1. 编写实现ImportSelector的类

* @author 70KG
* @Title: SelectImportBean
* @Description:
* @date 2018/7/22下午4:59
* @From www.nmyswls.com
public class SelectImportBean implements ImportSelector { @Override
public String[] selectImports(AnnotationMetadata annotationMetadata) {
return new String[]{"com.nmys.story.springCore.springioc.importBean.Fish","com.nmys.story.springCore.springioc.importBean.Pig"};
} }

2. 编写配置类

* @author 70KG
* @Title: Config
* @Description:
* @date 2018/7/22下午4:41
* @From www.nmyswls.com
// 会自动向容器中加入实例化后的bean,默认的id是bean的全类名
@Import(value = {Dog.class, Cat.class, SelectImportBean.class})
public class ImportBeanConfig { }

3. 测试类

public class Test01 {

public void test() { // IOC容器创建(容器类似一个Map)
AnnotationConfigApplicationContext ac = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(ImportBeanConfig.class); System.out.println("IOC容器初始化完成。。。。。"); // 从容器中获取所有的bean的ID
String[] definitionNames = ac.getBeanDefinitionNames(); for (String name : definitionNames) {
System.out.println("------->" + name);
} }

4. 测试结果


5. ImportSelector用于向容器中导入指定的类。


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