openMSP430_IO interrupt

Verilog file: omsp_gpio.v

//============================================================================ // Port 2 interrupt
//------------------ // Delay input // The p2in_dly stores former value of p2in, it will be used for edge detection
reg [:] p2in_dly;
always @ (posedge mclk or posedge puc_rst)
if (puc_rst) p2in_dly <= 'h00;
else p2in_dly <= p2in & P2_EN_MSK; // Edge detection // Now we can detect rising and falling edge easily by combining p2in and p2in_dly
wire [:] p2in_re = p2in & ~p2in_dly;
wire [:] p2in_fe = ~p2in & p2in_dly; // Set interrupt flag // p2ies register decide which edge is interrup signal; p2ifg_set is sent to p2ifg for interrupt flag
assign p2ifg_set = {p2ies[] ? p2in_fe[] : p2in_re[],
p2ies[] ? p2in_fe[] : p2in_re[],
p2ies[] ? p2in_fe[] : p2in_re[],
p2ies[] ? p2in_fe[] : p2in_re[],
p2ies[] ? p2in_fe[] : p2in_re[],
p2ies[] ? p2in_fe[] : p2in_re[],
p2ies[1] ? p2in_fe[] : p2in_re[],
p2ies[] ? p2in_fe[] : p2in_re[]} & P2_EN_MSK; // Generate CPU interrupt // Interrupt is generated when interrupt is enabled and p2ifg (interrupt flag) is available
assign irq_port2 = |(p2ie & p2ifg) & P2_EN[];


  Assume  P2_EN is 1'b1, interrupt is enabled(P2IE=1), interrupt edge is rising(P2IES=0), so the code is as following:

 // Delay input
reg [:] p2in_dly;
always @ (posedge mclk or posedge puc_rst)
if (puc_rst) p2in_dly <= 'h00;
else p2in_dly <= p2in; // Edge detection
wire [:] p2in_re = p2in & ~p2in_dly; // Set interrupt flag
assign p2ifg_set = { p2in_re[],
p2in_re[]  }; // Generate CPU interrupt
assign irq_port2 = | p2ifg;


  P2IFG register is as following:

 // P2IFG Register
reg [:] p2ifg; wire p2ifg_wr = P2IFG[] ? reg_hi_wr[P2IFG] : reg_lo_wr[P2IFG];
wire [:] p2ifg_nxt = P2IFG[] ? per_din[:] : per_din[:];
wire [:] p2ifg_set; always @ (posedge mclk or posedge puc_rst)
if (puc_rst) p2ifg <= 'h00;
else if (p2ifg_wr) p2ifg <= (p2ifg_nxt | p2ifg_set) & P2_EN_MSK;
else p2ifg <= (p2ifg | p2ifg_set) & P2_EN_MSK;

  Assume P2_EN is 1'b1; P2IFG='h2B, so P2IFG[0]=1;  p2ifg_set = 8{1'b1}

   // P2IFG Register
reg [:] p2ifg; wire p2ifg_wr = reg_hi_wr[]; // If decoded address is P2IFG, then write it into data
wire [:] p2ifg_nxt = per_din[:]; // receive high byte data from openMSP
wire [:] p2ifg_set; always @ (posedge mclk or posedge puc_rst)
if (puc_rst) p2ifg <= 'h00;
else if (p2ifg_wr) p2ifg <= p2ifg_nxt | p2ifg_set; // write into
else p2ifg <= p2ifg | p2ifg_set; // read out


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