

 import numpy as np
import os
import sys
import pickle
import collections
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
from sklearn.decomposition import TruncatedSVD
from gensim import corpora, models, matutils
from utils.tokenizer import load_stopwords, load_samples, tokenizer, word_segment, load_data, read_data_to_list
from gensim.models import doc2vec, Doc2Vec
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity '''
input:doc vector;threshold
input doc vector
input threshold
first doc as first cluster and it's vector as the center of the cluster
while(doc vectors){
max_sim,max_cluster = simlarity(doc vector,cluster);
if(max_sim > threshold){
max_cluster.put(doc vector);
build new cluster(doc vector);
class SingelPassCluster(object): '''
1.利用tfidf vec计算cossim
def tfidf_vec(self, corpus, pivot=10, slope=0.25):
dictionary = corpora.Dictionary(corpus) # 形成词典映射
self.dict_size = len(dictionary)
print('dictionary size:{}'.format(len(dictionary)))
corpus = [dictionary.doc2bow(text) for text in corpus] # 词的向量表示
tfidf = models.TfidfModel(corpus, pivot=pivot, slope=slope)
corpus_tfidf = tfidf[corpus]
return corpus_tfidf def get_max_similarity(self, cluster_cores, vector):
max_value = 0
max_index = -1
for k, core in cluster_cores.items():
similarity = matutils.cossim(vector, core)
if similarity > max_value:
max_value = similarity
max_index = k
return max_index, max_value def single_pass(self, corpus_vec, corpus, theta):
clusters = {}
cluster_cores = {}
cluster_text = {}
num_topic = 0
cnt = 0
for vector, text in zip(corpus_vec, corpus):
if num_topic == 0:
clusters.setdefault(num_topic, []).append(vector)
cluster_cores[num_topic] = vector
cluster_text.setdefault(num_topic, []).append(text)
num_topic += 1
max_index, max_value = self.get_max_similarity(cluster_cores, vector)
if max_value > theta:
text_matrix = matutils.corpus2dense(clusters[max_index], num_terms=self.dict_size,
num_docs=len(clusters[max_index])).T # 稀疏转稠密
core = np.mean(text_matrix, axis=0) # 更新簇中心
core = matutils.any2sparse(core) # 将稠密向量core转为稀疏向量
cluster_cores[max_index] = core
else: # 创建一个新簇
clusters.setdefault(num_topic, []).append(vector)
cluster_cores[num_topic] = vector
cluster_text.setdefault(num_topic, []).append(text)
num_topic += 1
cnt += 1
if cnt % 100 == 0:
print('processing {}...'.format(cnt))
return clusters, cluster_text def fit_transform(self, corpus, raw_data, theta=0.5):
tfidf_vec = self.tfidf_vec(corpus) # tfidf_vec是稀疏向量
clusters, cluster_text = self.single_pass(tfidf_vec, raw_data, theta)
return clusters, cluster_text '''
def fit(self, doc2vec_model, corpus, raw_data, theta=0.5):
doc_vec = self.doc_vec(doc2vec_model, corpus)
clusters, cluster_text = self.doc2vec_single_pass(doc_vec, raw_data, theta)
return clusters, cluster_text def fit_2(self, doc_vec, text2index, theta):
clusters, cluster_text = self.doc2vec_single_pass(doc_vec, text2index, theta)
return clusters, cluster_text def doc_vec(self, doc2vec_model, x_train):
print('doc2vec infered vec...')
infered_vectors_list = []
for text, label in x_train:
vector = doc2vec_model.infer_vector(text)
print('infered vector size:{}'.format(len(infered_vectors_list)))
if len(infered_vectors_list) >= 100:
return infered_vectors_list def get_doc2vec_similarity(self, cluster_cores, vector):
max_value = 0
max_index = -1
for k, core in cluster_cores.items(): # core -> np.ndarray
similarity = cosine_similarity(vector.reshape(1, -1), core.reshape(1, -1))
similarity = similarity[0, 0]
if similarity > max_value:
max_value = similarity
max_index = k
return max_index, max_value def doc2vec_single_pass(self, corpus_vec, corpus, theta):
clusters = {}
cluster_cores = {}
cluster_text = {}
num_topic = 0
cnt = 0
for vector, text in zip(corpus_vec, corpus):
if num_topic == 0:
clusters.setdefault(num_topic, []).append(vector)
cluster_cores[num_topic] = vector
cluster_text.setdefault(num_topic, []).append(text)
num_topic += 1
max_index, max_value = self.get_doc2vec_similarity(cluster_cores, vector)
if max_value > theta:
core = np.mean(clusters[max_index], axis=0) # 更新簇中心
cluster_cores[max_index] = core
else: # 创建一个新簇
clusters.setdefault(num_topic, []).append(vector)
cluster_cores[num_topic] = vector
cluster_text.setdefault(num_topic, []).append(text)
num_topic += 1
cnt += 1
if cnt % 100 == 0:
print('processing {}...'.format(cnt))
return clusters, cluster_text def sim(doc_vec):
vector = doc_vec[0]
for core in doc_vec:
similarity = cosine_similarity(vector.reshape(1,-1), core.reshape(1,-1))
similarity = similarity[0, 0]
print("similarity:{}".format(similarity)) if __name__ == '__main__':
base_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '../..'))
process_text = base_path + '/data/process_text.txt' # 处理后的样本路径
doc2vec_path = base_path + '/data/doc2vec.pkl'
cluster_result = base_path + '/data/cluster_result.txt'
doc_vec_path = base_path + '/data/doc_vec.vec' # 经过doc2vec推荐的文本向量 corpus = load_data(process_text)
raw_text = load_samples(process_text) index2corpus = collections.OrderedDict()
for index, line in enumerate(raw_text):
index2corpus[index] = line
text2index = list(index2corpus.keys())
print('docs total size:{}'.format(len(text2index))) single_cluster = SingelPassCluster() cal_vec_type = 'doc2vec' if cal_vec_type == 'tfidf':
clusters, cluster_text = single_cluster.fit_transform(corpus, text2index, theta=0.4) if cal_vec_type == 'doc2vec':
with open(doc_vec_path, 'rb') as file:
infered_vectors_list = pickle.load(file)
clusters, cluster_text = single_cluster.fit_2(infered_vectors_list, text2index, theta=0.6) '''
if os.path.exists(doc2vec_path):
print('doc2vec model loading...')
doc2vec_model = Doc2Vec.load(doc2vec_path)
x_train = read_data_to_list(process_text)
clusters, cluster_text = single_cluster.fit(doc2vec_model, x_train, text2index, theta=0.6)
''' if cal_vec_type == 'd2vsim':
if os.path.exists(doc2vec_path):
print('doc2vec model loading...')
doc2vec_model = Doc2Vec.load(doc2vec_path)
x_train = read_data_to_list(process_text)
doc_vec = single_cluster.doc_vec(doc2vec_model, x_train)
sim(doc_vec) print("............................................................................................")
print("得到的类数量有: {} 个 ...".format(len(clusters)))
# 按聚类语句数量对聚类结果进行降序排列
clusterTopic_list = sorted(cluster_text.items(), key=lambda x: len(x[1]), reverse=True)
with open(cluster_result, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file_write:
for k in clusterTopic_list:
cluster_text = []
for index, value in enumerate(k[1],start=1):
cluster_text.append('(' + str(index) + '): ' + index2corpus[value])
cluster_text = '\n'.join(cluster_text)
file_write.write("【簇索引】:{} \n【簇中文档数】:{} \n【簇中文档】 :\n{}".format(k[0], len(k[1]), cluster_text))


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