void QWidget::update ()分析重绘事件激活 1看看手册中这段话
void QWidget::update () [slot]
Updates the widget unless updates are disabled or the widget is hidden.
This function does not cause an immediate repaint; instead it schedules a paint event for processing when Qt returns to the main event loop. This permits Qt to optimize for more speed and less flicker than a call to repaint() does.
Calling update() several times normally results in just one paintEvent() call.
Qt normally erases the widget's area before the paintEvent() call. If the WRepaintNoErase widget flag is set, the widget is responsible for painting all its pixels itself.
See also repaint(), paintEvent(), updatesEnabled, erase(), and setWFlags().
2.update() 激发Paint Event 事件的发生,而Paint Event 时间将调用QWidegt::PaintEvent(QPaintEvent paint)
3.void QWidget::update () [槽]




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