The most fearful enemy is not having a firm conviction.


A firm conviction or belief may be not enough to get through the bad days and make our trival dreams true.

But without a firm conviction or belief, then the days, which are already very difficult and gloomy, would have no hope at all.

It may be the most dreadful situation, because sometimes the only thing that gives us the courage and strength to keep moving on is just hope, or conviction, or belief.

Maybe it is always good to believe that there will always be hope if we can keep our dream and work hard to make it come true.

Just work hard for what we want because it won't come to us without a fight.

We have to be strong and courageous and know that we can do anything we put our mind to.

If somebody puts us down or criticizes us, just keep on believing in oursleves and turn it into something positive.

So, now that we can't travel light by laying down our burdens, how about traveling with them and truning them into helpful assistances?

If all men were rich, all men would be poor.


From Mark Twain.

Equalizing wealth, is a dream for thousands of years, still continues to appeal to many of us.

However, we all know that is impossible.

And the only way we can do is to narrow the gap between the rich and the poor through large-scale reforms at the macroeconomic and the microeconomic levels, such as taxes, subsidies, and so on.

And I hope I can be rich through my individual striving.


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