
end //task 3: drive the stimulus and capture the response
initial begin
#110 ain = 0; bin = 0; cin =0; //00
#20 ain = 0; bin = 1; cin =0; //01
#20 ain = 1; bin = 0; cin =0; //01
#20 ain = 1; bin = 1; cin =0; //10
#20 ain = 0; bin = 0; cin =1; //01
#20 ain = 0; bin = 1; cin =1; //10
#20 ain = 1; bin = 0; cin =1; //10
#20 ain = 1; bin = 1; cin =1; //11
#50 $finish;
end //task 4: check the result
always @ (posedge clk) begin
else begin
$display("%t:%m:resetting finish!",$time);
end initial begin
#115 if({cout,sumout}!=2'b00)
$display("%t, Error: {cout,sumout} = %b, ain = %b, bin = %b, cin = %b", $time, {cout,sumout}, ain, bin, cin);
#20 if({cout,sumout} != 2'b01)
$display("Error: {cout,sumout} = %b, ain = %b, bin = %b, cin = %b", {cout,sumout}, ain, bin, cin);
#20 if({cout,sumout} != 2'b01)
$display("Error: {cout,sumout} = %b, ain = %b, bin = %b, cin = %b", {cout,sumout}, ain, bin, cin);
#20 if({cout,sumout} != 2'b10)
$display("Error: {cout,sumout} = %b, ain = %b, bin = %b, cin = %b", {cout,sumout}, ain, bin, cin);
#20 if({cout,sumout} != 2'b01)
$display("Error: {cout,sumout} = %b, ain = %b, bin = %b, cin = %b", {cout,sumout}, ain, bin, cin);
#20 if({cout,sumout} != 2'b10)
$display("Error: {cout,sumout} = %b, ain = %b, bin = %b, cin = %b", {cout,sumout}, ain, bin, cin);
#20 if({cout,sumout} != 2'b10)
$display("Error: {cout,sumout} = %b, ain = %b, bin = %b, cin = %b", {cout,sumout}, ain, bin, cin);
#20 if({cout,sumout} != 2'b11)
$display("Error: {cout,sumout} = %b, ain = %b, bin = %b, cin = %b", {cout,sumout}, ain, bin, cin);
end //task 5: dump wave form with the compile option -debug_all
initial begin
end endmodule



输入:which vsim //查找QuestaSim位置并确认其可用性

输入:vsim 打开软件


New Project: Name: full_adder, Default Library Name: work

-> Add existing file: full_adder.v, full_adder_tb.v

-> Compile All

-> Start simulation: work.full_adder_tb.v

-> Object: Add Wave -> Run or Run all


all: create_lib compile simulate 

vlib work compile:
vlog -l comp.log -sv full_adder.v full_adder_tb.v simulate:
vsim -l sim.log -voptargs=+acc work.full_adder_tb -do "log -r *; run -all" clean:
rm -rf *work mti_lib transcript modelsim.ini *wlf seq.cr.mti seq.mpf *.log




2、novopt: Optimizations are Disabled的问题

3、$vcdpluson is not defined的问题

4、makefile的代替版本【For VCS】:


run: compile simulate
vcs -debug_all timescale.v full_adder.v full_adder_tb.v -l com.log simulate:
./simv -l sim.log run_cov: compile_coverage simulate_coverage compile_coverage:
vcs -debug_all -cm line+cond+fsm+tgl+branch -lca timescale.v full_adder.v full_adder_tb.v -l com.log simulate_coverage:
./simv -cm line+cond+fsm+tgl+branch -lca -cm_log cm.log -l sim.log clean:
rm -rf *.log

Good Luck !


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