Lesson: Overview of JNDI (The Java™ Tutorials > Java Naming and Directory Interface)

Lesson: Overview of JNDI

The Java Naming and Directory Interface™ (JNDI) is an application programming interface (API) that provides naming and directory functionality to applications written using the Java™ programming language. It is defined to be independent of any specific directory service implementation. Thus a variety of directories -new, emerging, and already deployed can be accessed in a common way.


The JNDI architecture consists of an API and a service provider interface (SPI). Java applications use the JNDI API to access a variety of naming and directory services. The SPI enables a variety of naming and directory services to be plugged in transparently, thereby allowing the Java application using the JNDI API to access their services. See the following figure:


JNDI is included in the Java SE Platform. To use the JNDI, you must have the JNDI classes and one or more service providers. The JDK includes service providers for the following naming/directory services:

  • Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
  • Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) Common Object Services (COS) name service
  • Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI) Registry
  • Domain Name Service (DNS)

Other service providers can be downloaded from the JNDI page or obtained from other vendors.

The JNDI is divided into five packages:

The next part of the lesson has a brief description of the JNDI packages.

Java SE — 核心技术 — Java 命名和目录接口 (JNDI)

Java 命名和目录接口 (JNDI) 是 Java 平台的一部分,为基于 Java 技术的应用程序提供了一个访问多种命名和目录服务的统一接口。利用此行业标准,您可以构建强大、可移植的、支持目录的应用程序。


JNDI 和 Java EE 技术

JNDI 与 Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) 中的其他技术协作,在分布式计算环境中对组件进行组织和定位。

JNDI 文档:J2SE 1.4.2 | J2SE 5.0 | Java SE 6


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