


如果有可行解, 输出最小代价,否则输出NIE.


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#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <queue>
#define N 500
#define M 100000
using namespace std;
queue<int> q;
int head[N] , to[M] , val[M] , cost[M] , next[M] , cnt = 1 , s , t , dis[N] , from[N] , pre[N];
int abs(int x)
return x > 0 ? x : -x;
void add(int x , int y , int v , int c)
to[++cnt] = y , val[cnt] = v , cost[cnt] = c , next[cnt] = head[x] , head[x] = cnt;
to[++cnt] = x , val[cnt] = 0 , cost[cnt] = -c , next[cnt] = head[y] , head[y] = cnt;
bool spfa()
int x , i;
memset(from , -1 , sizeof(from));
memset(dis , 0x3f , sizeof(dis));
dis[s] = 0 , q.push(s);
x = q.front() , q.pop();
for(i = head[x] ; i ; i = next[i])
if(val[i] && dis[to[i]] > dis[x] + cost[i])
dis[to[i]] = dis[x] + cost[i] , from[to[i]] = x , pre[to[i]] = i , q.push(to[i]);
return ~from[t];
int main()
int n , i , j , m , a , b , k , f = 0 , ans = 0;
scanf("%d" , &n) , s = 0 , t = 2 * n + 1;
for(i = 1 ; i <= n ; i ++ )
scanf("%d%d%d%d" , &m , &a , &b , &k) , add(s , i , 1 , 0) , add(i + n , t , 1 , 0);
for(j = a ; j <= b ; j ++ ) add(i , j + n , 1 , k * abs(j - m));
k = 0x3f3f3f3f;
for(i = t ; i != s ; i = from[i]) k = min(k , val[pre[i]]);
f += k , ans += k * dis[t];
for(i = t ; i != s ; i = from[i]) val[pre[i]] -= k , val[pre[i] ^ 1] += k;
if(f < n) printf("NIE\n");
else printf("%d\n" , ans);
return 0;


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