1. check_cv()

def check_cv(cv=3, y=None, classifier=False):
if cv is None:
cv = 3 if isinstance(cv, numbers.Integral):
# 如果classifier为True 并且y 是 二类或者多类,就返回 StratifiedKFold,否则返回KFold
if (classifier and (y is not None) and
(type_of_target(y) in ('binary', 'multiclass'))):
return StratifiedKFold(cv)
return KFold(cv) # if not hasattr(cv, 'split') or isinstance(cv, str):
# if not isinstance(cv, Iterable) or isinstance(cv, str):
# raise ValueError("Expected cv as an integer, cross-validation "
# "object (from sklearn.model_selection) "
# "or an iterable. Got %s." % cv)
# return _CVIterableWrapper(cv) return cv # New style cv objects are passed without any modification


2. cross_validate()


这里 可以找到 scoring的名字对应的函数


得分函数(score function)是返回的值越高越好,而损失函数(loss function)是返回的值越低越好。原来scoring中的"mean_squared_error"已经改成了"neg_mean_squared_error"。

3. cross_val_score()

返回一个 estimator 做 k 折交叉验证后产生的 k 个 在测试集上的得分。返回值是一个有k个元素的数组。

4. cross_val_predict()

cross_val_predict提供了和cross_val_score相似的接口,但是后者返回k次得分,而前者返回所有数据集上的预测结果。如果传入的参数 method = 'predict'(默认情况),那么返回(n_samples, ) 形状的ndarray,如果传入的参数 method = 'predict_proba',那么返回(n_samples, n_classes) 形状的ndarray。

5. learning_curve()

def learning_curve(estimator, X, y, groups=None,
train_sizes=np.linspace(0.1, 1.0, 5), cv=None, scoring=None,
exploit_incremental_learning=False, n_jobs=1,
pre_dispatch="all", verbose=0, shuffle=False,
# if exploit_incremental_learning and not hasattr(estimator, "partial_fit"):
# raise ValueError("An estimator must support the partial_fit interface "
# "to exploit incremental learning")
X, y, groups = indexable(X, y, groups) cv = check_cv(cv, y, classifier=is_classifier(estimator)) # 默认是KFold(3)
# Store it as list as we will be iterating over the list multiple times
cv_iter = list(cv.split(X, y, groups)) scorer = check_scoring(estimator, scoring=scoring) n_max_training_samples = len(cv_iter[0][0]) # 取出的是第一折中的train的数目
# Because the lengths of folds can be significantly different, it is
# not guaranteed that we use all of the available training data when we
# use the first 'n_max_training_samples' samples.
# 因为不同折中的数据数目可能会是不同的,当我们使用第一个 'n_max_training_samples'
# 并不能保证我们使用所有可用的训练数据。(第一折长度一定是最短的)
train_sizes_abs = _translate_train_sizes(train_sizes, # 将train_sizes中样本比例转换为具体数目(绝对size)
n_unique_ticks = train_sizes_abs.shape[0]
if verbose > 0:
print("[learning_curve] Training set sizes: " + str(train_sizes_abs)) parallel = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs, pre_dispatch=pre_dispatch,
verbose=verbose) if shuffle:
rng = check_random_state(random_state)
cv_iter = ((rng.permutation(train), test) for train, test in cv_iter) # if exploit_incremental_learning: # 默认为False,暂时先忽略
# classes = np.unique(y) if is_classifier(estimator) else None
# out = parallel(delayed(_incremental_fit_estimator)(
# clone(estimator), X, y, classes, train, test, train_sizes_abs,
# scorer, verbose) for train, test in cv_iter)
train_test_proportions = []
for train, test in cv_iter: # 在每一折中train有一个逐渐增大的变化,test不变
for n_train_samples in train_sizes_abs:
train_test_proportions.append((train[:n_train_samples], test)) out = parallel(delayed(_fit_and_score)(
clone(estimator), X, y, scorer, train, test,
verbose, parameters=None, fit_params=None, return_train_score=True)
for train, test in train_test_proportions)
out = np.array(out)
n_cv_folds = out.shape[0] // n_unique_ticks
out = out.reshape(n_cv_folds, n_unique_ticks, 2) out = np.asarray(out).transpose((2, 1, 0))


  • train_sizes_abs :array, shape=(n_unique_ticks),曲线上每个点对应的训练数据集的size
  • train_scores:array, shape=(n_ticks, n_cv_folds),所有的在训练集上的分数。
  • test_scores: array, shape=(n_ticks, n_cv_folds),所有的在测试集上的分数。


  1. 将数据做 k(默认为3)折划分。
  2. 在每一折的验证中,有一个参数train_sizes (默认为np.linspace(0.1, 1.0, 5) = array([0.1 , 0.325, 0.55 , 0.775, 1. ])表示训练集依次取这一折中train_set的0.1比例的数据,0.325比例的数据,0.55比例的数据,0.775比例的数据,1.0比例的数据,然后分别和这一折中 test_set 组成新的训练集—测试集对,分别计算每一对上的训练分数和测试分数。

如果指定折数k,train_sizes的长度为m,那么训练estimator并验证其性能的过程要重复 k*m次。简单的就是在每一折上看训练集逐渐变大时,estimator的性能的变化情况。

这个函数计算的结果如何可视化的代码可以参考 这里

6. validation_curve()



validation_curve(estimator, X, y, param_name, param_range)


param_range: array-like,参数范围


train_scores : array, shape (n_ticks, n_cv_folds),Scores on training sets.

test_scores : array, shape (n_ticks, n_cv_folds),Scores on test set.

可视化的代码可以参考 这里

7. permutation_test_score



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