1,依赖库openssl 的交叉编译


setarch i386 ./config no-asm shared --cross-compile-prefix=arm-linux-androideabi-




make CC=arm-linux-androideabi-gcc CXX=arm-linux-androideabi-g++

2,mosquitto 的交叉编译


CFLAGS += -I/where_is_your_openssl_headerfiles/
LDFLAGS += -L/where_is_your_openssl_staticlib/


make CC=arm-linux-androideabi-gcc CXX=arm-linux-androideabi-g++

3,基于mosquitto的MQTT client

代码中struct mqtt_conf是自定义结构,mqtt_send是一个双向链表实现的队列。

void start_mqtt_module(struct mqtt_conf *conf)
if (!conf->server || conf->server_port <= ) {
DEBUG_MSG("[%s] invalid parameters for mqtt module\n", THISFILE);
} int rc = ; DEBUG_MSG("init_default_mqtt_parameters clientid %s\n", conf->clientid); mosquitto_lib_init(); mosq = mosquitto_new(conf->clientid, conf->clean_session, NULL); #ifdef MQTT_DEBUGLOG
mosquitto_log_callback_set(mosq, log_callback);
#endif mosquitto_connect_callback_set(mosq, on_connect);
mosquitto_publish_callback_set(mosq, on_publish);
mosquitto_disconnect_callback_set(mosq, on_disconnect); mosquitto_username_pw_set(mosq, conf->username, conf->password); //配置证书
if (!conf->disable_ssl) {
rc = mosquitto_tls_set(mosq,
conf->keyfile, /* Notice: DO NOT encrypt your private key */
NULL /* password callback */
if (MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS != rc) {
DEBUG_MSG("[%s] failed to set tls certification info\n", THISFILE);
} rc = mosquitto_tls_opts_set(mosq, SSL_VERIFY_PEER, NULL, NULL);
if (MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS != rc) {
DEBUG_MSG("[%s] failed to set tls option\n", THISFILE);
} /* set this to false(default) means check server hostname under TLS protocol */
rc = mosquitto_tls_insecure_set(mosq, true);
if (MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS != rc) {
DEBUG_MSG("[%s] failed to set incecrue\n", THISFILE);
do {
rc = mosquitto_connect(mosq, conf->server, conf->server_port, );
if (MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS != rc) {
DEBUG_MSG("[%s] failed to connect mqtt server %s:%d\n", THISFILE, conf->server, conf->server_port);
} while (rc != MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS); DEBUG_MSG("[%s] connect mqtt server %s:%d OK\n", THISFILE, conf->server, conf->server_port); set_queue_alive(&mqtt_send); sleep();
//新线程用于定时发送 MQTT PING
create_function_thread(mqtt_loop, NULL); struct mqtt_msg *msg; while (run == -) {
msg = NULL;
msg = (struct mqtt_msg *)dequeue(&mqtt_send);
if (msg) {
/* dispatch msg according to Qos */
rc = mosquitto_publish(mosq, NULL, msg->topic, msg->datalen, msg->data, msg->qos, false); if (MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS == rc) {
DEBUG_MSG("[%s] mosquitto_publish success\n", THISFILE);
} else {
DEBUG_MSG("[%s] mosquitto_publish failed %d\n", THISFILE, rc);
} free(msg);
MQTT ping and reply for keepalive
void *mqtt_loop(void *arg)
uint32_t cnt = ;
while (run == -){
int rc = mosquitto_loop(mosq, -, );
if (MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS != rc) {
DEBUG_MSG("[%s] mosquitto_loop error %d\n", THISFILE, rc);
if (rc == MOSQ_ERR_ERRNO) {
DEBUG_MSG("[%s] mosquitto_loop error %s, errno %d\n", THISFILE, strerror(errno), errno);
} else {
//DEBUG_MSG("[%s] mosquitto_loop started! %d\n", THISFILE, cnt);
//3s keepalive
} return NULL;


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