u3d 楼梯,圆环,椭圆,直线运动。世界坐标。点击。

U3d stair, ring, ellipse, linear motion.World coordinates.Click .




E-mail: 313134555 @qq.com


Thirty degrees of stairs.

圆环  The ring

元件:创建、组合体、预制件、克隆; 算法:楼梯,圆环,椭圆; 运动:直线运动、点运动、定点运动; 人物控制,动画控制等等知识点模块。

Components: creation, assembly, prefabrication, cloning;Algorithm: stair, ring, ellipse;Sports: linear motion, point movement, fixed point movement;Character control, animation control, etc.

椭圆 The ellipse

移动。 Mobile.


0 is the left mouse button.On the computer.


On the phone.0 is the first finger touch point, 1 is the second one.Probably up to five.

世界坐标,屏幕坐标。World coordinates, screen coordinates.

世界是 u3d自身设定的一个坐标。The world is a coordinate of u3d itself.

屏幕坐标是 主摄像机的 坐标。The screen coordinates are the coordinates of the main camera.


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