

 1 <ListBox Name="lbMain">
2 <ListBox.ItemTemplate>
3 <DataTemplate>
4 <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
5 <TextBlock Text="{Binding FileName}"
6 Width="150" />
7 <TextBlock Text="{Binding AuthorName}"
8 Width="100" />
9 <TextBlock Text="{Binding UpTime}"
10 Width="100" />
11 </StackPanel>
12 </DataTemplate>
13 </ListBox.ItemTemplate>
14 <ListBox.GroupStyle>
15 <GroupStyle>
16 <GroupStyle.ContainerStyle>
17 <Style TargetType="{x:Type GroupItem}">
18 <Setter Property="Template">
19 <Setter.Value>
20 <ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type GroupItem}">
21 <Expander IsExpanded="True"
22 ExpandDirection="Down">
23 <Expander.Header>
24 <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
25 <TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=Name}"
26 VerticalAlignment="Center" />
27 <TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=ItemCount, StringFormat=数量:{0}}"
28 VerticalAlignment="Center"
29 Margin="5,0,0,0" />
30 <Button Content="Sale"
31 Margin="5,0,0,0" />
32 </StackPanel>
33 </Expander.Header>
34 <ItemsPresenter />
35 </Expander>
36 </ControlTemplate>
37 </Setter.Value>
38 </Setter>
39 </Style>
40 </GroupStyle.ContainerStyle>
41 </GroupStyle>
42 </ListBox.GroupStyle>
43 </ListBox>




 1 public class ModelFile
2 {
3 public string FileName { get; set; }
4 public string AuthorName { get; set; }
5 public string UpTime { get; set; }
6 }
8 public partial class MainWindow : Window
9 {
10 public ObservableCollection<ModelFile> CollectionModelFile = new ObservableCollection<ModelFile>();
12 public MainWindow()
13 {
14 InitializeComponent();
16 CollectionModelFile.Add(new ModelFile() { FileName = "WPF进化史", AuthorName = "王鹏", UpTime = "2014-10-10" });
17 CollectionModelFile.Add(new ModelFile() { FileName = "WPF概论", AuthorName = "大飞", UpTime = "2014-10-10" });
18 CollectionModelFile.Add(new ModelFile() { FileName = "WPF之美", AuthorName = "小虫", UpTime = "2014-10-11" });
19 CollectionModelFile.Add(new ModelFile() { FileName = "WPF之道", AuthorName = "青草", UpTime = "2014-11-11" });
20 CollectionModelFile.Add(new ModelFile() { FileName = "WPF之禅", AuthorName = "得瑟鬼", UpTime = "2014-11-11" });
21 CollectionModelFile.Add(new ModelFile() { FileName = "WPF入门", AuthorName = "今晚吃什么", UpTime = "2014-11-11" });
22 CollectionModelFile.Add(new ModelFile() { FileName = "WPF神技", AuthorName = "无间道王二", UpTime = "2014-12-12" });
23 CollectionModelFile.Add(new ModelFile() { FileName = "WPF不为人知之密", AuthorName = "星期八", UpTime = "2014-12-12" });
24 CollectionModelFile.Add(new ModelFile() { FileName = "WPF之革命", AuthorName = "两把刀", UpTime = "2014-12-12" });
26 lbMain.ItemsSource = CollectionModelFile;
28 ICollectionView cv = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(lbMain.ItemsSource);
29 cv.GroupDescriptions.Add(new PropertyGroupDescription("UpTime"));
30 }
31 }




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