
1、  如何与CPAN交互:利用perl –MCPAN –e ‘install 模块’

2、  如何安装指定的版本:作者/模块-版本.tar.gz

How to install a specific version of a Perl module with CPAN

Mar 27, 2013 by David Farrell

Perl modules are usually installed via CPAN on the command line. This is invoked with the following syntax:

cpan My::Module

CPAN will always try to install the latest stable version of a module, which is a sensible default, however this may not always be the required behaviour. To have CPAN install a specific version of a module, you need to provide the full module distribution filename including the author. For example to install the module Set::Object version 1.28, at the command line type:

cpan SAMV/Set-Object-1.28.tar.gz

You can find the distribution filename for a module by searching for the module on CPAN.




perl -MCPAN -e 'install "TIMB/DBI-1.639.tar.gz"' #安装DBI1.639版本

version=`perl -MDBI -e  'print DBI->VERSION'` #检查版本

if [ "$version" == "1.639" ]; then

echo "install ok"


echo "install fail"



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