use book


create table ##T1(

n int,

a nvarchar(20)



insert into ##T1(n,a)

select suid,WorkID from HR_Duty_EmpSchedule_M

where WorkID in (select WorkID  from HR_Duty_EmpSchedule_M  group by WorkID having count(WorkID) > 1)

and DutyDate ='2018/11/26'

order by WorkID

select * from ##T1

create table ##T2(

m int,

a nvarchar(20)



select min(n) as N  from ##T1 group by a having count(a)>1

insert into ##T2(m,a)

select n,a from ##T1 where n not in ( select min(n) as N  from ##T1 group by a having count(a)>1)

select * from ##T2

select * from HR_Duty_EmpSchedule_M X,##T2 Y  where X.SUID=Y.m order by WorkID

--delete from HR_Duty_EmpSchedule_M  where SUID in (select m from ##T2)

drop table ##T1

drop table ##T2


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