



  1. 若$u,v$相连,则$u,v$是朋友满足$(hsh[u]^w[v])==(hsh[v]^w[u])$;
  2. 若$u,v$不相连,则$u,v$是朋友满足$hsh[u]==hsh[v]$;


#define fr first
#define sc second
#define ull unsigned long long
#define ll long long
#define R register int
using namespace std;
namespace Fread {
static char B[<<],*S=B,*D=B;
#define getchar() (S==D&&(D=(S=B)+fread(B,1,1<<15,stdin),S==D)?EOF:*S++)
inline int g() {
R ret=,fix=; register char ch; while(!isdigit(ch=getchar())) fix=ch=='-'?-:fix;
do ret=ret*+(ch^); while(isdigit(ch=getchar())); return ret*fix;
}using Fread::g;
const int N=;
pair<int,int> e[N];
int n,m; ll ans;
ull vl[N],hsh[N];
signed main() {
#ifdef JACK
n=g(),m=g(); srand();
for(R i=;i<=n;++i) vl[i]=(ull)rand()*rand()*rand()*rand();
for(R i=,u,v;i<=m;++i) u=e[i].fr=g(),v=e[i].sc=g(),hsh[u]^=vl[v],hsh[v]^=vl[u];
for(R i=;i<=m;++i) ans+=(int)((hsh[e[i].fr]^vl[e[i].sc])==(hsh[e[i].sc]^vl[e[i].fr]));
sort(hsh+,hsh+n+); R cnt=; for(R i=;i<=n;++i) {
++cnt; if(i==n||hsh[i]!=hsh[i+]) ans+=(ll)cnt*(cnt-)/,cnt=;
} printf("%lld",ans);



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