函数头为double power(double x,int n)。在主函数中输入x、n并调用该函数求 (函数定义在主函数后面,在调用前做函数声明)


2 #include<stdio.h>
3 double power(double, int);
4 int main()
5 {
6 double x; int n;
7 puts("INPUT 'x', 'n'\n");
8 scanf("%lf%d", &x, &n);
9 printf("x^n = %lf", power(x, n));
10 return 0;
11 }
12 double power(double x, int n)
13 {
14 int i; double rst = 1;
15 if (n == 0)//i不会小于0
16 {
17 return 1;
18 }
19 else
20 for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)//常规思路
21 {
22 rst = rst * x;
23 }
24 return rst;
25 }
1 double power(double x, int n)//用递归
2 {
3 int i; double rst = 1;
4 if (n == 0) return 1;
5 else return x * power(x, n - 1);
6 }


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