


package com.grailsinaction

class User {

    String loginId
    String password
    Date dateCreated

    static hasOne = [profile: Profile]
    static hasMany = [posts: Post, tags: Tag, following: User]
    static mapping = {posts sort: 'dateCreated'}

    static constraints = {
      loginId size: 3..20, unique: true, nullable: false
      password size: 6..8, nullable:false, validator: { passwd, user -> passwd != user.loginId }
      profile nullable: true


package com.grailsinaction

class Profile {
        User user
        byte[] photo
        String fullName
        String bio
        String homepage
        String email
        String timezone
        String country
        String jabberAddress

    static constraints = {
            fullName blank: false
            bio nullable: true, maxSize: 1000
            homepage url:true, nullable: true
            email email: true, blank: false
            photo nullable:true, maxSize: 2 * 1024 * 1024
            country nullable: true
            timezone nullable: true
            jabberAddress email: true, nullable: true


package com.grailsinaction

class Post {
        String content
        Date dateCreated

    static constraints = {
            content blank: false

        static belongsTo = [user: User]
        static hasMany = [tags: Tag]

        static mapping = { sort dateCreated: "desc"}


package com.grailsinaction

class Tag {
        String name
        User user

    static constraints = {
            name blank: false

        static hasMany = [posts: Post]
        static belongsTo = [User, Post]


package com.grailsinaction

import grails.test.mixin.integration.Integration
import grails.transaction.*
import spock.lang.*

class UserIntegrationSpec extends Specification {

    def setup() {

    def cleanup() {

    def "Saving our first user to the database"() {
            given: "A brand new user"
            def joe = new User(loginId: 'Joe', password: 'secret')
            when: "the user is saved"

            then: "it saved successfully and can be found in the database"
            joe.errors.errorCount == 0
            joe.id != null
            User.get(joe.id).loginId == joe.loginId

        def "Updating a saved user changes its properties"() {
            given: "An existing user"
            def existingUser = new User(loginId: 'Joe', password: 'secret')
            existingUser.save(failOnError: true)
            when: "A property is changed"
            def foundUser = User.get(existingUser.id)
            foundUser.password = 'sesame'
            foundUser.save(failOnError: true)

            then: "The change is reflected in the database"
            User.get(existingUser.id).password == 'sesame'

        def "Deleting an existing user removes it from the database"() {
            given: "An existing user"
            def user = new User(loginId: 'Joe', password: 'secret')
            user.save(failOnError: true)

            when: "The user is deleted"
            def foundUser = User.get(user.id)
            foundUser.delete(flush: true)

            then: "The user is removed from the database"

        def "Saving a user with invalid properties causes an error"() {
            given: "A user which fails several field validations"
            def user = new User(loginId: 'Joe', password: 'tiny')
            when: "The user is validated"


            "size.toosmall" == user.errors.getFieldError("password").code
            "tiny" == user.errors.getFieldError("password").rejectedValue

        def "Recovering from a failed save by fixing invalid properties"() {
            given: "A user that has invalid properties"
            def chuck = new User(loginId: 'chuck', password: 'tiny')
            assert chuck.save() == null
            assert chuck.hasErrors()

            when: "We fix the invalid properties"
            chuck.password = "fistfist"

            then: "The user saves and validates fine"

        def "Ensure a user can follow other users"() {
            given: "A set of baseline users"
            def joe = new User(loginId: 'joe', password: 'password').save()
            def jane = new User(loginId: 'jane', password: 'password').save()
            def jill = new User(loginId: 'jill', password: 'password').save()

            when: "Joe follows Jan & Jill, and Jill follows Jane"

            then: "Follower counts should match follow people"
            2 == joe.following.size()
            1 == jill.following.size()



package com.grailsinaction

import grails.test.mixin.integration.Integration
import grails.transaction.*
import spock.lang.*

class PostIntegrationSpec extends Specification {

    def setup() {

    def cleanup() {

    def "Adding posts to user links post to user"() {
            given: "A brand new user"
            def user = new User(loginId: 'joe', password: 'secret')
            user.save(failOnError: true)

            when: "Several posts are added to the user"
            user.addToPosts(new Post(content: "First post.....w002!"))
            user.addToPosts(new Post(content: "Second post......"))
            user.addToPosts(new Post(content: "Third post...."))

            then: "The user has a list of posts attached"
            3 == User.get(user.id).posts.size()

        def "Ensure posts linked to a user can be retrieved"() {
            given: "A user with several posts"
            def user = new User(loginId: 'joe', password: 'secret')
            user.addToPosts(new Post(content: "First"))
            user.addToPosts(new Post(content: "Second"))
            user.addToPosts(new Post(content: "Third"))
            user.save(failOnError: true)

            when: "The user is retrieved by their id"
            def foundUser = User.get(user.id)
            def sortedPostContent = foundUser.posts.collect {

            then: "The posts appear on the retrieved user "
            sortedPostContent == ['First', 'Second', 'Third']

        def "Exercise tagging several post with various tags"() {
            given: "A user with a set of tags"
            def user = new User(loginId: 'joe', password: 'secret')
            def tagGroovy = new Tag(name:"groovy")
            def tagGrails = new Tag(name:"grails")
            user.save(failOnError: true)

            when:"The user tags two fresh posts"
            def groovyPost = new Post(content: "A groovy post")

            def bothPost = new Post(content: "A groovy and grails post")

            user.tags*.name.sort() == ['grails', 'groovy']
            1 == groovyPost.tags.size()
            2 == bothPost.tags.size()



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