命名空间 : using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;

属性标记 : [ContractOption(category: "runtime", setting: "checking", enabled: true)]

事件订阅 : Contract.ContractFailed += (sender, e) => {  Console.WriteLine(e.Message);  };

1、 Requires() 定义前提条件

 static void MinMax(int min,int max)
Contract.Requires(min <= max);
Contract.Requires <ArgumentException>(min <= max);
static void Preconditions(object o)
Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException>(o != null, "Preconditions, o may not be null");
static void ArrayTest(int [] data)
Contract.Requires(Contract.ForAll(data, i => i < ));
Console.WriteLine("ArrayTest contract succeeded");
public void ArrayTestWithPureMethod(int [] data)
Contract.Requires(Contract.ForAll(data, MyDataCheck));
Console.WriteLine("ArrayWithPureMethod succeeded");
} public int MaxVal { get; set; }
public bool MyDataCheck(int x)
return x <= MaxVal;

2、  Ensures() 定义后置条件

   private static int sharedState = ;

         static void Postcondition()
Contract.Ensures(sharedState < );
sharedState = ;
Console.WriteLine("change sharedState invariant {0}", sharedState);
sharedState = ;
Console.WriteLine("before returning change it to a valid value {0}", sharedState);
} static int ReturnValue()
Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<int>() < );
return ;
static int ReturnLargerThanInput(int x)
Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<int>() > Contract.OldValue<int>(x));
return x+;
static void OutParameters(out int x, out int y)
Contract.Ensures(Contract.ValueAtReturn<int>(out x) > && Contract.ValueAtReturn<int>(out x) < );
Contract.Ensures(Contract.ValueAtReturn<int>(out y) % == );
x = ;
y = ;

3、  Invariant() 定义在对象的整个生命周期中都必须满足的条件

   private int x = ;
private void ObjectInvariant()
Contract.Invariant(x > );
} public void Invariant()
x = ;
Console.WriteLine("invariant value: {0}", x);

4、  Pure特性,可以把方法和类型标记为纯粹的方法,纯粹指的是自定义方法不会修改对象的任何可见状态。

5、  接口协定

public interface IPerson
string FirstName{get;set;}
string LastName { get; set; }
int Age { get; set; }
void ChangeName(string firstName, string lastName);
} [ContractClassFor(typeof(IPerson))]
public abstract class PersonContract:IPerson
string IPerson.FirstName
return Contract.Result<string>();
Contract.Requires(value != null);
} string IPerson.LastName
return Contract.Result<string>();
Contract.Requires(value != null);
} int IPerson.Age
Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<int>() >= && Contract.Result<int>() < );
return Contract.Result<int>();
Contract.Requires(value >= && value < );
} void IPerson.ChangeName(string firstName, string lastName)
Contract.Requires(firstName != null);
Contract.Requires(lastName != null);
} public class Person:IPerson
public Person() { }
public Person(string firstName,string lastName)
this.FirstName = firstName;
this.LastName = lastName;
public string FirstName
get ;
set; } public string LastName
} public int Age
} public void ChangeName(string firstName, string lastName)
this.FirstName = firstName;
this.LastName = lastName;


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