


ss-a-c-tt ,就是说删除a之前要删除b,c才行,如果ss-a还有流量就证明ss-a > (b->tt)+(c->tt)那么删除他们三个是最优的......

#include<string.h> #define N_node 5500
#define N_edge 150000
#define INF 0x3f3f3f3f3f3f3f3f using namespace std; typedef struct
int to ,next;
long long cost;
}STAR; typedef struct
int x ,t;
}DEP; DEP xin ,tou;
STAR E[N_edge];
int list[N_node] ,listt[N_node] ,tot;
int deep[N_node]; void add(int a ,int b ,long long c)
E[++tot].to = b;
E[tot].cost = c;
E[tot].next = list[a];
list[a] = tot; E[++tot].to = a;
E[tot].cost = 0;
E[tot].next = list[b];
list[b] = tot;
} long long minn(long long x ,long long y)
return x < y ? x : y;
} bool BFS_Deep(int s ,int t ,int n)
memset(deep ,255 ,sizeof(deep));
xin.x = s ,xin.t = 0;
deep[xin.x] = xin.t;
tou = q.front();
for(int k = list[tou.x] ;k ;k = E[k].next)
xin.x = E[k].to;
xin.t = tou.t + 1;
if(deep[xin.x] != -1 || !E[k].cost)
deep[xin.x] = xin.t;
for(int i = 0 ;i <= n ;i ++)
listt[i] = list[i];
return deep[t] != -1;
} long long DFS_Flow(int s ,int t ,long long flow)
if(s == t) return flow;
long long nowflow = 0;
for(int k = listt[s] ;k ;k = E[k].next)
listt[s] = k;
int to = E[k].to;
long long c = E[k].cost;
if(deep[to] != deep[s] + 1 || !c)
long long tmp = DFS_Flow(to ,t ,minn(c ,flow - nowflow));
nowflow += tmp;
E[k].cost -= tmp;
E[k^1].cost += tmp;
if(nowflow == flow) break;
if(!nowflow) deep[s] = 0;
return nowflow;
} long long DINIC(int s ,int t ,int n)
long long Ans = 0;
while(BFS_Deep(s ,t ,n))
Ans += DFS_Flow(s ,t ,INF);
return Ans;
} int SS;
int mark[N_node];
void DFS(int s)
mark[s] = 1;
for(int k = list[s] ;k ;k = E[k].next)
if(!mark[E[k].to] && E[k].cost)
SS ++;
return ;
} int main ()
int n ,m ,i ,a ,b;
long long c ,S;
while(~scanf("%d %d" ,&n ,&m))
int ss = 0 ,tt = n + 1;
memset(list ,0 ,sizeof(list));
tot = 1;
for(S = 0 ,i = 1 ;i <= n ;i ++)
scanf("%lld" ,&c);
c > 0 ? add(ss ,i ,c) : add(i ,tt ,-c);
if(c > 0) S += c;
for(i = 1 ;i <= m ;i ++)
scanf("%d %d" ,&a ,&b);
add(a ,b ,INF);
S -= DINIC(ss ,tt ,tt);
memset(mark ,0 ,sizeof(mark));
SS = 0;
printf("%d %lld\n" ,SS ,S);
return 0;


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