I don’t know what that dream is that you have, I don't care how disappointing it might have been as you've been working toward that dream, but that dream that you’re holding in your mind, that it’s possible!


Some of you already know, that it’s hard, it’s not easy, it's hard changing your life.That in the process of working on your dreams you're going to incur lots of disappointment, a lot of failure, a lot of pain.


There are moments that you are going to doubt yourself. You said, God why is this happening to me? I’m just trying to take care of my family, trying to give them a good life, I'm not trying to steal or rob from anybody. 
很多时候你甚至会怀疑你自己,你说,老天为什么会让我遇上这种事情? 我只想照顾好我的家人,给他们安定的生活,我本分做人,不偷不抢.

Why does this have to happen to me. For those of you that have experienced some hardships – don’t give up on your dream.


Most people they raise a family, they earn a living and then they die. They stop growing, they stop working on themselves, they stop stretching, the stop pushing themselves.


Then a lot of people like to complain but they don’t wanna do anything about their situation. and most people don’t wo-rk on their dreams – why?

1.Is because of fear,fear of failure“what if things don't work out“?

2. Is fair of success “what if they do and I can't handle it?”

These are not risk takers.

Everybody won't see it, everybody won't join you, everybody won’t have the vision…it’s necessary to know that you are an uncommon breed.


It’s necessary that you align yourself with people and attract people into your business, who are hungry, people who are unstoppable and unreasonable, people who are refusing to live life just as it is and who want more!



The people that are living their dreams are parting with winners, to attach themselves to the a-n-d the people who are living their dreams are the people that know that if it’s going to happen it’s up to them!
You don’t have to go through life being a victim. and even though you face disappointments, you have to know within yourself that ‘I can do this, even if no one else sees it for me, I must see it for myself!’

I wanna represent an idea. I wanna represent possibilities. Some of you right now, you wanna go to the next level. You wanna be a civil engineer, you wanna council, you wanna be a doctor.


Listen to me: You can’t get to that level. You can’t get to that level until you start to invest in your mind.

I dare you to invest in your mind.
I dare you to invest time.
I dare you to be alone.
I dare you to spend an HOUR alone to get to know yourself.

After we face a rejection and a “no” or we have a meeting and no one shows up, or somebody says “you can count on me” and they don’t come through, what if we have that kind of attitude that cause reposes, nobody believes in you, 

you’ve lost again, and again, the lights are cut off but you are still looking at your dream, reviewing it everyday and saying to yourself: IT’S NOT OVER UNTIL I WIN!



版权声明:本文为CSDN博主「乔治大哥」的原创文章, https://blog.csdn.net/qq_41946557/article/details/103036123


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