1  PSL - Property specification language

 1.1 Property

    - Characteristics of the designs/verification environment

    – Behavior represented by a sequence of temporal (over time) relationships of Boolean expressions.

 1.2   Verification

    - confirming that, for a given design and a given set of constraints, a property that is required to hold in design actually does hold those constraints


1.3   ABV with PSL

   - ABV is a documentation and verification methodology (Instruments system requiremets, interfaces, design and verification enviroments with assertions)

   - PSL is a property specification language

2  External assertion files

  Syntax and example

 -- VHDL flavor, Separate file linked at compile time
vunit abc_if_vu (entity_name(architecture_name))
default clock is (clk'event and clk = '');
property A1 is never (a and b);
assert A1 ;

3  More on PSL

   -- Documents requirements

    * system, interface, design

   -- Defines combinational temporal properties

    * embedded into design HDL spurce, or

    * seperately in vunit files

    * carried at all phases of sublocks process

   -- Enable verification of assertions

    * dynamically during simulation

    * statically through formal verification


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