declare (strict_types = 1);
namespace app\controller; use app\BaseController;
use think\facade\Db; class Index extends BaseController
public function index()
$this->hello((int) $_GET['a']);
$a = Db::name('user')->where('id', 1)->find(); return json($a);
} public function hello(string $name = 'ThinkPHP6')
return 'hello,' . $name;

1.declare (strict_types = 1); //开启严格模式,检查参数的类型

Argument 1 passed to app\controller\Index::hello() must be of the type string, int given, called in /www/wwwroot/test/tp6/app/controller/Index.php on line 12


2.hello(string $name = 'ThinkPHP6') //hello函数定义name必须传字符串类型

3.$this->hello((int) $_GET['a']); //实际传参时候给了一个整形

4.declare (strict_types = 1); 在严格模式下直接报错


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  5. Hibernate 的saveOrUpdate方法(转)
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  11. Python 基础-python环境变量、模块初识及字符类型
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