Checks if the value is found exactly at the beginning of the property value. For example, if you search for “val” with :msg, startswith, "val" it will be a match if msg contains “values are in this message” but it won’t match if the msg contains “There are values in this message” (in the later case, “contains” would match). Please note that “startswith” is by far faster than regular expressions. So even once they are implemented, it can make very much sense (performance-wise) to use “startswith”. startwith 检查是否 值是准确找到在属性值的开头,比如,如果 你搜索 "val" 在 : :msg, startswith, "val" 它会匹配如果msg 包含 “values are in this message” 但是它不会匹配如果msg 包含 “There are values in this message”(这种情况,“contains” would match). 请注意 “startswith” 是比正则表达式快


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