

mysql -h hostname -u username -p password;
mysql --host=localhost --user=root --password

grant all on dbname.* to 'username'@'hostname' identified by 'password';

mysql --help


create database dbname;

use dbname;

create table limbs (thing varchar(20), legs int, arms int);

insert into limbs(thing, legs, arms) values('human', 2, 2);
insert into limbs(thing, legs, arms) values('insect', 6, 0);
insert into limbs(thing, legs, arms) values('squid', 0, 10);
insert into limbs(thing, legs, arms) values('octopus', 0, 8);
insert into limbs(thing, legs, arms) values('fish', 0, 0);
insert into limbs(thing, legs, arms) values('centipede', 100, 0);
insert into limbs(thing, legs, arms) values('table', 4, 0);
insert into limbs(thing, legs, arms) values('armchair', 4, 2);
insert into limbs(thing, legs, arms) values('phonograph', 0, 1);
insert into limbs(thing, legs, arms) values('tripod', 3, 0);
insert into limbs(thing, legs, arms) values('Peg Leg Pete', 1, 2);
insert into limbs(thing, legs, arms) values('space alien', null, null);

select * from limbs;


mysqldump -h localhost -u username -p daname > dbname.sql
mysqldump -h localhost -u cbuser -p cookbook > cookbook.sql

mysqldump -h srchost -uusername -ppassword srcdbname | mysql -hdsthost -uusername -p dstdbname
mysqldump -h192.168.62.68 -uroot -p** text | mysql -h127.0.0.1 -uroot -p test
mysqldump -h192.168.71.137 -uroot -p** love | mysql -h127.0.0.1 -uroot -p love

mysqladmin -p -u root shutdown


net start mysql
net stop mysql

service mysqld start
service mysqld stop




mysql --print-defaults

my_print_defaults client mysql

chmod 60 .my.cnf
chmod go-rwx .my.cnf


select * from tables;

select * from table\g


select * 
from tables
where fun \c

--/* */注释
select * /* this is comments*/
from tables
where fun \c

up               向上翻动语句的历史
down                    向下翻动语句的历史
left                    行内左移
right                    行内右移
backspace            删除前一个字符


mysql dbname < filename
mysql cookbook < limbs.sql

source filename
\. filename

source testscore.sql
\. testscore.sql

create table counter (depth int);
insert into counter set depth = 0;

update counter set depth = depth + 1;
select depth from counter;
source loop.sql;

mysql cookbook < loop.sql

source loop.sql
\. loop.sql

perror 24

type filename | mysql dbname /*cmd*/
cat filename | mysql dbname  /*shell*/

type limbs.sql | mysql cookbook
cat limbs.sql | mysql cookbook

mysqldump dbname | mysql -h some.other.host.com other_dbname
mysqldump cookbook | mysql -h other.host cookbook

generate-test-data | mysql cookbook


mysql -e "statement1" dbname -u username -p password
mysql -e "select count(*) from limbs" cookbook -uroot -p password

mysql -e "statement1; statement2"  dbname -u username -p password
mysql -e "select count(*) from limbs;,select now()" cookbook -uroot -p password


mysql --pager=/usr/bin/less
mysql --pager /*已经设置环境变量pager*/

\p /*开启分页功能*/
\p /usr/bin/less
\n /*关闭分页功能*/


select * from limbs

echo select * from limbs | mysql cookbook

mysql dbname > outputfile

mysql cookbook > d:\result.txt
select * from limbs;
select * from testscore;

mysql dbname < inputfile > outfile
mysql cookbook < test.txt > d:\result.txt

mysql dbname < inputfile | mail paul
mysql dbname < test.txt | more

mysql cookbook < test.txt | find "alien" /*cmd*/
mysql cookbook < test.txt | grep "alien" /*linux*/

mysql -t dbname < inputfile
mysql -t cookbook < test.txt

mysql -t dbname < inputfile | program
mysql -t cookbook < test.txt | find "a"

mysql cookbook < test.sql | sed -e "s/TAB/:/g" > result.txt
mysql cookbook < test.sql | tr " TAB" ":" > result.txt
mysql cookbook < test.sql | tr "\011" ":" > result.txt

mysql -H -e "statement" dbname > outfile
mysql -X -e "statement" dbname > outfile

mysql -H -e "select * from limbs" cookbook > demohtml.txt
mysql -X -e "select * from limbs" cookbook > demoxml.txt


show full columns from tables;
show full columns from tables\g
show full columns from tables\G /*局部控制垂直显示方式*/

mysql -E /*全局控制垂直显示方式*/

echo select now() | mysql             /*cmd*/
echo select now() | mysql -v         /*cmd*/
echo select now() | mysql -vv     /*cmd*/
echo select now() | mysql -vvv     /*cmd*/

echo "select now()" | mysql             /*linux*/
echo "select now()" | mysql -v         /*linux*/
echo "select now()" | mysql -vv     /*linux*/
echo "select now()" | mysql -vvv     /*linux*/


mysql -tee=outfile dbname
mysql -tee=tmp.out cookbook



cd; cat .mysql_history


select @class_id := id from t_classes where id = 2; 
delete from t_student where classesid = @class_id;
delete from t_classes where id = @class_id;

select @max_limbs := max(arms+legs) from limbs;

select @last_id := last_insert_id();

select @name := thing from limbs where legs = 0;
select @name;

select @name2 := thing from limbs where legs < 0;

set @sum = 4 + 7;
select @sum;

set @sum2 := 3 + 2;
select @sum2;

set @max_limbs = (select max(arms+legs) from limbs);

set @x = 1, @X = 2;
select @x, @X;

--linux命令行--skip-column-names结合cat -n
mysql --skip-column-names -e "select thing, arms from limbs" cookbook | cat -n

set @n = 0;
select @n := @n + 1 as rownum, thing, arms, legs from limbs;

select (17 + 24) / sqrt(64);
select "ABC" = "abc";
select "ABC" = "abcd";

set @daily_room_charge = 100.00;
set @num_of_nights = 3;
set @tax_percent = 8;
set @total_room_charge = @daily_room_charge * @num_of_nights;
set @tax = (@total_room_charge * @tax_percent) / 100;
set @total = @total_room_charge + @tax;
select @total;


# mysql_uptime.sh - report server uptime in seconds
mysql --skip-column-names -B -e "SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS LIKE 'Uptime'"

# mysql_uptime2.sh - report server uptime
mysql -e STATUS | grep "^Uptime"

# mysql_uptime3.sh - report server uptime
echo STATUS | mysql | grep "^Uptime"




select version(), database();

  t       DATETIME, # when message was sent
  srcuser CHAR(8),  # sender (source user and host)
  srchost CHAR(20),
  dstuser CHAR(8),  # recipient (destination user and host)
  dsthost CHAR(20),
  size    BIGINT,   # message size in bytes
  INDEX (t)

INSERT INTO mail (t,srchost,srcuser,dsthost,dstuser,size)
    ('2006-05-11 10:15:08','saturn','barb','mars','tricia',58274),
    ('2006-05-12 12:48:13','mars','tricia','venus','gene',194925),
    ('2006-05-12 15:02:49','mars','phil','saturn','phil',1048),
    ('2006-05-13 13:59:18','saturn','barb','venus','tricia',271),
    ('2006-05-14 09:31:37','venus','gene','mars','barb',2291),
    ('2006-05-14 11:52:17','mars','phil','saturn','tricia',5781),
    ('2006-05-14 14:42:21','venus','barb','venus','barb',98151),
    ('2006-05-14 17:03:01','saturn','tricia','venus','phil',2394482),
    ('2006-05-15 07:17:48','mars','gene','saturn','gene',3824),
    ('2006-05-15 08:50:57','venus','phil','venus','phil',978),
    ('2006-05-15 10:25:52','mars','gene','saturn','tricia',998532),
    ('2006-05-15 17:35:31','saturn','gene','mars','gene',3856),
    ('2006-05-16 09:00:28','venus','gene','mars','barb',613),
    ('2006-05-16 23:04:19','venus','phil','venus','barb',10294),
    ('2006-05-17 12:49:23','mars','phil','saturn','tricia',873),
    ('2006-05-19 22:21:51','saturn','gene','venus','gene',23992)

select * from mail;
select t, srchost, srcuser, dsthost, dstuser, size from mail;
select t, srcuser, srchost, size from mail;

select t, srcuser, srchost from mail where srchost = "venus";
select t, srcuser, srchost from mail where srchost like 's%';
select * from mail where srcuser = 'barb' and dstuser = 'tricia';

select t, srcuser, size from mail;
select concat(monthname(t), ' ', dayofmonth(t), ', ', year(t)), srcuser, size from mail;
select date_format(t, '%M %e, %Y'), srcuser, size from mail;

select date_format(t, '%M %e, %Y') as 'Date of message', 
        srcuser as 'Message sendr', 
        size as 'Number of bytes' 
from mail;

select '1+1+1' as  'The epression', 1+1+1 as 'The result';

select 1 as 'integer';

select date_format(t, '%M %e, %Y') as date_sent,
        concat(srcuser, '@', srchost) as sender,
        concat(dstuser, '@', dsthost) as recipient,
from mail;

select t, srcuser, dstuser, size/1024 as kilobytes
from mail where kilobytes > 500;

select t, srcuser, dstuser, size/1024 as kilobytes
from mail where size/1024 > 500;

select * from mail where srcuser < 'c' and size > 500;
select srcuser, srcuser < 'c',  size, size > 500 from mail;
select srcuser, srcuser < 'c',  size, size > 500 from mail where srcuser < 'c' and size > 500;

select srcuser from mail;
select distinct srcuser from mail;
select distinct year(t), month(t), dayofmonth(t) from mail;
select count(distinct srcuser) from mail;


  name  CHAR(20),
  id    CHAR(20)

INSERT INTO taxpayer (name,id) VALUES ('bernina','198-48');
INSERT INTO taxpayer (name,id) VALUES ('bertha',NULL);
INSERT INTO taxpayer (name,id) VALUES ('ben',NULL);
INSERT INTO taxpayer (name,id) VALUES ('bill','475-83');

select * from taxpayer;
select * from taxpayer where id = null;
select * from taxpayer where id != null;
select * from taxpayer where id is null;
select * from taxpayer where id is not null;
select null = null, null <=> null;

select if(id is null, "unknown", id) as 'id' from taxpayer;
select name, ifnull(id, 'unknown') as 'id' from taxpayer; 

select * from mail where size > 1000000 order by size;
select * from mail where dstuser = 'tricia' order by srchost, srcuser;
select * from mail where size > 50000 order by size desc;

select date_format(t, '') as date_sent,
        concat(srcuser, '@', srchost) as sender,
        concat(dstuser, '@', dsthost) as recipient,
from mail;

create view mail_view as 
select date_format(t, '%M %e, %Y') as date_sent,
        concat(srcuser, '@', srchost) as sender,
        concat(dstuser, '@', dsthost) as recipient,
from mail;

select date_sent, sender, size from mail_view
where size > 100000 
order by size;


CREATE TABLE profile_contact
  profile_id   INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, # ID from profile table
  service      CHAR(20) NOT NULL,     # messaging service name
  contact_name CHAR(25) NOT NULL,     # name to use for contacting person
  INDEX (profile_id)

INSERT INTO profile_contact
    (1, 'AIM', 'user1-aimid'),
    (1, 'MSN', 'user1-msnid'),
    (2, 'AIM', 'user2-aimid'),
    (2, 'MSN', 'user2-msnid'),
    (2, 'Yahoo', 'user2-yahooid'),
    (4, 'Yahoo', 'user4-yahooid')

select * from profile_contact order by profile_id, service;

select id, name, service, contact_name
from profile inner join profile_contact on id = profile_id;

select * from profile_contact
where profile_id = (select id from profile where name = 'Mort');

select * from profile;
select * from profile limit 1;
select * from profile limit 5;
select * from profile order by birth limit 1;
select * from profile order by birth desc limit 1;

select name, date_format(birth, '%m-%d') as birthday
from profile
order by birthday
limit 1;

select * from profile order by birth limit 2, 1;
select * from profile order by birth desc limit 2, 1;

select count(*) from profile;
select * from profile order by name desc limit 0, 4;
select * from profile order by name desc limit 4, 4;
select * from profile order by name desc limit 8, 4;

select sql_calc_found_rows * from profile order by id limit 4;
select found_rows();


CREATE TABLE al_winner
  name CHAR(30),
  wins INT

--初始化数据 al_winner-2001.txt
Mulder, Mark    21
Clemens, Roger  20
Moyer, Jamie    20
Garcia, Freddy  18
Hudson, Tim     18
Abbott, Paul    17
Mays, Joe       17
Mussina, Mike   17
Sabathia, C.C.  17
Zito, Barry     17
Buehrle, Mark   16
Milton, Eric    15
Pettitte, Andy  15
Radke, Brad     15
Sele, Aaron     15

load data local infile 'al_winner-2001.txt' into table al_winner;

set @n = 0;
set @val = 0;
select @n:=if(@val=wins, @n, @n+1) as rank,name, @val:=wins as wins
from al_winner order by wins desc, name;

selectname, wins from al_winner
order by wins desc, name;

select name, wins from al_winner
order by wins desc, name
limit 4;

select name, wins from al_winner
order by wins desc, name
limit 3, 1;

select name, wins from al_winner
where wins >= 18
order by wins desc, name;

select name, wins from al_winner
where wins >= 
    select wins from al_winner
    order by wins desc, name
    limit 3, 1
order by wins desc, name;

select distinct wins from al_winner
order by wins desc, name
limit 3, 1;

select name, wins from al_winner
where wins >= 17
order by wins desc, name;

select name, wins from al_winner
where wins >= 
    select distinct wins from al_winner
    order by wins desc, name
    limit 3, 1
order by wins desc, name;


select name, birth from profile order by birth desc limit 4;
select count(*) from profle;
select name, birth from profile order by birth limit 6, 4;

select name, birth
    select name, birth from profile order by birth desc limit 4
) as t
order by birth;


select * from profile limit 5+5;
select * from profile limit @skip_count, @show_count;



create table new_table like original_table;
create table mail2 like mail;
select * from mail2;

insert into new_table select * from original_table;
insert into mail2 select * from mail where srcuser = 'barb';
select * from mail2;


insert into dsttbl(i, s) select val, name from src_tal;
insert into dst_tbl select * from src_tbl;  /*目的表与源表结构相同,拷贝全部数据*/
insert into dst_tbl select * from src_tbl where val > 1000 and name like 'A%';  /*目的表与源表结构相同,拷贝部分数据*/
insert into dst_tbl(i, s) select count(*), name from src_tbl group by name;     /*目的表与基于源表进行统计的结果结构相同,将源表统计结果插入目的表*/

create table dst_tbl select * from src_tbl;
create table dst_tbl select * from src_tbl where 0;     /*仅克隆表结构,不克隆约束、键等,不包含数据*/
create table dst_tbl select b, c from src_tbl;  /*依照源表部分列建表*/
create table dst_tbl select c, b, a from src_tbl;  /*改变源表列定义顺序(假设源表为a、b、c)*/
create table dst_tbl (id int not null auto_increment), primary key(id)) select a, b, c from src_tbl;  /*在create table子句中插入列定义,此列不存在于源表中*/
create table dst_tbl 
    id int not null auto_increment), 
    primary key(id)

select a, b, c from src_tbl;  

create table hoho
  id int not null auto_increment,
  primary key (id)
select * from limbs;

create table dst_tbl select inv_no, sum(unit_cost * quantity) as total_cost from src_tbl group by inv_no;  /*在create table子句中为表达式赋予别名,此列不存在于源表中*/
create table dst_tbl
select inv_no, sum(unit_cost * quantity) as total_cost
from src_tbl
group by inv_no;

create table dst_tbl (primary key(id), index(state, city)) select * from src_tbl;  /*根据源表定义目的表主键、索引,假设源表主键为id,state、city列上有索引*/

create table dst_tbl (primary key(id)) select * from src_tbl;
alter table dst_tbl modify id int unsigned not null auto_increment;


create temporary table tbl_name(...)

create temporary table new_table like original_table;

create temporary table tbl_name select ...;

create temporary table mail select * from mail;
select count(*) from mail;
delete from mail;
select count(*) from mail;
drop table mail;
select count(*) from mail;
drop temporary table if exists tbl_name;


select engine from information_schema.tables where table_schema = 'cookbook' and table_name = 'mail';
show table status\G
show table status like 'mail'\G
show create table mail\G

alter table mail engine = InnoDB;
alter table mail engine = BDB;
alter table mail engine = MyISAM;

drop table if exists tbl_name;
select connection_id();



show character set;

set @s = convert('abc' using ucs2);
select length(@s), char_length(@s);

set @s = convert('abc' using utf8);
select length(@s), char_length(@s);

show collation;

show collation like 'latin1%';

create table t (c char(3) character set latin1);
insert into t (c) values('AAA'), ('bbb'), ('aaa'), ('BBB');
select c from t;

select c from t order by c collate latin1_swedish_ci;

select c from t order by c collate latin1_general_cs;

select c from t order by c collate latin1_bin;

create table t(c char(2) character set utf8);
insert into t(c) values('cg'), ('ch'), ('ci'), ('lk'), ('ll'), ('lm');
select c from t order by c collate utf8_general_ci;
select c from t order by c collate utf8_spanish2_ci;


二进制数据类型    非二进制数据类型     最大长度
binary                    char                            255
varbinary                varchar                        65535
tinyblob                tinytext                    255
blob                        text                            65535
mediumblob            mediumtext                16777215
longblog                longtext                    4294967295

create table t (c1 char(10), c2 varchar(10));
insert into t (c1, c2) values('abc      ', 'abc      ');
select c1, c2, char_length(c1), char_length(c2) from t;

--指定列character set与collation
create table mytbl
    utf8data varchar(100) character set utf8 collate utf8_danish_ci,
    sjisdata varchar(100) character set sjis collate sjis_japanese_ci




set names 'utf8';
set names 'utf8' collate 'utf8-general-ci';

--编程接口:MySQL connectot/J, 应用程序连接URL 


'my string'
"my string"  /*ansi_quotes 模式启用时双引号内的字符解释为表名或列名*/

insert into t set binary_col = 0xdeadbeef;  /*sql中使用十六进制字符串指代二进制数值*/

_latin1 'abcd'  /*包含四个单字节字符的字符串*/
_ucs2 'abcd'  /*包含两个双字节字符的字符串*/

select "I'm asleep";
select 'I''m asleep';
select 'I\'m wide awake';

select 'He said, "Boo!"';
select "He said, ""Bob!""";
select "And I said \"Yikes!\"";

select 'Install MySQL in c:\\mysql on Windows';

select 0x49276D2061736C656570;


select user(), charset(user()), collation(user());

set names 'latin1';
select charset('abc'), collation('abc');
set names latin7 collate 'latin7_bin';
select charset('abc'), collation('abc');

select charset(md5('a')), collation(md5('a'));
select charset(password('a')), collation(password('a'));

select upper(md5('a')), lower(md5('a'));


set @s1 = "my string";
set @s2 = convert(@s1 using utf8);
select charset(@s1), charset(@s2);

set @s1 = 'my string';
set @s2 = @s1 collate latin1_spanish_ci;
select collation(@s1), collation(@s2);
select _latin1 'abc' collate utf8_bin; /*出错,Collation对于字符串的字符集必须是合法的*/

set @s1 = "my string";
set @s2 = convert(@s1 using utf8) collate utf8_spanish_ci;  /*正确,先转换字符集,再转换排序*/
select charset(@s1), collation(@s1), charset(@s2), collation(@s2);

set @s1 = 'my string';
set @s2 = convert(@s1 using binary);
set @s3 = convert(@s2 using utf8);
select charset(@s1), charset(@s2), charset(@s3);

set @s1 = 'my string';
set @s2 = binary @s2; /*与convert(str using binary)等效*/
select charset(@s1), charset(@s2);


select thing, upper(thing), lower(thing) from limbs;

select thing, concat(upper(left(thing, 1)), mid(thing, 2)) from limbs;

create function initial_cap(s varchar(255))
returns varchar(255) deterministic
return concat(upper(left(s, 1)), mid(s, 2));

select thing, initial_cap(thing) from limbs;


set @s = 'aBcD';
select upper(@s), lower(@s);

drop table if exists t;
create table t(b blob) select 'aBcD' as b;
select b, upper(b), lower(b) from t;  /*upper、lower改变二进制字符串大小写不生效*/

set @s = binary 'aBcD';
select @s, lower(@s), upper(@s);  /*MySQL4.1之前生效*/

select b, upper(convert(b using latin1)) as upper, lower(convert(b using latin1)) as lower from t;        /*先转换二进制字符串到非二机制字符串,再进行大小写转换*/
select charset(version()), charset(md5('some string'));
select upper(version());
select md5('some thing'), upper(convert(md5('some thing') using latin1));


select 'cat' = 'cat', 'cat' = 'dpg';
select 'cat' != 'cat', 'cat' != 'dpg';
select 'cat' < 'awk', 'cat' < 'dpg';
select 'cat' between 'awk' and 'egret';

set @s1 = binary 'cat', @s2 = binary 'CAT';
select @s1 = @s2;        /*二进制字符串比较大小写敏感,结果不等*/
set @s1 = convert(@s1 using latin1) collate latin1_swedish_ci;
set @s2 = convert(@s2 using latin1) collate latin1_swedish_ci;
select @s1 = @s2;        /*转换成非二进制字符串,并指定字符集collation大小写不敏感,结果相等*/

set @s1 = convert(@s1 using latin1);  
set @s2 = convert(@s2 using latin1);
select @s1 = @s2;    

set @s1 = _latin1 'cat', @s2 = _latin1 'CAT';  
select @s1 = @s2;    

select @s1 collate latin1_general_cs = @s2 collate latin1_general_cs as '@s1 = @s2';

select _latin1 'cat' = binary 'CAT';

set @s1 = _latin1 'cat', @s2 = _latin1 'CAT';
select @s1 = @s2, binary @s1 = @s2, @s1 = binary @s2;

create table new
    id int unsigned not null auto_increment, 
    article blob, /*大小写敏感*/
    primary key(id)

alter table news
modify article text charcter set utf8 collate utf_general_ci; /*大小写不敏感*/


drop table if exists metal;

create table metal (name varchar(20));

insert into metal (name) values('copper'), ('gold'), ('iron'), ('lead'), ('mercury'), ('platinum'), ('silver'), ('tin');

select * from metal;

select name from metal where name like 'co%';

select name from metal where name like '%er';

select name from metal where name like '%er%';

select name from metal where name like '__pp%';

select name from metal where name not like '%i%';

select null like '%', null not like '%';


模式字符                定义
^                                匹配字符串的开始部分
$                                匹配字符串的结束部分
.                                匹配任何字符(包括回车和新行)
[...]                        括号内任意一个字符
[^...]                    除了括号内所列字符之外的任意一个字符        
p1 | p2 | p3        p1、p2或p3中任意一个模式串
*                                匹配0或多个*之前的任何序列
+                                匹配1或多个+之前的任何序列
{n}                            n个{n}之前的任何序列
{m, n}                    最少m个,最多n个,{m, n}之前的任何序列

select name from metal where name regexp '^co';

select name from metal where name regexp 'er$';

select name from metal where name regexp 'er';

select name from metal where name regexp '^..pp%';

select name from metal where name not like '%i%';

posix类                        匹配定义
[:alnum:]                    字符和数字
[:alpha:]                    字母
[:blank:]                    空格或制表符(tab)
[:cntrl:]                    控制符
[:digit:]                    数字
[:graph:]                    图形符号(不包括空格)
[:lower:]                    小写字母
[:print:]                    图形符号(包括空格)
[:punct:]                    标点符号
[:space:]                    空格、制表符、换行、回车换行
[:upper:]                    大写字母
[:xdigit:]                十六进制符(0-9, a-f, A-F)

select name, name regexp '[[:xdigit:]]' from metal;

select name from metal where name regexp '^[aeiou]|er$';

select '0m' regexp '^[[:digit:]]+|[[:alpha:]]+$';  /*以数字开头或字母结尾*/
select '0m' regexp '^([[:digit:]]+|[[:alpha:]]+)$';  /*完全由数字或者完全由字母组成*/

select null regexp '.*', null not regexp '.*';


select 'a' like 'A', 'a' regexp 'A';
select 'a' regexp '[[:lower:]]', 'a' regexp '[[:upper:]]';

set names latin1;
set @s = 'a' collate latin1_general_cs;
select @s like 'A', @s regexp 'A';

set @s = 'a', @s_cs = 'a' collate latin1_general_cs;
select @s regexp '[[:upper:]]', @s_cs regexp '[[:upper:]];'


select name, left(name, 2), mid(name, 3, 1), right(name, 3) from metal;

select name, substring(name, 4), mid(name, 4) from metal;

select name, substring_index(name, 'r', 1), substring_index(name, 'i', -1);  /*正数从左到右,负数从右到左*/
select name from metal where left(name, 1) >= 'n';

select concat('Hello', user(), ', welcome to MySQL!') as greeting;
select concat(name, ' ends in "d": ', if(right(name, 1)='d', 'yes', 'no')) as 'ends in "d"?' from metal;
update metal set name = concat(name, 'ide');
select name from metal;

update tbl_name set set_col = if(set_col is null, val, concat(set_col, ', ', val));

update metal set name = left(name, char_length(name) - 3);
select name from metal;


select name, locate('in', name), locate('in', name, 3) from metal;


create table kjv
    bsect enum('0', 'N') not null,
    bname varchar(20) not null, 
    bnum tinyint unsigned not null,
    cnum tinyint unsigned not null,
    vnum tinyint unsigned not null,
    vtext text not null
) engine = MyISAM;

load data local infile 'kjv.txt' into table kjv;

alter table kjv add fulltext(vtext);

select count(*) from kjv where match(vtext) against('Mizraim');

select bname, cnum, vnum, vtext from kjv where match(vtext) against('Mizraim')\G
select bname, cnum, vnum, vtext from kjv where match(vtext) against('search string') order by bnum, cnum, vnum\G

select count(*) from kjv where match(vtext) against('Abraham') and bsect = 'N';
select count(*) from kjv where match(vtext) against('Abraham') and bname = 'Hebrews';
select count(*) from kjv where match(vtext) against('Abraham') and bname = 'Hebrews' and cnum = 11;

alter table kjv add index(bnum), add index(cnum), add index(vnum);
select count(*) from kjv where match(vtext) against('Abraham');
select count(*) from kjv where match(vtext) against('Abraham Sarah');
select count(*) from kjv where match(vtext) against('Abraham Sarah Ishmael Isaac');

alter table tbl_name add fulltext(col1, col2, col3);
select ... from tbl_name where match(col1, col2, col3) against('search string');


select count(*) from kjv where match(vtext) against('God');
select count(*) from kjv where match(vtext) against('sin');

select count(*) as 'total verses',
        count(if(vtext like '%God%', 1, null)) as 'Verses containing "God"', 
        count(if(vtext like '%sin%', 1, null)) as 'Verses containing "sin"'
from kjv;

--修改配置文件/etc/my.cnf 或者mysqlhome/my.ini

repair table kjv quick;

select count(*) from kjv where match(vtext) against('God');
select count(*) from kjv where match(vtext) against('sin');


select count(*) from kjv where match(vtext) against('David Goliath');
select count(*) from kjv where match(vtext) against('+David +Goliath' in boolean mode);
select count(*) from kjv where match(vtext) against('+David -Goliath' in boolean mode);
select count(*) from kjv where match(vtext) against('-David +Goliath' in boolean mode);
select count(*) from kjv where match(vtext) against('whirl*' in boolean mode);


select count(*) from kjv where match(vtext) against('still small voice');
select count(*) from kjv where match(vtext) against('"still small voice"' in boolean mode);



  d DATE

INSERT INTO date_val (d) VALUES('1864-02-28');
INSERT INTO date_val (d) VALUES('1900-01-15');
INSERT INTO date_val (d) VALUES('1987-03-05');
INSERT INTO date_val (d) VALUES('1999-12-31');
INSERT INTO date_val (d) VALUES('2000-06-04');

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS datetime_val;
CREATE TABLE datetime_val

INSERT INTO datetime_val (dt) VALUES('1970-01-01 00:00:00');
INSERT INTO datetime_val (dt) VALUES('1987-03-05 12:30:15');
INSERT INTO datetime_val (dt) VALUES('1999-12-31 09:00:00');
INSERT INTO datetime_val (dt) VALUES('2000-06-04 15:45:30');

  t1  TIME,
  t2  TIME

INSERT INTO time_val (t1,t2) VALUES('15:00:00','15:00:00');
INSERT INTO time_val (t1,t2) VALUES('05:01:30','02:30:20');
INSERT INTO time_val (t1,t2) VALUES('12:30:20','17:30:45');

  t1  TIME,
  t2  TIME

INSERT INTO time_val (t1,t2) VALUES('15:00:00','15:00:00');
INSERT INTO time_val (t1,t2) VALUES('05:01:30','02:30:20');
INSERT INTO time_val (t1,t2) VALUES('12:30:20','17:30:45');

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS timestamp_val;
CREATE TABLE timestamp_val

INSERT INTO timestamp_val (ts) VALUES('1970-01-01 09:00:00');
INSERT INTO timestamp_val (ts) VALUES('1987-03-05 12:30:15');
INSERT INTO timestamp_val (ts) VALUES('1999-12-31 09:00:00');
INSERT INTO timestamp_val (ts) VALUES('2000-06-04 15:45:30');

select * from date_val;
select * from datetime_val;
select * from time_val;
select * from timestamp_val;


select str_to_date('May 13, 2007', '%M %d, %Y');
insert into date_val (d) values(str_to_date('May 13, 2007', '%M %d, %Y'));
select * from date_val;
select d, date_format(d, '%M %d, %Y') from date_val;
select d, date_format(d, '%M %d, %Y') as date from date_val;

格式化字符                含义
%Y                                年份,数字形式,4位数
%y                                年份,数字形式,2位数
%M                                完整度月份名称(Hanuary-December)
%b                                月份名称的前三个字母(Jan-Dec)
%m                                月份,数字形式(01..12)
%c                                月份,数字形式(1..12)
%d                                该月日期,数字形式(01..31)
%e                                该月日期,数字形式(1..31)
%W                                工作日名称(Sunday..Saturday)
%r                                时间,12小时制,以AM或PM结尾
%T                                时间,24小时制
%H                                小时,数字形式,2位数(00..23)
%i                                分钟,数字形式,2位数(00..59)
%s                                秒,数字形式,2位数(00..59)
%%                                '%'文字字符

select dt, date_format(dt, '%c/%e/%y %r') as format1, date_format(dt, '%M %e, %Y %T') as format2 from datetime_val;
select dt, time_format(dt, '%r') as '12-hour time', time_format(dt, '%T') as '24-hour time' from datetime_val;

delimiter $$
create function time_ampm(t time)
returns varchar(13) # mm:dd:ss (a.m.|p.m.)格式
    declare ampm char(4);
    if time_to_sec(t) < 12*60*60 then
        set ampm = 'a.m.';
        set ampm = 'p.m.';
    end if;
    return concat(left(time_format(4, '%r'), 9), ampm);
delimiter ;

select t1, time_ampm(t1) from time_val;


drop table if exists t;
create table t (ts timestamp);
insert into t (ts) values('2006-06-01 12:30:00');
select ts from t;

select @@global.time_zone, @@session.time_zone;
select ts from t;
set session time_zone = '+04:00';
select @@global.time_zone, @@session.time_zone;
select ts from t;


select curdate(), curtime(), now();
select current_date(), current_time(), current_timestamp();
select utc_date(), utc_time(), utc_timestamp();


drop table if exists t;
create table t(ts timestamp);
show create table t\G

drop table if exists tsdemo1;
create table tsdemo1(ts timestamp, val int);
insert into tsdemo1(val) values(5);
insert into tsdemo1(ts, val) values(null, 10);
select * from tsdemo1;
update tsdemo1 set val = 6 where val = 5;
select * from tsdemp1;
update tsdemo1 set val = val + 1;

drop table if exists tsdemo2;
create table tsdemo2(t_create timestamp default current_timestamp, val int);
select * from tsdemo2;

insert into tsdemo2(val) values(5);
insert into tsdemo2(t_create, val) values(null, 10);
select * from tsdemo2;

update tsdemo2 set val = val + 1;
select * from tsdemo2;


select dt, date(dt), time(dt) from datetime_val;

函数                                返回值
year()                            月份数值    
month()                            月份名称(1..12)            
monthname()                    月份中的天数值(January..December)
dayofmonth()                    一周中的天数(1..31)
dayname()                        一周中的天数(Sunday..Saturday)
dayofweek()                    一周中的天数(1..7对应Sunday..Saturday)
weekday()                        一周中的天数(0..6对应Monday..Sunday)
dayofyear()                    一年中的天数值(1.366)
hour()                            时间中的小数值(0..23)
minute()                        时间中的分数值(0..59)
second()                        时间中的秒数(0..59)

select dt, year(dt), dayofmonth(dt), hour(dt), second(dt) from datetime_val;
select d, dayofyear(d) from date_val;
select d, dayname(d), left(dayname(d), 3) from date_val;

select d, dayname(d), dayofweek(d), weekday(d) from date_val;  /*dayofweek 1~7星期天到星期六 weekday0~6星期一到星期天*/
select dt, extract(day from dt), extract(hour from dt) from datetime_val;  /*year,month,day,hour,minute,second*/
select curdate(), year(curdate()) as year, month(curdate()) as month, monthname(curdate()) as monthname, dayofmonth(curdate()) as day, dayname(curdate()) as dayname;
select now(), hour(now()) as hour, minute(now()) as minute, second(now()) as second;

select dt, date_format(dt, '%Y') as year, date_format(dt, '%d') as day, time_format(dt, '%H') as hour, time_format(dt, '%s') as second from datetime_val;
select dt, date_format(dt, '%Y-%m-%d') as 'date part', time_format(dt, '%T') as 'time part' from datetime_val;
select ts, date_format(ts, '%M %e, %Y') as 'descriptive date', time_format(ts, '%H:%i') as 'hours/minutes' from timestamp_val;

select dt, left(dt, 4) as year, mid(dt, 9, 2) as day, right(dt, 2) as second from datetime_val;
select dt, left(dt, 10) as date, right(dt, 8) as time from datetime_val;
select ts, left(ts, 10) as date, right(ts, 8) as time from timestamp_val;


select maketime(10,30,58), maketime(-5,0,11);
select makedate(2007,60);
select d, date_format(d, '%Y-%m-01') from date_val;
select t1, time_format(t1, '%H:%i:00') from time_val;
select d, concat(year(d), '-', month(d), '-01') from date_val;
select d, concat(year(d), '-', lpad(month(d), 2, '0'), '-01') from date_val;
select d, concat(year(d), '-', lpad(month(d), 4, '0'), '-01') from date_val;
select t1, concat(lpad(hour(t1), 2, '0'), ':', lpad(minute(t1), 2, '0'), ':00') as recombined from time_val;

set @d = '2006-02-28';
set @t = '13:10:05';
select @d, @t, concat(@d, ' ', @t);


select t1, time_to_sec(t1) as 'TIME to seconds', sec_to_time(time_to_sec(t1)) as 'TIME to seconds to TIME' from time_val;
select t1, time_to_sec(t1) as 'seconds', time_to_sec(t1)/60 as 'minutes', time_to_sec(t1)/(60*60) as hours, time_to_sec(t1)/(24*60*60) as 'days' from time_val;

select t1, time_to_sec(t1) as 'seconds', 
        floor(time_to_sec(t1)/60) as 'minutes',
        floor(time_to_sec(t1)/(60*60)) as hours,
        floor(time_to_sec(t1)/(24*60*60)) as 'days'
from time_val;

select dt, time_to_sec(dt) as 'time part in seconds', 
        sec_to_time(time_to_sec(dt)) as 'time part as TIME' 
from datetime_val;

select ts, time_to_sec(ts) as 'time part in seconds', 
        sec_to_time(time_to_sec(ts)) as 'time part as TIME'
from timestamp_val;

select d, to_days(d) as 'date to days', from_days(to_days(d)) as 'DATE to days to DATE' from date_val;
select dt, to_days(dt) as 'date part in days', from_days(to_days(dt)) as 'date part as DATE' from datetime_val;
select ts, to_days(ts) as 'date part in days', from_days(to_days(ts)) as 'date part as DATE' from timestamp_val;

select dt, unix_timestamp(dt) as seconds, from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(dt)) as timestamp from datetime_val;
select curdate(), unix_timestamp(curdate()), from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(curdate()))\G


set @d1 = '2010-01-01', @d2 = '2009-12-01';
select datediff(@d1, @d2) as 'd1 - d2', datediff(@d2, @d1) as 'd2 - d1';

set @t1 = '12:00:00', @t2 = '16:30:00';
select timediff(@t1, @t2) as 't1 - t2', timediff(@t2, @t1) as 't2 - t1';

select t1, t2, timediff(t2, t1) as 't2 - t1 as TIME', 
        if(timediff(t2, t1) >= 0, '+', '-') as sign,
        hour(timediff(t2, t1)) as hour,
        minute(timediff(t2, t1)) as minute,
        second(timediff(t2, t1)) as second
from time_val;

set @dt1 = '1900-01-01 00:00:00', @dt2 = '1910-01-01 00:00:00';
select timestampdiff(minute, @dt1, @dt2) as minutes,
        timestampdiff(hour, @dt1, @dt2) as hours,
        timestampdiff(day, @dt1, @dt2) as days,
        timestampdiff(week, @dt1, @dt2) as weeks,
        timestampdiff(year, @dt1, @dt2) as years;
select t1, t2, time_to_sec(t2) - time_to_sec(t1) as 't2 - t1 (in seconds)',
        sec_to_time(time_to_sec(t2) - time_to_sec(t1)) as 't2 - t1 (as TIME)'
from time_val;

select to_days('1884-01-01') - to_days('1883-06-05') as days;
select (to_days('1884-01-01') - to_days('1883-06-05')) / 7 as weeks;

set @dt1 = '1984-01-01 09:00:00';
set @dt2 = @dt1 + interval 14 day;
select unix_timestamp(@dt2) - unix_timestamp(@dt1) as seconds;

set @interval = unix_timestamp(@dt2) - unix_timestamp(@dt1);
select @interval as seconds,
        @interval / 60 as minutes,
        @interval / (60 * 60) as hours,
        @interval / (24 * 60 * 60) as days,
        @interval / (7 * 24 * 60 * 60) as weeks;
set @dt1 = '1800-02-14 07:30:00';
set @dt2 = @dt1 + interval 7 day;
set @interval = ((to_days(@dt2) - to_days(@dt1)) * 24 * 60 * 60)
        + time_to_sec(@dt2) - time_to_sec(@dt1);

select @interval as seconds, sec_to_time(@interval) as time;


set @t1 = '12:00:00', @t2 = '15:30:00';
select addtime(@t1, @t2);

set @dt = '1984-03-01 12:00:00', @t = '12:00:00';
select addtime(@dt, @t);

set @d = '1984-03-01', @t = '15:30:00';
select timestamp(@d, @t);

set @dt = '1984-03-01 12:00:00', @t = '12:00:00';
select timestamp(@dt, @t);

select curdate(), date_add(curdate(), interval 3 day);

select curdate(), date_sub(curdate(), interval 7 day);

select now(), date_add(now(), interval 60 hour);

select now(), date_add(now(), interval '14:30' hour_minute);
select now(), date_add(now(), interval '3 4' day_hour);
select curdate(), curdate() + interval 1 year;
select now(), now() - interval '1 12' day_hour;

select t1, sec_to_time(time_to_sec(t1) + 7200) as 't1 plus 2 hours' from time_val;

select t1, t2, time_to_sec(t1) + time_to_sec(t2) as 't1 + t2 (in seconds)', 
        sec_to_time(time_to_sec(t1) + time_to_sec(t2)) as 't1 + t2 (as TIME)'
from time_val;

select t1, t2, mod(time_to_sec(t1) + time_to_sec(t2), 86400) as 't1 + t2 (in seconds)',
        sec_to_time(mod(time_to_sec(t1) + time_to_sec(t2), 86400)) as 't1 + t2 (as TIME)'
from time_val;

set @d = '2006-01-01';
select @d as date, from_days(to_days(@d) + 7) as 'date + 1 week',
        from_days(to_days(@d) - 7) as 'date - 1 week';
set @dt = '2006-01-01 12:30:45';
select @dt as datetime,
        from_days(to_days(@dt) + 7) as 'datetime + 1 week',
        from_days(to_days(@dt) - 7) as 'datetime - 1 week';
set @dt = '2006-01-01 09:00:00';
select @dt as datetime,
        from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(@dt) + 3600) as 'datetime + 1 hour',
        from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(@dt) - 3600) as 'datetime - 1 hour';

drop table if exists sibling;
create table sibling
  name  char(20),
  birth date

insert into sibling (name,birth) values('Gretchen','1942-04-14');
insert into sibling (name,birth) values('Wilbur','1946-11-28');
insert into sibling (name,birth) values('Franz','1953-03-05');

select * from sibling;

select name, birth, curdate() as today, timestampdiff(year, birth, curdate()) as 'age in years' from sibling;
select name, birth, '1953-03-05' as 'Franz'' birth', timestampdiff(year, birth, '1953-03-05') as 'age in years' from sibling where name != 'Franz';
select name, birth, curdate() as today, timestampdiff(month, birth, curdate()) as 'age in months' from sibling;

select dayofyear('1995-03-01'), dayofyear('1996-02-29');
select right('1995-03-01', 5), right('1996-02-29', 5);
select if('02-29' < '03-01', '02-29', '03-01') as earliest;

set @birth = '1965-03-01';
set @target = '1975-01-01';
select @birth, @target, year(@target)- year(@birth) as 'difference',
        if(right(@target, 5) < right(@birth, 5), 1, 0) as 'adjustment',
        year(@target) - year(@birth) - if(right(@target, 5) < right(@birth, 5), 1, 0) as 'age';
select name, birth, curdate() as today, year(curdate()) - year(birth) - if(right(curdate(), 5) < right(birth, 5), 1, 0) as 'age in years' from sibling;
select name, birth, '1953-03-05' as 'Franz'' birthday', year('1953-03-05') - year(birth) - if(right('1953-03-05', 5) < right(birth, 5), 1, 0) as 'age in years' from sibling where name != 'Franz';

select name, birth, curdate() as today, (year(curdate()) - year(birth)) * 12 + (month(curdate()) - month(birth)) - if(dayofmonth(curdate()) < dayofmonth(birth), 1, 0) as 'age in months' from sibling;

set @dt = '2006-11-23 09:00:00';
select @dt as Chicago, convert_tz(@dt, 'US/Central', 'Europe/Berlin') as Berlin,
        convert_tz(@dt, 'US/Central', 'Europe/London') as London,
        convert_tz(@dt, 'US/Central', 'America/Edmonton') as Edmonton,
        convert_tz(@dt, 'US/Central', 'Australia/Brisbane') as Brisbane\G

select @dt as Chicago, convert_tz(@dt, '-06:00', '+01:00') as Berlin,
        convert_tz(@dt, '-06:00', '+00:00') as London,
        convert_tz(@dt, '-06:00', '-07:00') as Edmonton,
        convert_tz(@dt, '-06:00', '+10:00') as Brisbane\G

select d, date_sub(d, interval dayofmonth(d)-1 day) as '1st of month' from date_val;
select d, date_add(date_sub(d, interval dayofmonth(d)-1 day), interval -1 month) as '1st of previous month',
        date_add(date_sub(d, interval dayofmonth(d)-1 day), interval 1 month) as '1st of following month'
from date_val;
select d, last_day(d) as 'last of month' from date_val;

select d, last_day(date_add(d, interval -1 month)) as 'last of previous month',
        last_day(date_add(d, interval 1 month)) as 'last of following month'
from date_val;

select d, dayofmonth(last_day(d)) as 'days in month' from date_val;


select d, date_format(d, '%Y-%m-01') as method1,
        concat(year(d), '-', lpad(month(d), 2, '0'), '-01') as method2
from date_val;

select d, date_format(d, '%Y-01-01') as method1,
        concat(year(d), '-01-01') as method2
from date_val;

select d, date_format(d, '%Y-12-15') as method1,
        concat(year(d), '-12-15') as method2
from date_val;

select curdate(), date_add(date_format(curdate(), '%Y-12-25'), interval 2 year) as method1,
        date_format(date_add(curdate(), interval 2 year), '%Y-12-25') as method2;

select curdate(), dayname(curdate());

set @d = curdate();
set @first = date_sub(@d, interval dayofmonth(@d)-1 day);
select @d as 'starting date',
        @first as '1st of month date',
        dayname(@first) as '1st of month day';


select d, dayname(d) as day, 
        date_add(d, interval 1-dayofweek(d) day) as sunday,
        date_add(d, interval 7-dayofweek(d) day) as saturday
from date_val;

set @target = date_sub(date_add(curdate(), interval 4-dayofweek(curdate()) day), interval 14 day);
select curdate(), @target, dayname(@target);

set @target = date_add(date_sub(curdate(), interval 14 day), interval 4-dayofweek(curdate()) day);
select curdate(), @target, dayname(@target);


select d, year(d) % 4 = 0 as 'rule-of-thumb test',
        (year(d) % 4 = 0) and ((year(d) % 100 != 0) or (year(d) % 400 = 0))
        as 'complete test'
from date_val;

set @d = '2006-04-13';
select dayofyear(date_format(@d, '%Y-12-31'));

set @d = '2008-04-13';
select dayofyear(date_format(@d, '%Y-12-31'));


select d, concat(year(d), '-', month(d), '-01') from date_val;
select d, concat(year(d), '-', lpad(month(d), 2, '0'), '-01') from date_val;

select concat(year(d), '-', month(d), '-01') as 'non-iso',
        date_add(concat(year(d), '-', month(d), '-01'), interval 0 day) as 'iso 1',
        concat(year(d), '-', month(d), '-01') + interval 0 day as 'iso2',
        from_days(to_days(concat(year(d), '-', month(d), '-01'))) as 'iso 3',
        str_to_date(concat(year(d), '-', month(d), '-01'), '%Y-%m-%d') as 'iso 4'
from date_val;


select t1, t1+0 as 't1 as number',
    floor(t1) as 't1 as number',
    floor(t1/10000) as 'hour part'
from time_val;

select d, d+0 from date_val;
select dt, dt+0, floor(dt+0) from datetime_val;
select '1999-01-01' + 0, '1999-01-01 12:30:45' + 0, '12:30:45'+0;
show warnings;

select '12:30:45'+0, sec_to_time(time_to_sec('12:30:45'))+0;
select '1999-01-01'+0, from_days(to_days('1999-01-01'))+0;
select date_add('1999-01-01 12:30:45', interval 0 day)+0 as 'numberic datetime';


drop table if exists driver_log;
create table driver_log
  rec_id    int unsigned not null auto_incerment,
  name      varchar(20) not null,
  trav_date date not null,
  miles     int not null,
  primary key (rec_id)

insert into driver_log (name,trav_date,miles)

select * from driver_log;
select * from mail;

----------------------使用order by命令排序查询结果-------------------------

select * from driver_log order by name;
select * from driver_log order by name asc;
select * from driver_log order by name desc;
select * from driver_log order by name, trav_date;
select * from driver_log order by name desc, trav_date desc;
select * from driver_log order by name desc, trav_date;
select name, trav_date, miles as distance from driver_log order by distance;
select name, trav_date, miles as distance from driver_log order by distance desc;


select * from mail;
select t, srcuser, floor((size+1023)/1024)
from mail 
where size > 50000
order by floor((size+1023)/1024);

select t, srcuser, floor((size+1023)/1024) as kilobytes
from mail 
where size > 50000
order by kilobytes;


select t, srcuser, concat(floor((size+1023)/1024), 'K') as size_in_k
from mail where size > 50000
order by size_in_k;

select t, srcuser, concat(floor((size+1023)/1024), 'K') as size_in_k
from mail where size > 50000
order by size;

drop table if exists roster;

create table roster
  name        CHAR(30),   # player name
  jersey_num  CHAR(3)     # jersey number

insert into roster (name, jersey_num)

select name, jersey_num from roster;
select name, jersey_num from roster order by jersey_num;
select name, jersey_num from roster order by jersey_num+0;

select t, concat(srcuser, '@', srchost) as sender, size
from mail where size > 50000
order by srchost, srcuser;

drop table if exists name;

create table name
  last_name   char(20),
  first_name  char(20)

insert into name (first_name,last_name) VALUES('Kevin','Brown');
insert into name (first_name,last_name) VALUES('Vida','Blue');
insert into name (first_name,last_name) VALUES('Pete','Gray');
insert into name (first_name,last_name) VALUES('Devon','White');
insert into name (first_name,last_name) VALUES('Rondell','White');

select last_name, first_name from name order by last_name, first_name;
select concat(first_name, ' ', last_name) as full_name from name order by last_name, first_name;


drop table if exists str_val;

create table str_val
  ci_str   char(3) character set latin1 collate latin1_swedish_ci,
  cs_str   char(3) character set latin1 collate latin1_general_cs,
  bin_str  binary(3)

insert into str_val (ci_str,cs_str,bin_str) VALUES

select * from str_val;
select * from str_val order by ci_str;
select * from str_val order by cs_str;
select * from str_val order by bin_str;

select ci_str from str_val order by ci_str;
select cs_str from str_val order by cs_str;
select bin_str from str_val order by bin_str;

select ci_str from str_val order by ci_str collate latin1_general_cs;
select cs_str from str_val order by cs_str collate latin1_swedish_ci;
select cs_str from str_val order by upper(cs_str);
select bin_str from str_val order by convert(bin_str using latin1) collate latin1_swedish_ci;


drop table if exists temporal_val;

create table temporal_val
  d   date,
  dt  datetime,
  t   time,
  ts  timestamp

insert into temporal_val (d, dt, t, ts)
    ('1970-01-01','1884-01-01 12:00:00','13:00:00','1980-01-01 02:00:00'),
    ('1999-01-01','1860-01-01 12:00:00','19:00:00','2021-01-01 03:00:00'),
    ('1981-01-01','1871-01-01 12:00:00','03:00:00','1975-01-01 04:00:00'),
    ('1964-01-01','1899-01-01 12:00:00','01:00:00','1985-01-01 05:00:00')

select * from temporal_val;
select * from temporal_val order by d;
select * from temporal_val order by dt;
select * from temporal_val order by t;
select * from temporal_val order by ts;


drop table if exists event;
create table event
  date        date,
  description varchar(255)

insert into event (date,description)
    ('1789-07-04','US Independence Day'),
    ('1776-07-14','Bastille Day'),
    ('1957-10-04','Sputnik launch date'),
    ('1958-01-31','Explorer 1 launch date'),
    ('1919-06-28','Signing of the Treaty of Versailles'),
    ('1732-02-22','George Washington\'s birthday'),
    ('1989-11-09','Opening of the Berlin Wall'),
    ('1944-06-06','D-Day at Normandy Beaches'),
    ('1215-06-15','Signing of the Magna Carta'),
    ('1809-02-12','Abraham Lincoln\'s birthday')

select date, description from event;
select date, description from event order by date;
select date, description from event order by month(date), dayofmonth(date);

select date, description from event order by dayofyear(date);
select dayofyear('1996-02-29'), dayofyear('1997-03-01');


select dayname(date) as day, date, description
from event
order by dayofweek(date);

select dayname(date), date, description
from event
order by mod(dayofweek(date)+5, 7);


select * from mail order by hour(t), minute(t), second(t);
select *, time_to_sec(t) from mail order by time_to_sec(t);


drop table if exists housewares;
create table housewares
  id      VARCHAR(20),
  description VARCHAR(255)

insert into housewares (id,description)
    ('DIN40672US', 'dining table'),
    ('KIT00372UK', 'garbage disposal'),
    ('KIT01729JP', 'microwave oven'),
    ('BED00038SG', 'bedside lamp'),
    ('BTH00485US', 'shower stall'),
    ('BTH00415JP', 'lavatory')

select * from housewares;

drop table if exists  housewares2;
create table housewares2
  id      varchar(20),
  description varchar(255)

insert into housewares2 (id,description)
    ('DIN40672US', 'dining table'),
    ('KIT372UK', 'garbage disposal'),
    ('KIT1729JP', 'microwave oven'),
    ('BED38SG', 'bedside lamp'),
    ('BTH485US', 'shower stall'),
    ('BTH415JP', 'lavatory')

select * from housewares2;

drop table if exists housewares3;
create table housewares3
  id      VARCHAR(20),
  description VARCHAR(255)

insert into housewares3 (id,description)
    ('13-478-92-2', 'dining table'),
    ('873-48-649-63', 'garbage disposal'),
    ('8-4-2-1', 'microwave oven'),
    ('97-681-37-66', 'bedside lamp'),
    ('27-48-534-2', 'shower stall'),
    ('5764-56-89-72', 'lavatory')

select * from housewares3;

drop table if exists hw_category;
create table hw_category
  abbrev  VARCHAR(3),
  name  VARCHAR(20)

insert into hw_category (abbrev,name)
    ('DIN', 'dining'),
    ('KIT', 'kitchen'),
    ('BTH', 'bathroom'),
    ('BED', 'bedroom')

select * from hw_category;

select * from housewares;
select * from housewares order by id;

select id, left(id, 3) as category, mid(id, 4, 5) as serial, right(id, 2) as country from housewares;
select * from housewares order by left(id, 3);
select * from housewares order by mid(id, 4, 5);
select * from housewares order by right(id, 2);
select * from housewares order by right(id, 2), mid(id, 4, 5);

select * from housewares2;
select id, left(substring(id, 4), char_length(substring(id, 4))-2) from housewares2;
select id, substring(id, 4), substring(id, 4, char_length(id)-5) from housewares2;
select * from housewares2 order by substring(id, 4, char_length(id)-5);

select * from housewares2 order by substring(id, 4, char_length(id)-5);
select * from housewares2 order by substring(id, 4, char_length(id)-5)+0;
select *, substring(id, 4, char_length(id)-5)+0 from housewares2 order by substring(id, 4, char_length(id)-5)+0;
select * from housewares2 order by substring(id, 4)+0;

select * from housewares3;
select id, substring_index(substring_index(id, '-', 2), '-', -1) as segment2,
        substring_index(substring_index(id, '-', 4), '-', -1) as segment4
from housewares3;

select * from housewares3 order by substring_index(substring_index(id, '-', 2), '-', -1);
select * from housewares3 order by substring_index(substring_index(id, '-', 2), '-', -1)+0;


drop table if exists hostname;
create table hostname
  name  varchar(64)

insert into hostname (name)

select * from hostname;

select name from hostname order by name;
select name, substring_index(substring_index(name, '.', -3), '.', 1) as leftmost,
        substring_index(substring_index(name, '.', -2), '.', 1) as middle, 
        substring_index(name, '.', -1) as rightmost
from hostname;

select name, substring_index(substring_index(concat('..', name), '.', -3), '.', 1) as leftmost,
        substring_index(substring_index(concat('.', name), '.', -2), '.', 1) as middle, 
        substring_index(name, '.', -1) as rightmost
from hostname;

select name, substring_index(substring_index(concat('....', name), '.', -3), '.', 1) as leftmost,
        substring_index(substring_index(concat('....', name), '.', -2), '.', 1) as middle, 
        substring_index(name, '.', -1) as rightmost
from hostname;

select name from hostname
order by 
substring_index(name, '.', -1),
substring_index(substring_index(concat('.', name), '.', -2), '.', 1),
substring_index(substring_index(concat('..', name), '.', -3), '.', 1);


drop table if exists hostip;
create table hostip
  ip  varchar(64)

insert into hostip (ip)

select * from hostip ORDER BY ip;

select ip from hostip
order by 
substring_index(ip, '.', 1)+0,
substring_index(substring_index(ip, '.', -3), '.', 1)+0,
substring_index(substring_index(ip, '.', -2), '.', 1)+0,
substring_index(ip, '.', -1)+0;

select ip from hostip order by inet_aton(ip);

select ip, ip+0 from hostip;


select null = null;

drop table if exists t;
create table t (
  val varchar(64)

insert into t (val)

select val from t;
select val from t order by val;
select val from t order by if(val is null, 1, 0), val;

select t, srcuser, dstuser, size
from mail
order by if(srcuser='phil', 0, 1), srcuser, dstuser;

select t, srcuser, dstuser, size
from mail
order by if(srcuser=dstuser, 0, 1), srcuser, dstuser;

select t, srcuser, dstuser, size
from mail
order by  if(srcuser=dstuser, null, srcuser), dstuser;


select *, field(name, 'Henry', 'Suzi', 'Ben') from driver_log
order by field(name, 'Henry', 'Suzi', 'Ben');

select id, description, field(right(id, 2), 'US', 'UK', 'JP', 'SG') from housewares
order by field(right(id, 2), 'US', 'UK', 'JP', 'SG');


drop table id exists weekday;

create table weekday
  day enum('Sunday','Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday',

insert into weekday (day) values('Monday'),('Friday'),

select * from weekday;
select day, day+0 from weekday;
select day, day+0 from weekday order by day;
select day, day+0 from weekday order by cast(day as char);

drop table if exists color;

create table color
  name  cahr(10)

insert into color (name)

select name from color;
select name from color order by name;
select name from color order by field(name, 'red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'green', 'blue', 'indigo', 'violet');

select name, field(name, 'red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'green', 'blue', 'indigo', 'violet')
from color 
order by field(name, 'red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'green', 'blue', 'indigo', 'violet');

alter table color
modify name
enum('red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'green', 'blue', 'indigo', 'violet');

select name from color;
select name from color order by name;


select * from states order by name;


select count(*) from driver_log;
select count(*) from states;

select table_rows 
from information_schema.tables 
where table_schema = 'cookbook' 
and table_name = 'states';

show tables status;

select count(*) from driver_log where miles > 200;
select count(*) from driver_log where name = 'Suzi';
select count(*) from states where statehood < '1900-01-01';
select count(*) from states where statehood between '1800-01-01' and '1899-12-31';

select count(if(dayofweek(trav_date)=7, 1, null)) as 'Staturday trips',
count(if(dayofweek(trav_date)=1, 1, null)) as 'Sunday trips'
from driver_log;

select count(if(dayofweek(trav_date) in (1, 7), 1, null)) as 'weekend trips',
count(if(dayofweek(trav_date) in (1, 7), null, 1)) as 'weekday trips'
from driver_log;

create view trip_summary_view as
select count(if(dayofweek(trav_date) in (1, 7), 1, null)) as 'weekend trips',
count(if(dayofweek(trav_date) in (1, 7), null, 1)) as 'weekday trips'
from driver_log;

select * from trip_summary_view;



  1. Kafka 分布式的,基于发布/订阅的消息系统
  2. Delphi线程的终止
  3. C语言程序设计(翁恺)--第二周课件中的两个遗留点
  4. Cocos2dx 3.0 过渡篇(二十六)C++11多线程std::thread的简单使用(上)
  5. IP选路
  6. css盒子边框样式
  7. JAVA课设 学生基本信息管理 团队博客
  8. 详解Ajax请求(三)——jQuery对Ajax的实现及serialize()函数对于表单域控件参数提交的使用技巧
  9. 推荐一个计算机视觉图书:python计算机视觉编程
  10. Redis安全以及备份还原
  11. Java异常学习总结二
  12. 非常可乐 HDU1495
  13. C语言常用命令
  14. JAVAEE——宜立方商城14:项目部署规划、Tomcat热部署、反向代理的配置
  15. PHP从数组中找到指定元素的位置
  16. linux-统计文本中符合条件的内容
  17. Java中实现多态的机制(实质)?
  18. sqoop import/export使用经验
  19. Oracle中三种循环(For、While、Loop)案例
  20. Windows 10 提权漏洞复现及武器化利用


  1. Github使用笔记
  2. Thread.Sleep(1000) 、Task.Delay(1000).Wait() 区别
  3. USACO The Lazy Cow
  4. 南昌网络赛 I. Max answer (单调栈 + 线段树)
  5. Cisco ISR4400 Netflow 配置模板
  6. (转)LVS安装使用详解
  7. springmvc执行原理及自定义mvc框架
  8. 利用IDEA创建Web Service服务端和客户端的详细过程
  9. git提交代码到远程仓库
  10. tomcat 控制台乱码问题