日常英语---七、[Updated November 14 at 4:10 PM PST] Scheduled Game Update - November 14, 2018(n.标准)




[太平洋标准时间11月14日太平洋标准时间下午4:10更新]预定游戏更新 - 2018年11月14日


  • abbr. 太平洋标准时间(Pacific Standard Time)


英 ['stændəd]  美 ['stændɚd] 
  • n. 标准;水准;旗;度量衡标准
  • adj. 标准的;合规格的;公认为优秀的
  • n. (Standard)人名;(英)斯坦达德;(德)施坦达德


英 [nə(ʊ)'vembə]  美 [no'vɛmbɚ] 
  • n. 十一月

1、[Updated November 14 at 4:10 PM PST] :一旦我们确认那里的修复,我们就可以开始直播了。我们希望在接下来的几个小时内完成维护。补丁说明应在此处公布。我们将尝试每30分钟继续提供有关维护进度的更新。


[Updated November 14 at 4:10 PM PST] We have confirmed all fixes on our test server and are applying the fixes to our live server. Once we confirm the fixes there, we'll be ready to open live. We hope to complete the maintenance within the next couple hours.

[Updated November 14 at 3:10 PM PST] We have received fixes for all issues discovered and are testing them now. Patch notes should be posted already here. We will try to continue providing updates every 30 minutes regarding the progress of the maintenance.




英 ['fɪksɪz]  美 ['fɪksɪz] 
  • n. 菲克斯类(一种烈酒)
  • v. 修理(fix的三单形式)
  • n. (Fixes)人名;(法)菲克斯


英 [pætʃ]  美 [pætʃ] 
  • n. 眼罩;斑点;碎片;小块土地
  • vt. 修补;解决;掩饰
  • vi. 打补丁
  • n. (Patch)人名;(英)帕奇

[ 第三人称单数 patches 过去式 patched 过去分词 patched 现在分词 patching ]


英 [rɪ'gɑːdɪŋ]  美 [rɪ'ɡɑrdɪŋ] 
  • prep. 关于,至于

2、[Updated November 14 at 2:12 PM PST] :我们还在最后确定补丁说明,很抱歉,我们尚未完成ETA。


[Updated November 14 at 2:12 PM PST] We have received a fix for an issue with Tera Burning Project and are testing the fix now. We're still working on fixes for a few additional issues found with other content and events. We are also still finalizing the patch notes and plan to post them within the hour. We will continue to provide updates every 30 minutes regarding the progress of the maintenance. We apologize for the inconvenience.

[Updated November 14 at 1:14 PM PST] We've identified some additional issues with a few of the events and are still in the process of providing fixes for them. Unfortunately we don't have an ETA for completion yet. We are also still finalizing the patch notes and will plan to post them soon. We will continue to provide updates every 30 minutes regarding the progress of the maintenance. Thank you for your patience.

[太平洋标准时间11月14日下午2:12更新]我们收到了Tera Burning Project问题的修复程序,现在正在测试修复程序。我们仍在针对其他内容和事件发现的一些其他问题进行修复。我们还在最后确定补丁说明,并计划在一小时内发布。我们将每30分钟继续提供有关维护进度的更新。我们对不便表示抱歉。



英 ['faɪn(ə)laɪz]  美 ['faɪnəlaɪz] 
  • vt. 完成;使结束
  • vi. 把最后定下来;定案

[ 过去式 finalized 过去分词 finalized 现在分词 finalizing ]


英 [kəm'pliːʃn]  美 [kəm'pliʃən] 
  • n. 完成,结束;实现

3、[Updated November 14 at 12:30 PM PST]:直至另行通知。仍在正轨上


[Updated November 14 at 12:30 PM PST] We've identified a few issues during testing that we would like to address before releasing the update. We are still working on the fixes now and will provide updates every 30 minutes regarding the progress of the maintenance. Thank you for your patience.

[Updated November 14 at 11:43 AM PST] The maintenance has been extended until further notice.

[Updated November 13 at 10:00 PM PST] We wanted to provide an update that maintenance is still on track for Wednesday, however we've run into some issues with the client that we're working to resolve. Unfortunately, this has caused a delay as to when the Patch Notes will be ready. We’re focusing on getting the build ready to patch tomorrow, after which we’ll finish up the Patch Notes. We plan to post them Wednesday.




4、8:00 AM EST / 2:00 PM CET / 12:00 AM AEDT November 15:我们预计维护将持续大约7个小时,每次维护的估计时间长度如有变更,


We will be performing a scheduled game update on Wednesday, November 14, 2018 at 5:00 AM PST (8:00 AM EST / 2:00 PM CET / 12:00 AM AEDT November 15). We anticipate the maintenance to last approximately 7 hours, concluding around 12:00 PM PST on Wednesday, November 14 (3:00 PM EST / 9:00 PM CET / 7:00 AM AEDT November 15).

Please note that the estimated length of time for each maintenance is subject to change without notification.

Thanks for your patience!

我们将于 2018年11月14日星期三太平洋标准时间上午5点(美国东部时间上午8点/中欧时间下午2点/美国东部时间11月15日中午12点)进行预定的游戏更新。我们预计维护将持续大约7个小时,在美国东部时间周一中午12点(美国东部时间下午3点/中欧时间晚上9点/美国东部时间11月15日上午7点)结束。




英 [æn'tɪsɪpeɪt]  美 [æn'tɪsə'pet] 
  • vt. 预期,期望;占先,抢先;提前使用

[ 过去式 anticipated 过去分词 anticipated 现在分词 anticipating ]

is subject to

  • 受支配
  • 从属于
  • 有…倾向的

5、Changes and Updates:(n.存货,n.频道,n.赠券,n.协会,n.自然增长,n.说明书)?


Changes and Updates:

  • MapleStory will be updated to v.200. Check out the patch notes here!
  • Fixing an issue where the Fishing Material Bag could not be removed from the inventory.
  • Fixing an issue where the Maple Rewards UI would sometimes appear behind the mini-map in the top left corner when switching channels or entering/exiting the Cash Shop.
  • Fixing an issue where the Guild Skill Point Accrual display was missing from the Guild Skill tree.
  • Fixing a text issue with the 5th Job Pirate skill "Loaded Dice."
  • Fixing a graphics issue with Pearl Maple Arm Cannon where it appeared to be detached from the character arm.
  • Fixing an issue where some 2x EXP Coupons had text errors.
  • Fixing an issue where the quest "Nell's Proposal" had text errors.
  • Fixing an issue where the Can't Live Without You Chair's second image was invisible.
  • Fixing an issue where "[Maple Rewards] Krexel Annihilation" quest was still appearing, even though with the removal of Singapore, this quest can no longer be completed.
  • Fixing an issue where Carte Rose Finale Cards would not consistently appear on the ground.
  • Fixing an issue where the Cat Mug Random Chair was occasionally invisible.
  • Fixing an issue where the Mu Lung Dojo shop had text errors.
  • Fixing an issue with the Bed Head Coupon not displaying a gender specification.
  • Fixing an issue where there was some untranslated text in the Tower of OZ Lobby Witch Shop.
  • Fixing an issue where there was some untranslated text in the Luminous introduction.
  • 更改和更新:

    • MapleStory将更新为v.200。在这里查看补丁说明!
    • 解决了无法从库存中移除钓鱼材料袋的问题。
    • 修复了当切换频道或进入/离开现金商店时,Maple Rewards UI有时会出现在左上角迷你地图后面的问题。
    • 修复了公会技能树中缺少公会技能点应计显示的问题。
    • 使用第5个Job Pirate技能“加载骰子”修复了文本问题。
    • 使用Pearl Maple Arm Cannon解决图形问题,它似乎与角色臂分离。
    • 修复了某些2x EXP优惠券出现文本错误的问题。
    • 修复任务“内尔的提案”有文本错误的问题。
    • 解决了一个问题,即没有你的椅子的第二张图片是不可见的。
    • 解决了“[Maple Rewards] Krexel Annihilation”任务仍然出现的问题,即使新加坡被撤职,这个任务也无法再完成。
    • 解决了Carte Rose Finale Cards不会一直出现在地面上的问题。
    • 解决Cat Mug Random Chair偶尔看不见的问题。
    • 解决了Mu Lung Dojo商店出现文本错误的问题。
    • 解决床头优惠券的问题,但未显示性别规格。
    • 解决了OZ Lobby Witch Shop塔中有一些未翻译文本的问题。
    • 修复了Luminous简介中存在一些未翻译文本的问题。


英 ['ɪnv(ə)nt(ə)rɪ]  美 ['ɪnvəntɔri] 
  • n. 存货,存货清单;详细目录;财产清册

[ 复数 inventories 过去式 inventoried 过去分词 inventoried 现在分词 inventorying ]


  • n. 通道;频道;隧道;水槽;录音声道(channel的复数形式)
  • v. 输送;开槽;形成凹槽(channel的第三人称单数形式)


英 ['kuːpɒn]  美 ['kupɑn] 
  • n. 息票;赠券;联票;[经] 配给券


英 [gɪld]  美 [ɡɪld] 
  • n. 协会,行会;同业公会
  • n. (Guild)人名;(英)吉尔德


英 [ə'kruːəl]  美 [ə'krʊəl] 
  • n. 自然增长;自然增长额


英 [,spesɪfɪ'keɪʃ(ə)n]  美 ['spɛsəfə'keʃən] 
  • n. 规格;说明书;详述

二、[Updated November 14 at 4:10 PM PST] Scheduled Game Update - November 14, 2018

[Updated November 14 at 4:10 PM PST] We have confirmed all fixes on our test server and are applying the fixes to our live server. Once we confirm the fixes there, we'll be ready to open live. We hope to complete the maintenance within the next couple hours.

[Updated November 14 at 3:10 PM PST] We have received fixes for all issues discovered and are testing them now. Patch notes should be posted already here. We will try to continue providing updates every 30 minutes regarding the progress of the maintenance.

[Updated November 14 at 2:12 PM PST] We have received a fix for an issue with Tera Burning Project and are testing the fix now. We're still working on fixes for a few additional issues found with other content and events. We are also still finalizing the patch notes and plan to post them within the hour. We will continue to provide updates every 30 minutes regarding the progress of the maintenance. We apologize for the inconvenience.

[Updated November 14 at 1:14 PM PST] We've identified some additional issues with a few of the events and are still in the process of providing fixes for them. Unfortunately we don't have an ETA for completion yet. We are also still finalizing the patch notes and will plan to post them soon. We will continue to provide updates every 30 minutes regarding the progress of the maintenance. Thank you for your patience.

[Updated November 14 at 12:30 PM PST] We've identified a few issues during testing that we would like to address before releasing the update. We are still working on the fixes now and will provide updates every 30 minutes regarding the progress of the maintenance. Thank you for your patience.

[Updated November 14 at 11:43 AM PST] The maintenance has been extended until further notice.

[Updated November 13 at 10:00 PM PST] We wanted to provide an update that maintenance is still on track for Wednesday, however we've run into some issues with the client that we're working to resolve. Unfortunately, this has caused a delay as to when the Patch Notes will be ready. We’re focusing on getting the build ready to patch tomorrow, after which we’ll finish up the Patch Notes. We plan to post them Wednesday.

We will be performing a scheduled game update on Wednesday, November 14, 2018 at 5:00 AM PST (8:00 AM EST / 2:00 PM CET / 12:00 AM AEDT November 15). We anticipate the maintenance to last approximately 7 hours, concluding around 12:00 PM PST on Wednesday, November 14 (3:00 PM EST / 9:00 PM CET / 7:00 AM AEDT November 15).

Please note that the estimated length of time for each maintenance is subject to change without notification.

Thanks for your patience!


Wednesday, November 14, 2018
PST (UTC -8): 5:00 AM - 12:00 PM
EST (UTC -5): 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
CET (UTC +1): 2:00 PM - 9:00 PM
AEDT (UTC +11): 12:00 AM (November 15) - 7:00 AM (November 15)

  • What will be unavailable:

    • All MapleStory game servers.
  • Changes and Updates:
    • MapleStory will be updated to v.200. Check out the patch notes here!
    • Fixing an issue where the Fishing Material Bag could not be removed from the inventory.
    • Fixing an issue where the Maple Rewards UI would sometimes appear behind the mini-map in the top left corner when switching channels or entering/exiting the Cash Shop.
    • Fixing an issue where the Guild Skill Point Accrual display was missing from the Guild Skill tree.
    • Fixing a text issue with the 5th Job Pirate skill "Loaded Dice."
    • Fixing a graphics issue with Pearl Maple Arm Cannon where it appeared to be detached from the character arm.
    • Fixing an issue where some 2x EXP Coupons had text errors.
    • Fixing an issue where the quest "Nell's Proposal" had text errors.
    • Fixing an issue where the Can't Live Without You Chair's second image was invisible.
    • Fixing an issue where "[Maple Rewards] Krexel Annihilation" quest was still appearing, even though with the removal of Singapore, this quest can no longer be completed.
    • Fixing an issue where Carte Rose Finale Cards would not consistently appear on the ground.
    • Fixing an issue where the Cat Mug Random Chair was occasionally invisible.
    • Fixing an issue where the Mu Lung Dojo shop had text errors.
    • Fixing an issue with the Bed Head Coupon not displaying a gender specification.
    • Fixing an issue where there was some untranslated text in the Tower of OZ Lobby Witch Shop.
    • Fixing an issue where there was some untranslated text in the Luminous introduction.



[太平洋标准时间11月14日下午2:12更新]我们收到了Tera Burning Project问题的修复程序,现在正在测试修复程序。我们仍在针对其他内容和事件发现的一些其他问题进行修复。我们还在最后确定补丁说明,并计划在一小时内发布。我们将每30分钟继续提供有关维护进度的更新。我们对不便表示抱歉。





我们将于 2018年11月14日星期三太平洋标准时间上午5点(美国东部时间上午8点/中欧时间下午2点/美国东部时间11月15日中午12点)进行预定的游戏更新。我们预计维护将持续大约7个小时,在美国东部时间周一中午12点(美国东部时间下午3点/中欧时间晚上9点/美国东部时间11月15日上午7点)结束。




太平洋标准时间(UTC -8):美国东部时间  上午5:00 - 中午12:00 (UTC -5):上午8:00 - 下午3:00 CET (UTC +1):下午2:00 - 9:00 PM AEDT  (UTC +11):上午12:00(11月15日) - 上午7:00(11月15日)

  • 什么是不可用的:

    • 所有MapleStory游戏服务器。
  • 更改和更新:
    • MapleStory将更新为v.200。在这里查看补丁说明!
    • 解决了无法从库存中移除钓鱼材料袋的问题。
    • 修复了当切换频道或进入/离开现金商店时,Maple Rewards UI有时会出现在左上角迷你地图后面的问题。
    • 修复了公会技能树中缺少公会技能点应计显示的问题。
    • 使用第5个Job Pirate技能“加载骰子”修复了文本问题。
    • 使用Pearl Maple Arm Cannon解决图形问题,它似乎与角色臂分离。
    • 修复了某些2x EXP优惠券出现文本错误的问题。
    • 修复任务“内尔的提案”有文本错误的问题。
    • 解决了一个问题,即没有你的椅子的第二张图片是不可见的。
    • 解决了“[Maple Rewards] Krexel Annihilation”任务仍然出现的问题,即使新加坡被撤职,这个任务也无法再完成。
    • 解决了Carte Rose Finale Cards不会一直出现在地面上的问题。
    • 解决Cat Mug Random Chair偶尔看不见的问题。
    • 解决了Mu Lung Dojo商店出现文本错误的问题。
    • 解决床头优惠券的问题,但未显示性别规格。
    • 解决了OZ Lobby Witch Shop塔中有一些未翻译文本的问题。
    • 修复了Luminous简介中存在一些未翻译文本的问题。


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