

下面只翻译一下,再加个安装教程,因为我自己也没弄懂怎样玩= =


apt-get update;
apt-get install git make gcc -y
git clone https://github.com/agentzh/sregex
cd sregex
make install
cd ..
git clone https://github.com/agentzh/replace-filter-nginx-module
wget http://nginx.org/download/nginx-1.2.6.tar.gz
tar zxvf nginx-1.2..tar.gz
cd nginx-1.2.
./configure --add-module=../replace-filter-nginx-module #自行加其他编译参数
make install
nginx.conf的用法举例: location /t {
default_type text/html;
echo abc;
replace_filter 'ab|abc' X;
} location / {
# proxy_pass/fastcgi_pass/... # caseless global substitution:
replace_filter '\d+' 'blah blah' 'ig';
replace_filter_types text/plain text/css;
Syntax语法: ^ 匹配起始行数
$ 匹配末尾行数 \A match only at beginning of stream
\z match only at end of stream \b match a word boundary
\B match except at a word boundary . match any char
\C match a single C-language char (octet) [ab0-] character classes (positive)
[^ab0-] character classes (negative) \d match a digit character ([-])
\D match a non-digit character ([^-]) \s match a whitespace character ([ \f\n\r\t])
\S match a non-whitespace character ([^ \f\n\r\t]) \h match a horizontal whitespace character
\H match a character that isn't horizontal whitespace \v match a vertical whitespace character
\V match a character that isn't vertical whitespace \w match a "word" character ([A-Za-z0-9_])
\W match a non-"word" character ([^A-Za-z0-9_]) \cK control char (example: VT) \N match a character that isn't a newline ab concatenation; first match a, and then b
a|b alternation; match a or b (a) capturing parentheses
(?:a) non-capturing parantheses a? match or times, greedily
a* match or more times, greedily
a+ match or more times, greedily a?? match or times, not greedily
a*? match or more times, not greedily
a+? match or more times, not greedily a{n} match exactly n times
a{n,m} match at least n but not more than m times, greedily
a{n,} match at least n times, greedily a{n}? match exactly n times, not greedily (redundant)
a{n,m}? match at least n but not more than m times, not greedily
a{n,}? match at least n times, not greedily 作者信息:
Yichun “agentzh” Zhang (章亦春) agentzh@gmail.com

Syntax Supported

The following Perl 5 regex syntax features have already been implemented.

^             match the beginning of lines
$ match the end of lines \A match only at beginning of stream
\z match only at end of stream \b match a word boundary
\B match except at a word boundary . match any char
\C match a single C-language char (octet) [ab0-9] character classes (positive)
[^ab0-9] character classes (negative) \d match a digit character ([0-9])
\D match a non-digit character ([^0-9]) \s match a whitespace character ([ \f\n\r\t])
\S match a non-whitespace character ([^ \f\n\r\t]) \h match a horizontal whitespace character
\H match a character that isn't horizontal whitespace \v match a vertical whitespace character
\V match a character that isn't vertical whitespace \w match a "word" character ([A-Za-z0-9_])
\W match a non-"word" character ([^A-Za-z0-9_]) \cK control char (example: VT) \N match a character that isn't a newline ab concatenation; first match a, and then b
a|b alternation; match a or b (a) capturing parentheses
(?:a) non-capturing parantheses a? match 1 or 0 times, greedily
a* match 0 or more times, greedily
a+ match 1 or more times, greedily a?? match 1 or 0 times, not greedily
a*? match 0 or more times, not greedily
a+? match 1 or more times, not greedily a{n} match exactly n times
a{n,m} match at least n but not more than m times, greedily
a{n,} match at least n times, greedily a{n}? match exactly n times, not greedily (redundant)
a{n,m}? match at least n but not more than m times, not greedily
a{n,}? match at least n times, not greedily

The following escaping sequences are supported:

\t          tab
\n newline
\r return
\f form feed
\a alarm
\e escape
\b backspace (in character class only)
\x{}, \x00 character whose ordinal is the given hexadecimal number
\o{}, \000 character whose ordinal is the given octal number

Escaping a regex meta character yields the literal character itself, like \{ and \..

Only the octet mode is supported; no multi-byte character encoding love (yet).


make install

Gnu make and gcc are required. (On operating systems like FreeBSD and Solaris, you should typegmake instead of make here.)

It will build libsregex.so (or libsregex.dylib on Mac OS X), libsregex.a, and the command-line utility sregex-cli and install them into the prefix /usr/local/ by default.

If you want to install into a custom location, then just specify the PREFIX variable like this:

make PREFIX=/opt/sregex
make install PREFIX=/opt/sregex

If you are building a binary package (like an RPM package), then you will find the DESTDIR variable handy, as in

make PREFIX=/opt/sregex
make install PREFIX=/opt/sregex DESTDIR=/path/to/my/build/root

If you run make distclean before make, then you also need bison 2.7+ for generating the regex parser files.



    location /t {
default_type text/html;
echo abc;
replace_filter 'ab|abc' X;
} location / {
# proxy_pass/fastcgi_pass/... # caseless global substitution:
replace_filter '\d+' 'blah blah' 'ig';
replace_filter_types text/plain text/css;
} location /a {
# proxy_pass/fastcgi_pass/root/... # remove line-leading spaces and line-trailing spaces,
# as well as blank lines:
replace_filter '^\s+|\s+$' '' g;
} location /b {
# proxy_pass/fastcgi_pass/root/... # only remove line-leading spaces and line-trailing spaces:
replace_filter '^[ \f\t]+|[ \f\t]+$' '' g;
} location ~ '\.cpp$' {
# proxy_pass/fastcgi_pass/root/... replace_filter_types text/plain; # skip C/C++ string literals:
replace_filter "'(?:\\\\[^\n]|[^'\n])*'" $& g;
replace_filter '"(?:\\\\[^\n]|[^"\n])*"' $& g; # remove all those ugly C/C++ comments:
replace_filter '/\*.*?\*/|//[^\n]*' '' g;


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