

Class TangoAreaDescriptionMetaData

  • java.lang.Object
    • com.google.atap.tangoservice.TangoAreaDescriptionMetaData

    public class TangoAreaDescriptionMetaData
    extends java.lang.Object
    Metadata for an Area Description File (ADF). It can be used to read and write Metadata from/to ADF files.这是ADF的元数据。它可以用于从ADF文件读和写元数据。
    • Field Summary域摘要

      Fields 域
      Modifier and Type修饰符和类型 Field and Description域和描述
      static <any> CREATOR

      Implements the required Creator interface for an Android Parcelable.实现Android Parcelable所需要的Creator接口。
      static java.lang.String KEY_DATE_MS_SINCE_EPOCH

      The key corresponding to the creation date of the ADF measured in milliseconds since Unix epoch as a 64-Bit unsigned integer.ADF创建日期(从UNIX纪元以来)
      static java.lang.String KEY_NAME

      The key corresponding to the human readable name of the ADF file.ADF文件的可读名称。
      static java.lang.String KEY_TRANSFORMATION

      The key corresponding to a transform from the ADF to a global coordinate frame.从ADF到全球坐标框架的转换。
      static java.lang.String KEY_UUID

      The key corresponding to the UUID of the ADF, used as a unique identifier for the ADF file.ADF的UUID,用来作为ADF文件的唯一标识。
    • Constructor Summary构造器摘要

      Constructors 构造器
      Constructor and Description

      Creates an empty TangoAreaDescriptionMetaData object that can be populated later.创建一个空的TangoAreaDescriptionMetaData对象后面可以填充。
    • Method Summary方法摘要

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 所有方法实例方法具体方法
      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      int describeContents()

      Needed to implement the Android Parcelable interface.需要实现Android Parcelable接口
      byte[] get(java.lang.String key)

      Searches through the metadata list for a key that matches the parameter key.搜索元数据列表查找符合参数key的键
      java.util.Set<java.lang.String> keySet()

      Gets the set of keys.获取键的集
      void readFromParcel(Parcel in)

      Populates a TangoAreaDescriptionMeta object with data from an Android Parcel.用Android Parcel的数据填充一个TangoAreaDescriptionMeta对象
      void set(java.lang.String key, byte[] value)

      Sets the value associated with an area description key to a new value.将一个区域描述相关的值设为新值。
      void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags)

      Writes a TangoAreaDescriptionMeta object to an Android Parcel.将一个TangoAreaDescriptionMeta对象写到一个Android Parcel中。
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object从java.lang.Object继承的方法

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

    • Field Detail域的细节

      • KEY_UUID唯一标识符

        public static final java.lang.String KEY_UUID
        The key corresponding to the UUID of the ADF, used as a unique identifier for the ADF file. Returned as a null terminated character array.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • KEY_NAME唯一标识名称

        public static final java.lang.String KEY_NAME
        The key corresponding to the human readable name of the ADF file. Returned as a null terminated character array.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String KEY_TRANSFORMATION
        The key corresponding to a transform from the ADF to a global coordinate frame. The data consists of 7 double precision elements:与从ADF转到全球坐标框架相关的键。该数据包括7个双精度类型的元素:

        • x, y, z :ECEF (earth centered earth fixed) Cartesian frame of reference at the center of the earth which rotates with the earth).
        • qx, qy, qz, qw : Hamilton Quaternion.

        The default corresponding values are:
        (x, y, z, qx, qy, qz, qw) = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1).

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String KEY_DATE_MS_SINCE_EPOCH
        The key corresponding to the creation date of the ADF measured in milliseconds since Unix epoch as a 64-Bit unsigned integer. Setting this value on the client side using TangoAreaDescriptionMetadata_set()will have no effect on the data stored by the server. Also, when you call TangoService_saveAreaDescriptionMetadata() it ignores the value.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • CREATOR

        public static final <any> CREATOR
        Implements the required Creator interface for an Android Parcelable. This allows reading and writing to an Android Parcel object.
    • Constructor Detail构造器细节

      • TangoAreaDescriptionMetaData

        public TangoAreaDescriptionMetaData()
        Creates an empty TangoAreaDescriptionMetaData object that can be populated later.创建一个空的TangoAreaDescriptionMetaData对象可以以后填充。
    • Method Detail方法细节

      • get获取

        public byte[] get(java.lang.String key)
        Searches through the metadata list for a key that matches the parameter key. If such a key is found, returns the value associated with that key.搜寻与key相符的子数据列表。如果该key发现,将返回与key相关的值。
        key - The string key value of the parameter to get.
        The value of the parameter in bytes.
      • set设置

        public void set(java.lang.String key,
        byte[] value)
        Sets the value associated with an area description key to a new value.设置与一个区域描述key相关的值。
        key - The string key value of the parameter to set.
        value - The value to set the key to in bytes.
      • keySet键集合

        public java.util.Set<java.lang.String> keySet()
        Gets the set of keys.获取键的集合。
      • describeContents描述内容

        public int describeContents()
        Needed to implement the Android Parcelable interface. Can be used to describe the kinds of objects contained in Parcelable's marshalled representation, but we'll just return 0 since we don't need that ability.要实现Android Parcelable接口必须实现该方法。可以被用来描述包含在Parcelable集合表示中的对象的种类,但是我们返回0因为我们不需要那个功能。
        Will always return 0.
      • readFromParcel

        public void readFromParcel(Parcel in)
        Populates a TangoAreaDescriptionMeta object with data from an Android Parcel.用Android Parcel中的数据填充TangoAreaDescriptionMeta对象。
        in - The Parcel to read from.
      • writeToParcel

        public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest,
        int flags)
        Writes a TangoAreaDescriptionMeta object to an Android Parcel.将TangoAreaDescriptionMeta对象写入Android Parcel中。
        dest - The Parcel to write to.
        flags - This parameter is required by the Parcelable interface, but is unused for this implementation.

Except as otherwise noted, the content of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License, and code samples are licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. For details, see our Site Policies. Java is a registered trademark of Oracle and/or its affiliates.

上次更新日期:五月 5, 2017


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