


void line(Mat& img, Point pt1, Point pt2, const Scalar& color, int thickness=1, int lineType=8, int shift=0)
img – 图像
pt1 – 直线起点
pt2 – 直线终点
color – 颜色
thickness – 粗细
lineType – 直线类型,可以是如下值
8 (or omitted) - 8-connected 线
4 - 4-connected 线.
CV_AA - 抗锯齿线.
shift – 分位的点坐标


void ellipse(Mat& img, Point center, Size axes, double angle, double startAngle, double endAngle, const Scalar& color, int thickness=1, int lineType=8, int shift=0)
void ellipse(Mat& img, const RotatedRect& box, const Scalar& color, int thickness=1, int lineType=8)
img – 图像
center – 椭圆中心
axes – 椭圆主半轴长度
angle –旋转角度
startAngle – 椭圆弧起始角度
endAngle – 椭圆弧终止角度
box – Alternative ellipse representation via RotatedRect or CvBox2D. This means that the function draws an ellipse inscribed in the rotated rectangle.
color – 颜色
thickness – 粗细,如果小于0,表示填充椭圆
lineType – 和line函数一样,直线类型
shift – 部分点位坐标


void rectangle(Mat& img, Point pt1, Point pt2, const Scalar& color, int thickness=1, int lineType=8, int shift=0)
void rectangle(Mat& img, Rect rec, const Scalar& color, int thickness=1, int lineType=8, int shift=0 )
img – 图像
pt1 – 顶点坐标
pt2 – 与p1相对的顶点坐标
rec – 矩形的选择规范
color – 矩形的颜色或亮度
thickness – 和椭圆函数一样
lineType – 和line函数一样
shift – 部分点位坐标


void circle(Mat& img, Point center, int radius, const Scalar& color, int thickness=1, int lineType=8, int shift=0)
img – Image where the circle is drawn.
center – Center of the circle.
radius – Radius of the circle.
color – Circle color.
thickness – Thickness of the circle outline, if positive. Negative thickness means that a filled circle is to be drawn.
lineType – Type of the circle boundary. See the line() description.
shift – Number of fractional bits in the coordinates of the center and in the radius value.


void fillPoly(Mat& img, const Point** pts, const int* npts, int ncontours, const Scalar& color, int lineType=8, int shift=0, Point offset=Point() )
img – Image.
pts – Array of polygons where each polygon is represented as an array of points.
npts – Array of polygon vertex counters.
ncontours – Number of contours that bind the filled region.
color – Polygon color.
lineType – Type of the polygon boundaries. See the line() description.
shift – Number of fractional bits in the vertex coordinates.
offset – Optional offset of all points of the contours.


#define w 400

/// 函数定义
void MyEllipse( Mat img, double angle );
void MyFilledCircle( Mat img, Point center );
void MyPolygon( Mat img );
void MyLine( Mat img, Point start, Point end ); int BasicDraw( void ){ char atom_window[] = "Drawing 1: Atom";
char rook_window[] = "Drawing 2: Rook"; Mat atom_image = Mat::zeros( w, w, CV_8UC3 );
Mat rook_image = Mat::zeros( w, w, CV_8UC3 ); MyEllipse( atom_image, 90 );
MyEllipse( atom_image, 0 );
MyEllipse( atom_image, 45 );
MyEllipse( atom_image, -45 ); MyFilledCircle( atom_image, Point( w/2, w/2) ); MyPolygon( rook_image ); rectangle( rook_image,
Point( 0, 7*w/8 ),
Point( w, w),
Scalar( 0, 255, 255 ),
8 ); MyLine( rook_image, Point( 0, 15*w/16 ), Point( w, 15*w/16 ) );
MyLine( rook_image, Point( w/4, 7*w/8 ), Point( w/4, w ) );
MyLine( rook_image, Point( w/2, 7*w/8 ), Point( w/2, w ) );
MyLine( rook_image, Point( 3*w/4, 7*w/8 ), Point( 3*w/4, w ) ); imshow( atom_window, atom_image );
moveWindow( atom_window, 0, 200 );
imshow( rook_window, rook_image );
moveWindow( rook_window, w, 200 ); waitKey( 0 );
} //画椭圆的函数
void MyEllipse( Mat img, double angle )
int thickness = 2;
int lineType = 8; ellipse( img,
Point( w/2, w/2 ),
Size( w/4, w/16 ),
Scalar( 255, 0, 0 ),
lineType );
} //画圆
void MyFilledCircle( Mat img, Point center )
int thickness = -1;
int lineType = 8; circle( img,
Scalar( 0, 0, 255 ),
lineType );
} //画多边形
void MyPolygon( Mat img )
int lineType = 8; /** Create some points */
Point rook_points[1][20];
rook_points[0][0] = Point( w/4, 7*w/8 );
rook_points[0][1] = Point( 3*w/4, 7*w/8 );
rook_points[0][2] = Point( 3*w/4, 13*w/16 );
rook_points[0][3] = Point( 11*w/16, 13*w/16 );
rook_points[0][4] = Point( 19*w/32, 3*w/8 );
rook_points[0][5] = Point( 3*w/4, 3*w/8 );
rook_points[0][6] = Point( 3*w/4, w/8 );
rook_points[0][7] = Point( 26*w/40, w/8 );
rook_points[0][8] = Point( 26*w/40, w/4 );
rook_points[0][9] = Point( 22*w/40, w/4 );
rook_points[0][10] = Point( 22*w/40, w/8 );
rook_points[0][11] = Point( 18*w/40, w/8 );
rook_points[0][12] = Point( 18*w/40, w/4 );
rook_points[0][13] = Point( 14*w/40, w/4 );
rook_points[0][14] = Point( 14*w/40, w/8 );
rook_points[0][15] = Point( w/4, w/8 );
rook_points[0][16] = Point( w/4, 3*w/8 );
rook_points[0][17] = Point( 13*w/32, 3*w/8 );
rook_points[0][18] = Point( 5*w/16, 13*w/16 );
rook_points[0][19] = Point( w/4, 13*w/16 ); const Point* ppt[1] = { rook_points[0] };
int npt[] = { 20 }; fillPoly( img,
Scalar( 255, 255, 255 ),
lineType );
} //画直线的函数
void MyLine( Mat img, Point start, Point end )
int thickness = 2;
int lineType = 8;
line( img,
Scalar( 0, 0, 0 ),
lineType );









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