1. 设置Activity的布局

public class MyActivity extends Activity {}

注: 此时在AndroidManifest.xml 注册Activity需要: <activity android:name="MyActivity_" />

2. 设置及使用Application
设置:在AndroidManifest.xml也需要配置<application android:name="MyApplicaton_" />

public class MyApplication extends Application {}


public class MyActivity extends Activity {
MyApplication application;


public class MyBean {
MyApplication application;

3. 普通类

public class MyClass {}


使用: @Bean的标签每次都会创建一个实例,所以不能继承一个使用@EBean的类

public class MyOtherClass {
MyClass myClass;


public class MyActivity extends Activity {
/* A MyImplementation instance will be injected.
* MyImplementation 必须使用标签 @EBean and 实现 MyInterface.
MyInterface myInterface;


public class MyClass {
Context context;
// Only injected if the root context is an activity,else is null
Activity activity;
// Only injected if the root context is a service,else is null
Service service;
// Only injected if the root context is an instance of MyActivity,else is null
MyActivity myActivity;

使用标签@AfterViewInject, 会在所有依赖注入完成后才执行。

public class MyClass {
NotificationManager notificationManager;
MyOtherClass dependency;
public MyClass() {
// notificationManager and dependency are null
public void doSomethingAfterInjection() {
// notificationManager and dependency 已经设置完成



@EBean(scope = Scope.Singleton)
public class MySingleton {}

注意: 在单例的普通类如果需要使用context,请使用ApplicationContext。也不要在这里注入view或者是view的事件


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