笔者在前文《MVP和MVC》中提到了两者的区别,以及MVP日趋流行的原因:即随着各种给力UI框架的发布,View的功能越来越强,已经足以完成一些简单的不需要与后台或其他view交互的event handling工作。



1. All views should have a XxxView suffix: TaskView/ITaskView
2. All presenters should have a XxxPresenter suffix: TaskViewPresenter
3. Let the presenter do all use-case processing, but keep GUI control details in the view


4. All presenter methods called by the view must start with OnXxx() as they are events by design (MVP)
5. Calls from the view to the presenter should be kept at an absolute minimum, and used for "event" type calls only: _presenter.OnViewReady();


6. It is FORBIDDEN to use the presenter reference to access the model or services directly, no return values from presenter methods


7. Calls from the presenter to the view MUST go via the interface only


8. No methods in the view shall be public unless they are defined in the interface


9. It is FORBIDDEN to access the view from anywhere but the presenter, except for loading and showing the view from the CAB ModuleController


10. The interface methods shall have long meaningful names (not "SetDataSource") based on the domain language of the use-case


11. The interface should contain methods only, no properties - afterall the presenter drives the use-case by calling methods, not by setting data


12. All data in the MVP component should be kept in the model, no data should exist only as properties of UI controls


13. The methods of the view interface should not contain UI control name references (e.g. AddExplorerBarGroup) as this makes the presenter know too much about the implementation technology of the view


14. Stick with domain naming in the view methods (e.g. AddTaskGroupHeader), this makes the code easier to understand and the tests self-describing


笔者补充几点,View和Presenter是单向的操作,View对Presenter一无所知,Presenter对其他的Presenter几乎一无所知,Presenter之间通过各种各样的event和event handler进行数据交互和服务调用。好的UI系统,所有涉及到2个或2个以上Presenter参与的数据或服务交互都必须由A方发出event,B方注册event handler来接收并处理,如果需要返回数据,则B方发出另一个event,A方注册该event的handler,诸如此类。


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