


This page details the changes made in the current version only.
Earlier changes are detailed in the History of Previous Changes.

Version 3.0


New and Noteworthy

Test plan creation and debugging improvements

New Search Feature in View Results Tree to allow
searching for text / regexp in Request/Responses/Headers/Cookies/… This
will ease correlation and Test plans creation

New JSON Post Processor to better extract data from JSON content using user friendly JSON-PATH syntax

JSON is now a first class citizen in JMeter with the introduction of a new JSONPath post processor.
This post processor is very similar to Regular Expression Post Processor but is well suited for JSON code.
It is based on Jayway JSON Path library

New validation feature, in one click run a selection of Thread Groups with 1 user, no pause and 1 iteration

JSR223 Test Elements do not require a Cache Compilation Key anymore

Just check Cache compiled script if available checkbox and the elements (Pre-Processor, Post-Processor, Assertions, Listeners, …)
will pre-compile the script and cache the compiled code if the underlying language supports it

Nashorn can now be used as Javascript engine providing better performance and easier usage

To enable Nashorn, you need to set in user.properties:


Nashorn can be used with Java 8 in the following elements:

  • IfController
  • JSR223 Test elements with javascript language selected
  • __javaScript function

Jexl3 has been integrated. It provides new scripting features and much better documentation

JEXL3 can now be used thanks to a new function __jexl3. JEXL is a language very similar to JSTL.

Simplified HTTP Request UI

A new "Advanced" tab has been added to HTTP Request to simplify configuration. The file upload feature has been moved into a dedicated tab. This increases the space available for parameters in UI and simplifies the UX.

HTTP Request Defaults improvements

You can now configure Source Address (IP Spoofing like feature) and "Save response as MD5 hash" in Advanced Tab

Reporting improvements

New Reporting Feature generating dynamic Graphs in HTML pages (APDEX, Summary report and Graphs)

A dynamic HTML report can now be generated either at the end of a load test or from a result file whenever you want. See Generating dashboard for more details. This report provides the following metrics:

  • APDEX (Application Performance Index) table that computes the APDEX based on configurable values for tolerated and satisfied thresholds
  • A request summary graph showing the Success and failed transaction percentage:
  • A Statistics table providing in one table a summary of all metrics per transaction including 3 configurable percentiles :
  • An error table providing a summary of all errors and their proportion in the total requests :
  • Zoomable chart where you can check/uncheck every transaction to show/hide it for:
    • Response times Over Time :
    • Bytes throughput Over Time :
    • Latencies Over Time :
    • Hits per second :
    • Response codes per second :
    • Transactions per second :
    • Response Time vs Request per second :
    • Latency vs Request per second :
    • Response times percentiles :
    • Active Threads Over Time :
    • Times vs Threads :
    • Response Time Distribution :

GraphiteBackendListener has a new Server Hits metric

Summariser displays a more readable duration

Now duration are display in the format hours:minutes:seconds

Generate Summary Results +      1 in 00:00:01 =    1.7/s Avg:     1 Min:     1 Max:     1 Err:     0 (0.00%) Active: 1 Started: 1 Finished: 0
Generate Summary Results + 138 in 00:00:09 = 16.2/s Avg: 0 Min: 0 Max: 1 Err: 0 (0.00%) Active: 9 Started: 9 Finished: 0
Generate Summary Results = 139 in 00:00:09 = 15.3/s Avg: 0 Min: 0 Max: 1 Err: 0 (0.00%)
Generate Summary Results + 467 in 00:00:10 = 47.0/s Avg: 0 Min: 0 Max: 1 Err: 0 (0.00%) Active: 19 Started: 19 Finished: 0
Generate Summary Results = 606 in 00:00:19 = 31.9/s Avg: 0 Min: 0 Max: 1 Err: 0 (0.00%)

Generate Summary Results + 1662 in 00:00:10 = 166.1/s Avg: 0 Min: 0 Max: 1 Err: 0 (0.00%) Active: 50 Started: 50 Finished: 0
Generate Summary Results = 28932 in 00:03:19 = 145.4/s Avg: 0 Min: 0 Max: 1 Err: 0 (0.00%)
Generate Summary Results + 1664 in 00:00:10 = 166.4/s Avg: 0 Min: 0 Max: 1 Err: 0 (0.00%) Active: 50 Started: 50 Finished: 0
Generate Summary Results = 30596 in 00:03:29 = 146.4/s Avg: 0 Min: 0 Max: 1 Err: 0 (0.00%)
Generate Summary Results + 1661 in 00:00:10 = 166.1/s Avg: 0 Min: 0 Max: 1 Err: 0 (0.00%) Active: 50 Started: 50 Finished: 0
Generate Summary Results = 32257 in 00:03:39 = 147.3/s Avg: 0 Min: 0 Max: 1 Err: 0 (0.00%)

BackendListener now allows you to define sampler list as a regular expression

You can now use a regular expression to select the samplers you want to filter. Use parameter: useRegexpForSamplersList=true and put a regex in pararameter samplersList

Protocols and Load Testing improvements

Migration to HttpClient 4.5.2 has been started. Although not completely finished, it improves many areas in JMeter

Migration to HttpClient 4.5.2 improves the following fields of JMeter:

  • Support of recent RFC like HTTP State Management Mechanism RFC-6265 for Cookies, you should use now HC4CookieHandler in HTTP Cookie Manager component and select standard Cookie policy
  • Server Name Indication (SNI) support for HttpClient4 implementation
  • Improved and better performing validation mechanism for Stale connections and Keep-Alive management, see properties httpclient4.validate_after_inactivity and httpclient4.time_to_live
  • Many bug fixes since previous version 4.2.6 used in JMeter 2.13, see HttpClient 4.5.X release notes
  • Better support of HTTP RFC 2616 / RFC 7230 and fixes to issues with deflate compression management

Parallel Downloads is now realistic and scales much better:

  • Parsing of CSS imported files (through @import) or embedded resources (background, images, …)
  • Lazy initialization of SSL context: For 15 Threads 138% more sampling in 5 minutes for HTTP only tests. Gain increases as number of threads increases
  • Rework of Connection management for Parallel Download: This better simulates current browser behaviour and improves throughput. For 15 Threads 135% extra samples in 5 minutes.
  • Reuse of Threads used for Parallel downloads through a ThreadPool: This improves throughput and increases JMeter scalability for such tests
  • Total of 750% more throughput found on test with 15 threads, the more threads you have the more the gain
  • You can now compute and store just the MD5 of embedded resources instead of storing the entire response, this can be done by setting the property httpsampler.embedded_resources_use_md5=true

Introduction of Sample Timeout feature

This new Sample Timeout Pre-Processor allows you to apply a Timeout on the elements that are in its scope. In the screenshot below the 10 second timeout applies to the Debug Sampler and HTTP Request elements.

JDBC request now uses DBCP2 pool

JDBC Request and JDBC Connection Configuration have been updated to replace old Excalibur Pool by Apache Commons DBCP2 pool. As a consequence properties have been migrated to equivalent when available and UI has been updated. Note that unlike Excalibur, Commons DBCP uses the validation query when creating the pool. So make sure the query is valid. The default query suits many databases, but not all - for example Oracle requires 'SELECT 1 FROM DUAL' or similar.

UX Improvements:

Better display in HiDPI screens

See JMeter with a HiDPI screen on Linux or Windows in Hints and Tips section in user manual

New Icon look and Logo

JMeter has a new Logo created by Felix Schumacher.
Icons have also been refreshed to give a more modern style and make them more meaningful

Lots of fixes of annoying little bugs

Around 40 UI fixes have been made to either fix buggy, confusing
behaviour or simplify usage by not allowing incompatible options to be

Improved Thread Group UI and related actions (Start, Start No Timers, Validate)

Creating and testing a Test Plan before Load Test has been much
simplified by allowing you to only start a selection of Thread Group,
start them without applying Timers (thus gaining time)
or start them using a new Validation mode. This validation mode allows
you to start a Thread Group (without modifying it) with 1 thread, 1
iteration and without applying timers.
This validation mode can be customized.

New shortcuts

  • Add most used elements
    (Ctrl + 0

    Ctrl + 9),
    configurable through gui.quick_XXX properties
  • Shortcuts to expand nodes

Core improvements

Configuration simplification with better defaults

Default values for many properties have been modified to make JMeter
configuration optimal Out of the box. Read "Incompatible changes"
section for more details.

Apache Groovy bundled with JMeter

Apache Groovy, the well-known JVM scripting language, is now bundled with Apache JMeter in lib folder.
This allows you to use it immediately through JSR223 Elements by selecting the Groovy language.

Superflous and old properties removed

Old properties that existed to maintain backward compatibility or to offer some superflous customization have been removed.
Read "Incompatible changes" section to see which properties have been removed.

Code and documentation improvements

  • Migration to Java7 source code and use of its syntactic sugar
  • Major code cleanups
  • Full review of documentation and improvement both in content and presentation

Improvements to unit tests

  • Migration of many tests to JUnit 4
  • Better management of Headless tests
  • More Unit Tests

Dependencies refresh

Deprecated Libraries dropped or replaced by up to date ones:

  • Excalibur replaced by commons-dbcp
  • htmllexer, htmlparser removed
  • soap removed
  • jdom removed

Slf4j can now be used within Plugins and core code

You can now use SLF4J logging wrapper in your custom plugins or org.apache.jmeter.protocol.java.sampler.AbstractJavaSamplerClient subclasses.

Incompatible changes

  • Since version 3.0, Groovy-2.4.6 is bundled with JMeter (lib folder), ensure you remove old version or referenced versions through properties search_paths or user.classpath
  • Since version 3.0, jmeter.save.saveservice.assertion_results_failure_message
    property value is true, meaning CSV file for results will contain an
    additional column containing assertion result response message, see Bug
  • Since version 3.0, jmeter.save.saveservice.print_field_names property value is true, meaning CSV file for results will contain field names as first line in CSV, see Bug
  • Since version 3.0, jmeter.save.saveservice.idle_time
    property value is true, meaning CSV/XML result files will contain an
    additional column containing idle time between samplers, see Bug
  • In RandomTimer class, protected instance timer field has been replaced by getTimer() protected method, this is related to Bug
    . This may impact 3rd party plugins.
  • Since version 3.0, you can use Nashorn Engine (default
    javascript engine is Rhino) under Java8 for Elements that use Javascript
    Engine (__javaScript, IfController). If you want to use it, use property javascript.use_rhino=false, see Bug

    Note: in a future
    version, we will switch to Nashorn by default. Users are encouraged to
    report any issue related to using Nashorn instead of Rhino.
  • Since version 3.0, JMS Publisher will reload contents of file if Message source is "From File" and the "Filename" field changes (e.g. if it uses a variable that has changed)
  • org.apache.jmeter.gui.util.ButtonPanel has been removed, if you use it in your 3rd party plugin or custom development ensure you update your code. See Bug
  • Property jmeterthread.startearlier has been removed. See Bug
  • Property jmeterengine.startlistenerslater has been removed. See Bug
  • Property jmeterthread.reversePostProcessors has been removed. See Bug
  • Property jmeter.toolbar.display has been removed, the toolbar is now always displayed. See Bug
  • Property jmeter.errorscounter.display has been removed, the errors/warnings counter is now always displayed. See Bug
  • Property xml.parser has been removed, it is not used anymore as org.apache.jmeter.util.JMeterUtils#getXMLParser has been deprecated and is not used either. See Bug
  • Summariser listener now shows the duration in the format HH:mm:ss (Hour:Minute:Second), it previously showed the duration in seconds. See Bug
  • org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.visualizers.RequestViewHTTP.getQueryMap signature has changed, if you use it ensure you update your code. See Bug
  • JMS Subscriber will consider a sample to be an error if the
    number of received messages is not equal to expected number of messages.
    It previously considered a sample OK if at least 1 message was
    received. See Bug
  • Since version 3.0, HTTP(S) Test Script recorder defaults to using port 8888 (as configured when using Recording Template). See Bug
  • Since version 3.0, the parser for embedded resources (replaced
    since 2.10 by Lagarto based implementation) which relied on the
    htmlparser library (HtmlParserHTMLParser) has been dropped along with
    its dependencies.
  • Since version 3.0, support for reading old Avalon format JTL (result) files has been removed, see Bug
  • Since version 3.0, the default property value for http.java.sampler.retries has been changed to 0 (no retry by default) to align it with the behaviour of HttpClient4.
    Note also that its meaning has changed: before 3.0, http.java.sampler.retries=1 meant No Retry (i.e. total tries = 1), since 3.0 http.java.sampler.retries=1 means 1 retry.
    (Note: this only applies to the Java HTTP Sampler)

    See Bug

  • Since 3.0, the following deprecated classes have been dropped
    • org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.modifier.UserParameterXMLContentHandler
    • org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.modifier.UserParameterXMLErrorHandler
    • org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.modifier.UserParameterXMLParser
  • httpsampler.await_termination_timeout has been replaced by httpsampler.parallel_download_thread_keepalive_inseconds which is now the keep alive time for the parallel download threads (in seconds).
  • JDBC Request has been updated to use commons-dbcp2, since then
    the behaviour is slightly different, ensure you have a correct
    "Validation Query" for your database. See Bug
  • The following jars have been removed:
  • Maximum number of redirects allowed by JMeter is now 20, it was previously 5. This can be changed with the property httpsampler.max_redirects. See Bug

Deprecated and removed elements

  • MongoDB elements (MongoDB Source Config, MongoDB Script) have
    been deprecated and will be removed in the next version of JMeter. They
    do not appear anymore in the menu, if you need them modify not_in_menu property. The JMeter team advises not to use them anymore. See Bug
  • WebService(SOAP) Request and HTML Parameter Mask which were deprecated in 2.13 version, have now been removed following our deprecation strategy.
    Classes and properties which were only used by those elements have been dropped:

    • org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.util.DOMPool
    • org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.util.WSDLException
    • org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.util.WSDLHelper
    • Property soap.document_cache
    • JAR soap-2.3.1 has been also removed
  • __jexl function (i.e. JEXL 1) has been deprecated and will be removed in next version. See Bug
  • Spline Visualizer listener and Distribution Graph listener have
    been deprecated and will be removed in the next version of JMeter. They
    do not appear anymore in the menu, if you need them modify not_in_menu property. JMeter team advises not to use them anymore. See Bug


HTTP Samplers and Test Script Recorder

  • Bug

    HTTP Request : Improve responseMessage when resource download fails.
    Contributed by Ubik Load Pack (support at ubikloadpack.com)
  • Bug

    Use FileServer for HTTP Request files. Implemented by Andrey Pokhilko
    (andrey at blazemeter.com) and contributed by BlazeMeter Ltd.
  • Bug

    Improve the usable space in the HTTP sampler GUI. Contributed by Benoit Wiart (benoit dot wiart at gmail.com)
  • Bug

    Use less memory for PUT requests. The uploaded data will no longer be stored in the Sampler.
    This is the same behaviour as with POST requests.
  • Bug

    HTTP Request : Add automatic variable generation in HTTP parameters
    table by right click. Contributed by Benoit Wiart (benoit dot wiart at
  • Bug

    normalize URIs when downloading embedded resources.
  • Bug

    HTTP Sampler : Added WebDAV verb (SEARCH).
  • Bug

    Change Default proxy recording port to 8888 to align it with Recording Template. Contributed by Antonio Gomes Rodrigues (ra0077 at gmail.com)
  • Bug

    Performance : Lazily initialize HttpClient SSL Context to avoid its initialization even for HTTP only scenarios
  • Bug

    HttpSampler : Retrieve All Embedded Resources, add property "httpsampler.embedded_resources_use_md5" to only compute md5 and not keep response data. Contributed by Benoit Wiart (benoit dot wiart at gmail.com)
  • Bug

    HttpSampler UI : rework the embedded resources labels and change default number of parallel downloads to 6. Contributed by Benoit Wiart (benoit dot wiart at gmail.com)
  • Bug

    Use SystemDefaultDnsResolver singleton. Contributed by Benoit Wiart (benoit dot wiart at gmail.com)
  • Bug

    FormCharSetFinder : Use JSoup instead of deprecated HTMLParser
  • Bug

    Parallel downloads connection management is not realistic. Contributed
    by Benoit Wiart (benoit dot wiart at gmail.com) and Philippe Mouawad
  • Bug

    HTTP Request GUI : Move File Upload to a new Tab to have more space
    for parameters and prevent incompatible configuration. Contributed by
    Benoit Wiart (benoit dot wiart at gmail.com)
  • Bug

    HTTP Request Java Implementation: Change default "http.java.sampler.retries" to align it on HttpClient behaviour and make the name meaningful
  • Bug

    HTTP Request : Make Method field editable so that additional methods (WebDAV) can be added easily
  • Bug

    Add comment in recorded think time by proxy recorder. Contributed by Antonio Gomes Rodrigues (ra0077 at gmail.com)
  • Bug

    Add the possibility to setup a prefix to sampler name recorded by
    proxy. Partly based on a patch by Antonio Gomes Rodrigues (ra0077 at
  • Bug

    HTTP Request : Simplify GUI with simple/advanced Tabs
  • Bug

    Parallel Download : Rework Parser classes hierarchy to allow plug-in parsers for different mime types
  • Bug

    Embedded Resources Parallel download : Improve performances by
    avoiding shutdown of ThreadPoolExecutor at each sample. Contributed by
    Benoit Wiart (benoit dot wiart at gmail.com)
  • Bug

    HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder : Suggested excludes should ignore case.
    Contributed by Antonio Gomes Rodrigues (ra0077 at gmail.com)
  • Bug

    Parallel Download : Add CSS Parsing to extract links from CSS files
  • Bug

    Http Request Defaults : Add "Source address" and "Save responses as MD5"
  • Bug

    More realistic default value for httpsampler.max_redirects

Other samplers

  • Bug

    Add ability to define protocol (http/https) to AccessLogSampler GUI. Contributed by Jérémie Lesage (jeremie.lesage at jeci.fr)
  • Bug

    Make existing Java Samplers implement Interruptible
  • Bug

    JMS Publisher : reload file content if file name changes. Based partly
    on a patch contributed by Maxime Chassagneux (maxime.chassagneux at
  • Bug

    JDBC Sampler : Replace Excalibur DataSource by more up to date library commons-dbcp2
  • Bug

    TCP Sampler: Set connect time in sampler when connection is established.
  • Bug

    JMSPublisher : FileChooserDialog filter does not work for browser
    buttons. Based partly on a patch contributed by Antonio Gomes Rodrigues
    (ra0077 at gmail.com)


  • Bug

    IfController : Allow use of Nashorn Engine if available for JavaScript evaluation
  • Bug

    RandomOrderController : Improve randomization algorithm performance. Contributed by Graham Russell (jmeter at ham1.co.uk)
  • Bug

    Module controller : error message can easily be missed. Contributed by Benoit Wiart (benoit dot wiart at gmail.com)
  • Bug

    Module controller : when the target element is disabled the default
    jtree icons are displayed. Contributed by Benoit Wiart (benoit dot wiart
    at gmail.com)
  • Bug

    Module controller : it should not be possible to select more than one
    node in the tree. Contributed by Benoit Wiart (benoit dot wiart at
  • Bug

    Module Controller : ui enhancement. Contributed by Benoit Wiart (benoit dot wiart at gmail.com)
  • Bug

    Record controller gui : add a button to clear all the recorded
    samples. Contributed by Benoit Wiart (benoit dot wiart at gmail.com)


  • Bug

    Tree View Listener should show sample data type
  • Bug

    GraphiteBackendListener : Add Server Hits metric. Partly based on a patch from Amol Moye (amol.moye at thomsonreuters.com)
  • Bug

    GraphiteBackendListener : Don't send data if no sampling occurred
  • Bug

    Summariser should display a more readable duration
  • Bug

    Deprecate listeners: Distribution Graph (alpha) and Spline Visualizer
  • Bug

    View Results Tree : Add a search panel to the request http view to be
    able to search in the parameters table. Contributed by Benoit Wiart
    (benoit dot wiart at gmail.com)
  • Bug

    View Results Tree : the request view http does not allow to resize the
    parameters table first column. Contributed by Benoit Wiart (benoit dot
    wiart at gmail.com)
  • Bug

    Request view http does not correctly display http parameters in
    multipart/form-data. Contributed by Benoit Wiart (benoit dot wiart at
  • Bug

    View Results Tree: Add a search feature to search in recorded samplers
  • Bug

    View Results Tree: Better default value for "view.results.tree.max_size"
  • Bug

    Backend listener : Add the possibility to consider samplersList as a
    Regular Expression. Contributed by Antonio Gomes Rodrigues (ra0077 at
  • Bug

    Visualizer : Add "Clear" in popup menu

Timers, Assertions, Config, Pre- & Post-Processors

  • Bug

    Change usage of bouncycastle api in SMIMEAssertion to get rid of deprecation warnings.
  • Bug

    New JSON related components : JSON-PATH Extractor and JSON-PATH
    Renderer in View Results Tree. Donated by Ubik Load Pack (support at
  • Bug

    Correct parsing of auth-files in HTTP Authorization Manager.
  • Bug

    CookieManager : Cookie Policy select box content must depend on Cookie implementation.
  • Bug

    Cookie manager supports cross port cookies and RFC6265. Thanks to Oleg Kalnichevski (olegk at apache.org)
  • Bug

    TestCacheManager : Add tests for CacheManager that use HttpClient 4
  • Bug

    CompareAssertion : Reset data in TableEditor when switching between different CompareAssertions in gui.
    Based on a patch by Vincent Herilier (vherilier at gmail.com)
  • Bug

    TableEditor: Allow rows to be moved up and down. Contributed by Vincent Herilier (vherilier at gmail.com)
  • Bug

    Argument Panel : when adding an argument (add button or from
    clipboard) scroll the table to the new line. Contributed by Benoit Wiart
    (benoit dot wiart at gmail.com)
  • Bug

    Allow empty default value in the Regular Expression Extractor. Contributed by Benoit Wiart (benoit dot wiart at gmail.com)
  • Bug

    XMLAssertion : drop jdom dependency by using XMLReader
  • Bug

    Better tooltip for Variable Names in CSVDataSet. Contributed by Antonio Gomes Rodrigues (ra0077 at gmail.com)


  • Bug

    __javaScript function : Allow use of Nashorn engine for Java8 and later versions
  • Bug

    Provide __jexl3 function that uses commons-jexl3 and deprecated __jexl (1.1) function



  • Bug

    Add Sample Timeout support
  • Bug

    Automated backups of last saved JMX files. Contributed by Benoit Vatan (benoit.vatan at gmail.com)
  • Bug

    Shortcuts (Ctrl + 1 …
    Ctrl + 9) to quickly add elements into test plan.
    Implemented by Andrey Pokhilko (andrey at blazemeter.com) and contributed by BlazeMeter Ltd.
  • Bug

    Performance enhancements : Replace Random by ThreadLocalRandom.
  • Bug

    TestSaveService#testLoadAndSave use the wrong set of files. Contributed by Benoit Wiart (benoit dot wiart at gmail.com)
  • Bug

    Add shortcuts to expand / collapse a part of the tree. Contributed by Benoit Wiart (benoit dot wiart at gmail.com)
  • Bug

    Create Ant task to setup Eclipse project
  • Bug

    New JMeter Dashboard/Report with Dynamic Graphs, Tables to help
    analyzing load test results. Developed by Ubik-Ingenierie and
    contributed by Decathlon S.A. and Ubik-Ingenierie / UbikLoadPack
  • Bug

    Workbench changes neither saved nor prompted for saving upon close.
    Contributed by Benoit Wiart (benoit dot wiart at gmail.com)
  • Bug

    Drop old behavioural properties
  • Bug

    Upgrade to HttpClient 4.5.2. With the big help from Oleg Kalnichevski
    (olegk at apache.org) and Gary Gregory (ggregory at apache.org).
  • Bug

    Deprecate MongoDB related elements
  • Bug

    ThreadGroup : Improve ergonomy
  • Bug

    Show the time elapsed since the start of the load test in GUI mode.
    Partly based on a contribution from Maxime Chassagneux
    (maxime.chassagneux at gmail.com)
  • Bug

    JVM no longer recognizes option MaxLiveObjectEvacuationRatio; remove from comments
  • Bug

    Config Element Counter (and others): Check Boxes Toggle Area Too Big
  • Bug

    JSR223 Test Element : Generate compilation cache key automatically.
    Contributed by Benoit Wiart (benoit dot wiart at gmail.com)
  • Bug

    Header Manager : it should be possible to copy/paste between Header
    Managers. Contributed by Benoit Wiart (benoit dot wiart at gmail.com)
  • Bug

    Arguments Panel : when moving parameter with up / down, ensure that
    the selection remains visible. Based on a contribution by Benoit Wiart
    (benoit dot wiart at gmail.com)
  • Bug

    Add a new template to allow to record script with think time included.
    Contributed by Antonio Gomes Rodrigues (ra0077 at gmail.com)
  • Bug

    Settings defaults : Switch "jmeter.save.saveservice.assertion_results_failure_message" to true (after 2.13)
  • Bug

    Settings defaults : Switch "jmeter.save.saveservice.print_field_names" to true (after 2.13)
  • Bug

    Settings defaults : Switch "jmeter.save.saveservice.idle_time" to true (after 2.13)
  • Bug

    TableEditor: minimum size is too small. Contributed by Vincent Herilier (vherilier at gmail.com)
  • Bug

    JSyntaxTextArea : Ability to set font. Contributed by Denis Kirpichenkov (denis.kirpichenkov at gmail.com)
  • Bug

    Create developers page explaining how to build and contribute
  • Bug

    JMeter Gui Replace controller should keep the name and the selection.
    Contributed by Benoit Wiart (benoit dot wiart at gmail.com)
  • Bug

    Deprecate HTTPClient 3.1 related elements
  • Bug

    Drop support of old JMX file format
  • Bug

    Remove the "TestCompiler.useStaticSet" parameter. Contributed by Benoit Wiart (benoit dot wiart at gmail.com)
  • Bug

    Option parsing error message can be 'lost'
  • Bug

    Feature request: Bundle groovy-all with JMeter
  • Bug

    Improve display of JMeter on high resolution devices (HiDPI) (part 1 of enhancement)
  • Bug

    TableEditor : Add ability to paste rows from clipboard and delete
    multiple selection. Contributed by Vincent Herilier (vherilier at
  • Bug

    Thread Group : it should be possible to only run a single threadgroup
    or a selection of threadgroups with a popup menu. Contributed by Benoit
    Wiart (benoit dot wiart at gmail.com)
  • Bug

    Change the font color of errorsOrFatalsLabel to red when an error occurs. Contributed by Antonio Gomes Rodrigues (ra0077 at gmail.com)
  • Bug

    Create a new Starter that runs thread groups in validation mode (1 thread only, 1 iteration, no pause all customizable)
  • Bug

    JMeter Properties : Make some cleanup
  • Bug

    Introduce a slf4j adapter for Logkit (this allows using slf4j within plugins and core code)
  • Bug

    Stop test if CSVDataSet is accessing non-existing file. Contributed by Antonio Gomes Rodrigues (ra0077 at gmail.com)
  • Bug

    Better tooltip in GUI with GenericTestBeanCustomizer (CSV Data Set
    Config, JDBC Connection Configuration, Keystore Configuration, …) .
    Based on a patch by Antonio Gomes Rodrigues (ra0077 at gmail.com)
  • Bug

    Sample Result SaveConfig Dialog is generated in random order
  • Bug

    Display error about missing help page inside the help pane

Non-functional changes

  • Updated to httpclient, httpmime 4.5.2 (from 4.2.6)
  • Updated to tika-core and tika-parsers 1.12 (from 1.7)
  • Updated to commons-math3 3.6.1 (from 3.4.1)
  • Updated to commons-pool2 2.4.2 (from 2.3)
  • Updated to commons-lang 3.4 (from 3.3.2)
  • Updated to rhino- (from 1.7R5)
  • Updated to jodd-3.6.7.jar (from 3.6.4)
  • Updated to jsoup-1.8.3 (from 1.8.1)
  • Updated to rsyntaxtextarea-2.5.8 (from 2.5.6)
  • Updated to slf4j-1.7.12 (from 1.7.10)
  • Updated to xmlgraphics-commons-2.0.1 (from 1.5)
  • Updated to commons-collections-3.2.2 (from 3.2.1)
  • Updated to commons-net 3.4 (from 3.3)
  • Updated to slf4j 1.7.13 (from 1.7.12)
  • Bug

    Require a minimum of Java 7. Partly contributed by Graham Russell (jmeter at ham1.co.uk)
  • Bug

    JMeterColor does not need to extend java.awt.Color. Contributed by Benoit Wiart (benoit dot wiart at gmail.com)
  • Bug

    ButtonPanel should die. Contributed by Benoit Wiart (benoit dot wiart at gmail.com)
  • Bug

    Make org.apache.jmeter.testelement.property.MultiProperty iterable. Contributed by Benoit Wiart (benoit dot wiart at gmail.com)
  • Bug

    Cleanup extras folder for maintainability
  • Bug

    Fixed spelling+grammar, formatting, removed commented out code etc. Contributed by Graham Russell (jmeter at ham1.co.uk)
  • Correct instructions on running JMeter in help.txt. Contributed by Pascal Schumacher (pascalschumacher at gmx.net)
  • Bug

    Non regression testing : Ant task batchtest fails if tests and run in a non en_EN locale and use a JMX file that uses a CSV DataSet
  • Bug

    Improve JUnit Test code. Contributed by Benoit Wiart (benoit dot wiart at gmail.com)
  • Bug

    Cleanup of LDAP code. Based on a patch by Benoit Wiart (benoit dot wiart at gmail.com)
  • Bug

    Improve JUnit Test code. Contributed by Benoit Wiart (benoit dot wiart at gmail.com)
  • Bug

    Use JUnit categories to exclude tests that need a gui. Contributed by Benoit Wiart (benoit dot wiart at gmail.com)
  • Bug

    ClutilTestCase testSingleArg8 and testSingleArg9 are identical
  • Bug

    Remove OldSaveService which supported very old Avalon format JTL (result) files
  • Bug

    RSyntaxTextArea not compatible with headless testing
  • Bug

    Use Double#compare instead of reimplementing it in NumberProperty#compareTo
  • Bug

    Drop HtmlParserHTMLParser and dependencies on htmlparser and htmllexer
  • Bug

    JMS Read response field is badly named and documented
  • Bug

    Change check for modification of saveservice.properties from SVN Revision ID to sha1 sum of the file itself.
  • Bug

    Remove the jmeterthread.startearlier parameter. Contributed by Benoit Wiart (benoit dot wiart at gmail.com)
  • Bug

    Make JMeterUtils#runSafe sync/async awt invocation configurable and change the visualizers to use the async version.
  • Bug

    Issue in CheckDirty and its relation to ActionRouter
  • Bug

    Remove UserParameterXMLParser that was deprecated eight years ago. Contributed by Benoit Wiart (benoit dot wiart at gmail.com)
  • Bug

    Add list of binary jars to LICENSE; use that for unit tests
  • Bug

    Add "Deprecated and removed elements" in "Incompatible changes" part
    in changes.xml. Contributed by Antonio Gomes Rodrigues (ra0077 at

Bug fixes

HTTP Samplers and Test Script Recorder

  • Bug

    "audio/x-mpegurl" mime type is erroneously considered as binary by ViewResultsTree. Contributed by Ubik Load Pack (support at ubikloadpack.com).
  • Bug

    Don't call sampleEnd twice in HTTPHC4Impl when a RuntimeException or an IOException occurs in the sample method.
  • Bug

    HTTP/1.1 without keep-alive "Connection" response header no longer uses infinite keep-alive.
  • Bug

    The hc.parameters reference in jmeter.properties doesn't work when JMeter is not started in bin.
  • Bug

    JMeter fails to download embedded URLs that contain illegal characters in URL (it does not escape them).
  • Bug

    Make usage of port in the host header more consistent across the different http samplers.
  • Bug

    HTTP Test Script Recorder : NullPointerException when disabling Capture HTTP Headers
  • Bug

    HTTP Request doesn't reuse cached SSL context when using Client
    Certificates in HTTPS (only fixed for HttpClient4 implementation)
  • Bug

    proxy.pause default value: fix documentation
  • Bug

    Buttons enable / disable is broken in the arguments panel. Contributed by Benoit Wiart (benoit dot wiart at gmail.com)
  • Bug

    When clicking on up, down or detail while in a cell of the argument
    panel, newly added content is lost. Contributed by Benoit Wiart (benoit
    dot wiart at gmail.com)
  • Bug

    SSL SNI extension not supported by HttpClient 4.2.6
  • Bug

    Http Sampler : It should not be possible to select the multipart encoding if the method is not POST. Contributed by Benoit Wiart (benoit dot wiart at gmail.com)
  • Bug

    Http Sampler: Infinite recursion SampleResult on frame depth limit reached
  • Bug

    HTTP Request : HTTPHC4Impl shows exception when server uses "deflate" compression
  • Bug

    HTTP client fails to close connection if server misbehaves by not sending "connection: close", violating HTTP RFC 2616 / RFC 7230
  • Bug

    NoHttpResponseException when Pause between samplers exceeds keepalive sent by server
  • Bug

    Http file panel : data lost on browse cancellation. Contributed by Benoit Wiart (benoit dot wiart at gmail.com)
  • Bug

    Application does not behave correctly when using HTTP Recorder. With the help of Dan (java.junkee at yahoo.com)
  • Bug

    "httpsampler.max_redirects" property is not enforced when "Redirect Automatically" is used
  • Bug

    When pasting arguments between http samplers the column "Encode" and
    "Include Equals" are lost. Contributed by Benoit Wiart (benoit dot wiart
    at gmail.com)

Other Samplers

  • Bug

    Enable all protocols that are enabled on the default SSLContext for usage with the SMTP Sampler.
  • Bug

    JMeter hang when testing javasampler because HashMap.put() is called from multiple threads without sync.
  • Bug

    Use typed methods such as setInt, setDouble, setDate, … for prepared statement #27
  • Bug

    Add a dependency on hamcrest-core to allow JUnit tests with annotations to work
  • Bug

    Connect metric is wrong when ConnectException occurs
  • Bug

    JMS Subscriber will return successful as long as 1 message is
    received. Contributed by Harrison Termotto (harrison dot termotto at
  • Bug

    JMS Publisher: NumberFormatException is thrown if priority or expiration field is empty
  • Bug

    SMTPSampler connection leak. Based on a patch by Luca Maragnani (luca dot maragnani at gmail dot com)


  • Bug

    Display correct filenames, when they are searched by IncludeController
  • Bug

    Module Controller : limit target element selection. Contributed by Benoit Wiart (benoit dot wiart at gmail.com)
  • Bug

    Module controller : it should not be possible to add a timer as child.
    Contributed by Benoit Wiart (benoit dot wiart at gmail.com)
  • Bug

    JMeter fails to iterate over Controllers that are children of a TransactionController having "Generate parent sample" checked after an assertion error occurs on a Thread Group with "Start Next Thread Loop". Contributed by Benoit Wiart(benoit dot wiart at gmail.com)
  • Bug

    Test should fail if a module controller cannot find its replacement subtree


  • Bug

    SampleResultConverter should note that it cannot record non-TEXT data
  • Bug

    Request http view doesn't display all the parameters. Contributed by Benoit Wiart (benoit dot wiart at gmail.com)
  • Bug

    ViewResultsTree : Request HTTP Renderer does not show correctly
    parameters that contain ampersand (&). Contributed by Benoit Wiart
    (benoit dot wiart at gmail.com)
  • Bug

    SampleResult SaveConfig does not allow some fields to be disabled
  • Bug

    Response Time Graph and Aggregate Graph : Save graph to file does not
    take into account the settings changed since last click on Graph.
    Contributed by David Coppens (d.l.coppens at gmail.com)

Timers, Assertions, Config, Pre- & Post-Processors

  • Bug

    Do not cache HTTP samples that have a Vary header when using a HTTP CacheManager.
  • Bug

    Response assertion gui : Deleting more than 1 selected row deletes
    only one row. Contributed by Benoit Wiart (benoit dot wiart at


  • Bug

    __Random function fails if min value is equal to max value (regression related to Bug



  • Bug

    Don't fail on long strings in JSON responses when displaying them as JSON in View Results Tree.
  • Bug

    Maven transient dependencies are incorrect for 2.13 (Fixed group ids for Commons Pool and Math)
  • Bug

    TESTSTART.MS has always the value of the first Test started in Server mode in NON GUI Distributed testing
  • Bug

    Error type casting using external SSL Provider. Contributed by Kirill Yankov (myworkpostbox at gmail.com)
  • Bug

    SOAP/XML-RPC Sampler file browser generates NullPointerException
  • Bug

    JDatefield : Make the modification of the date with up/down arrow
    work. Contributed by Benoit Wiart (benoit dot wiart at gmail.com)
  • Bug

    Fix "Cannot nest output folder 'jmeter/build/components' inside output folder 'jmeter/build'" when setting up eclipse
  • Bug

    Command line option "-?" shows Unknown option
  • Bug

    Command-line option "-X --remoteexit" doesn't work since 2.13 (regression related to Bug
  • Bug

    NPE may occur in GuiPackage#getTestElementCheckSum with some 3rd party plugins
  • Bug

    When closing JMeter should not interpret cancel as "destroy my test plan". Contributed by Benoit Wiart (benoit dot wiart at gmail.com)
  • Bug

    Search Feature : Case insensitive search is not really case insensitive
  • Bug

    ant run_gui fails with ClassNotFoundException or IllegalAccessError when accessing classes from dependencies not loaded through Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()
  • Bug

    Bad display of running indicator icon. Contributed by Antonio Gomes Rodrigues (ra0077 at gmail.com)
  • Bug

    Disable language change during a test
  • Bug

    In Distributed mode, the client exits abnormally at the end of test
  • Bug

    build.xml does not make dist.executables executable on Unix systems


We thank all contributors mentioned in bug and improvement sections above:

  • Ubik Load Pack
  • Benoit Vatan (benoit.vatan at gmail.com)
  • Jérémie Lesage (jeremie.lesage at jeci.fr)
  • Kirill Yankov (myworkpostbox at gmail.com)
  • Amol Moye (amol.moye at thomsonreuters.com)
  • Samoht-fr (https://github.com/Samoht-fr)
  • Graham Russell (jmeter at ham1.co.uk)
  • Maxime Chassagneux (maxime.chassagneux at gmail.com)
  • Benoit Wiart (benoit.wiart at gmail.com)
  • Decathlon S.A.
  • Ubik-Ingenierie S.A.S.
  • Oleg Kalnichevski (olegk at apache.org)
  • Pascal Schumacher (pascalschumacher at gmx.net)
  • Vincent Herilier (vherilier at gmail.com)
  • Florent Sabbe (f dot sabbe at ubik-ingenierie.com)
  • Antonio Gomes Rodrigues (ra0077 at gmail.com)
  • Harrison Termotto (harrison dot termotto at stonybrook.edu
  • Denis Kirpichenkov (denis.kirpichenkov at gmail.com)
  • Gary Gregory (ggregory at apache.org)
  • David Coppens (d.l.coppens at gmail.com)
  • Luca Maragnani (luca dot maragnani at gmail dot com)
  • Philip Helger (http://www.helger.com) for his CSS Parser and for taking into account our bug reports very rapidly
  • Irek Pastusiak (the.automatic.tester at gmail.com)

We also thank bug reporters who helped us improve JMeter.
For this release we want to give special thanks to the following reporters for the clear reports and tests made after our fixes:

  • purnasatyap at gmail dot com for the tests and reports on nightly build
  • Sergey Batalin (sergey_batalin at mail dot ru) for the tests and reports on nightly build
  • Vincent Daburon (vdaburon at gmail dot com) for the tests and reports on nightly build

Apologies if we have omitted anyone else.

Known problems and workarounds

  • The Once Only controller behaves correctly under a Thread Group or Loop Controller,
    but otherwise its behaviour is not consistent (or clearly specified).
  • The numbers that appear to the left of the green box are the number of active threads / total number of threads,
    the total number of threads only applies to a locally run test, otherwise it will show 0 (see Bug
  • Note that there is a bug in Java
    on some Linux systems that manifests itself as the following error when running the test cases or JMeter itself:

     [java] WARNING: Couldn't flush user prefs:
    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Not supported: indent-number

    This does not affect JMeter operation. This issue is fixed since Java 7b05.

  • Note that under some windows systems you may have this WARNING:
    WARNING: Could not open/create prefs root node Software\JavaSoft\Prefs at root 0
    x80000002. Windows RegCreateKeyEx(…) returned error code 5.

    The fix is to run JMeter as Administrator, it will create the registry key for you, then you can restart JMeter as a normal user and you won't have the warning anymore.

  • With Oracle Java 7 and Mac Book Pro Retina Display, the JMeter GUI may look blurry. This is a known Java bug, see Bug JDK-8000629. A workaround is to use a Java 7 update 40 runtime which fixes this issue.
  • You may encounter the following error:
    java.security.cert.CertificateException: Certificates does not conform to algorithm constraints

    if you run a HTTPS request on a web site with a SSL certificate (itself or one of SSL certificates in its chain of trust) with a signature algorithm using MD2 (like md2WithRSAEncryption) or with a SSL certificate with a size lower than 1024 bits. This error is related to increased security in Java 7 version u16 (MD2) and version u40 (Certificate size lower than 1024 bits), and Java 8 too.
    To allow you to perform your HTTPS request, you can downgrade the security of your Java installation by editing
    the Java jdk.certpath.disabledAlgorithms property. Remove the MD2 value or the constraint on size, depending on your case.

    This property is in this file:


    See Bug 56357 for details.

  • Under Mac OSX Aggregate Graph will show wrong values due to mirroring effect on numbers. This is due to a known Java bug, see Bug JDK-8065373 The fix is to use JDK7_u79, JDK8_u45 or later.
  • View Results Tree may fail to display some HTML code under HTML renderer, see Bug 54586. This is due to a known Java bug which fails to parse "px" units in row/col attributes. See Bug JDK-8031109 The fix is to use JDK9 b65 or later.
  • JTable selection with keyboard (SHIFT + up/down) is totally unusable with JAVA 7 on Mac OSX. This is due to a known Java bug JDK-8025126 The fix is to use JDK 8 b132 or later.




D:\Program Files\apache-jmeter\bin\saveservice.properties


jmeter.save.saveservice.bytes = true
jmeter.save.saveservice.label = true
jmeter.save.saveservice.latency = true
jmeter.save.saveservice.response_code = true
jmeter.save.saveservice.response_message = true
jmeter.save.saveservice.successful = true
jmeter.save.saveservice.thread_counts = true
jmeter.save.saveservice.thread_name = true
jmeter.save.saveservice.time = true
# the timestamp format must include the time and should include the date.
# For example the default, which is milliseconds since the epoch:
jmeter.save.saveservice.timestamp_format = ms
# Or the following would also be suitable
jmeter.save.saveservice.timestamp_format = yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss
jmeter -n -t E:\PPmoney\PPmoneySOA.jmx -l e:test.csv -e -o e:report



  1. YbSoftwareFactory 代码生成插件【二十一】:Web Api及MVC性能提升的几个小技巧
  2. JS多异步之间的协作方案
  3. 工作框架各种使用整理 -- 展示数据列表并做update
  4. javascript中元素的scrollLeft和scrollTop属性说明
  5. ccc array
  6. iOS设备的尺寸
  7. 在console中输出图片
  8. eclipse内存溢出报错:java.lang.OutOfMemoryError:Java heap space
  9. windows 下实现函数打桩:拦截API方式
  10. js正则验证邮箱格式
  11. 【Chrome】如何在C++中增加给JavaScript调用的API
  12. 《JavaScript高级程序设计》读书笔记 ---创建对象
  13. jQuery disabled 元素
  14. 数据结构与算法系列研究七——图、prim算法、dijkstra算法
  15. Qt之QHeaderView加入复选框
  16. Android更新主线程UI的两种方式handler与runOnUiThread()
  17. ASP.NET实现网页版小优盘
  18. Android开发:APK的反编译(获取代码和资源文件)
  19. 桥接模式-Bridge(Java实现)
  20. Python中字典dict


  1. bootstrap(响应式)加减输入框
  2. 华为C8812E 手机logcat不出日志解决方案
  3. 36.java_exception_test
  4. preg_*匹配的字符串长度限制问题以及nginx,php上传文件过大问题
  5. JavaScript高级内容:原型链、继承、执行上下文、作用域链、闭包
  6. 美团点评DBProxy读写分离使用说明
  7. require.js疑惑
  8. 使用NPOI生成Excel级联列表
  9. pixi.js
  10. 对GPIO_Init(GPIOx,&GPIO_InitStructure)的理解