Cockpit 进行主机监控



针对Red Hat

[root@master ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.3 (Maipo)


sudo subscription-manager repos --enable rhel-7-server-extras-rpms
sudo yum install cockpit
sudo systemctl enable --now cockpit.socket



[root@master cockpit]# yum makecache fast

[root@master cockpit]# yum search cockpit
已加载插件:fastestmirror, product-id, search-disabled-repos, subscription-manager
This system is not registered with an entitlement server. You can use subscription-manager to register.
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
========================================================================== N/S matched: cockpit ==========================================================================
cockpit-bridge.x86_64 : Cockpit bridge server-side component
cockpit-composer.noarch : Composer GUI for use with Cockpit
cockpit-dashboard.x86_64 : Cockpit remote servers and dashboard
cockpit-doc.x86_64 : Cockpit deployment and developer guide
cockpit-docker.x86_64 : Cockpit user interface for Docker containers
cockpit-kdump.noarch : Cockpit user interface for kernel crash dumping
cockpit-kubernetes.x86_64 : Cockpit user interface for Kubernetes cluster
cockpit-machines.x86_64 : Cockpit user interface for virtual machines
cockpit-machines-ovirt.noarch : Cockpit user interface for oVirt virtual machines
cockpit-networkmanager.noarch : Cockpit user interface for networking, using NetworkManager
cockpit-packagekit.x86_64 : Cockpit user interface for package updates
cockpit-pcp.x86_64 : Cockpit PCP integration
cockpit-selinux.noarch : Cockpit SELinux package
cockpit-sosreport.noarch : Cockpit user interface for diagnostic reports
cockpit-storaged.noarch : Cockpit user interface for storage, using udisks
cockpit-subscriptions.noarch : Cockpit subscription user interface package
cockpit-system.noarch : Cockpit admin interface package for configuring and troubleshooting a system
cockpit-tests.x86_64 : Tests for Cockpit
cockpit-ws.i686 : Cockpit Web Service
cockpit-ws.x86_64 : Cockpit Web Service
subscription-manager-cockpit.noarch : Subscription Manager Cockpit UI
cockpit.x86_64 : A user interface for Linux servers


# 只能做管理, 无法做预警
# cockpit + k8s:
# 改端口:
sudo yum install -y cockpit cockpit-docker cockpit-kubernetes cockpit-dashboard
sudo systemctl start cockpit
sudo systemctl enable cockpit
# https://localhost:9090 # 分发密匙
# ssh-copy-id -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa root@node


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