
  1. python3
  2. centos7






from bottle import route, run ,Bottle ,error ,static_file ,request
from bottle import view , template from app import search
from data import db
import json #import views #实例化一个app
app = Bottle()
data = db.data()
data.read() @app.route('/')
def index():
return #template('home') @app.route('/<query>')
def query(query):
global data
key = data.touch()
res = search.query(query,key)
res = json.loads(res)
return res @app.route('/api/<query>')
def apiQuery(query):
global data
key = data.touch()
res = search.apiQuery(query,key)
#res = json.loads(res)
return res @app.route('/man/getall')
def manGetall():
global data
#res = json.loads(res)
list = data.getAll()
res = ''
for i in list:
res = res + i[0] + " " + i[1] + "<br>"
return res @app.route('/search')
def query2():
global data
key = data.touch()
q = request.query.q
res = search.query(q,key)
res = json.loads(res)
return res @error(404)
def error404(error):
return 'Nothing here, sorry' @app.route('/static/<filename>')
def server_static(filename):
#filename = filename + ".ico"
return static_file(filename, root='./static') app.run(host='localhost', port=9090)
import urllib
import urllib.request
from urllib import parse
import json #指定站点搜索:siteSearch def query(q,key):
url = 'https://www.googleapis.com/customsearch/v1?cx=012564558536199079522:s1cewzl004i&safe=active&key='
q = parse.quote(q)
url = url + key + "&q=" + q
resB = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
res = resB.read().decode('utf-8')
return res def apiQuery(q,key):
url = 'https://www.googleapis.com/customsearch/v1?cx=012564558536199079522:s1cewzl004i&safe=active&key='
q = parse.quote(q)
url = url + key + "&q=" + q
resB = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
res = resB.read().decode('utf-8')
return res
class data: def read(self):
fp = open("data//data.txt",encoding="utf-8")
line = fp.readline()
key = []
i = 0 while(line):
str = line.split()
line = fp.readline()
i = i + 1 self.key = key
key = []
str = fp.read()
tmp = str.split("\n")
for i in range(len(tmp)):
self.key = key
#print(key) def write(self):
保存api key
key = self.key
fp = open("data//data.txt","w+")
for i in range(len(key)):
fp.writelines(key[i][0]+" "+key[i][1])
fp.close() def touch(self):
随机获取一个api key
key = self.key
k = 0
for i in range(len(key)):
k = i
x = key[k][1]
key[k][1] = (str)(1 + (int)(x))
#key[k][i] += 1
return key[k][0] def getAll(self):
获取所有api key
return self.key def add(self,list):
添加api key
self.key.append(list) def delOne(self,index):
删除一个 api key
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<h4><a href="{{i['link']}}" target="_blank">{{i['title']}}</a></h4>
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<h4>Sorry , no found</h4>
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