
 /* inorder traversal binary tree */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> struct TreeNode {
int val;
struct TreeNode *left;
struct TreeNode *right;
}; int* inorderTraversal(struct TreeNode* root, int* returnSize); int main() { struct TreeNode n1, n2, n3;
n1.val = 1;
n1.left = NULL;
n1.right = &n2;
/* */
n2.val = 2;
n2.left = &n3;
n2.right = NULL;
/* */
n3.val = 3;
n3.left = NULL;
n3.right = NULL;
int returnSize = 0;
int *a = inorderTraversal(&n1, &returnSize); int i=0;
for(i=0; i<returnSize; i++)
printf("%d ", a[i]); printf("\n"); } /**
* Definition for a binary tree node.
* struct TreeNode {
* int val;
* struct TreeNode *left;
* struct TreeNode *right;
* };
* Return an array of size *returnSize.
* Note: The returned array must be malloced, assume caller calls free().
int* inorderTraversal(struct TreeNode* root, int* returnSize) { struct TreeNode **stack = (struct TreeNode **) malloc (sizeof(struct TreeNode *) * 1000); /* store node not access at present */
int *result = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * 1000);
int count = 0;
stack[0] = root; /* first node */
struct TreeNode* curr;
int top = 0; /* element number in stack */ while(top != -1 ) {
curr = stack[top]; /* get stack top element */ if(curr == NULL) { /* if current element is null */
while(top != -1 && curr == NULL)
curr = stack[--top];
if(top == -1 || curr == NULL)
else {
result[count++] = curr->val;
stack[top] = curr->right;
if(curr->left != NULL)
stack[++top] = curr->left; if(curr->left == NULL) { /* if left subtree is NULL, then we need to access middle node */
result[count++] = curr->val;
stack[top] = curr->right;
*returnSize = count;
return result;


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