
pod 'MJRefresh'



  • The drop-down refresh 01-Default

    self.tableView.header = [MJRefreshNormalHeader headerWithRefreshingBlock:^{
    //Call this Block When enter the refresh status automatically

    // Set the callback(Once you enter the refresh status,then call the action of target,that is call [self loadNewData])
    self.tableView.header = [MJRefreshNormalHeader headerWithRefreshingTarget:self refreshingAction:@selector(loadNewData)]; // Enter the refresh status immediately
    [self.tableView.header beginRefreshing];

  • The drop-down refresh 02-Animation image

    // Set the callback(一Once you enter the refresh status,then call the action of target,that is call [self loadNewData])
    MJRefreshGifHeader *header = [MJRefreshGifHeader headerWithRefreshingTarget:self refreshingAction:@selector(loadNewData)];
    // Set the ordinary state of animated images
    [header setImages:idleImages forState:MJRefreshStateIdle];
    // Set the pulling state of animated images(Enter the status of refreshing as soon as loosen)
    [header setImages:pullingImages forState:MJRefreshStatePulling];
    // Set the refreshing state of animated images
    [header setImages:refreshingImages forState:MJRefreshStateRefreshing];
    // Set header
    self.tableView.mj_header = header;

  • The drop-down refresh 03-Hide the time

    // Hide the time
    header.lastUpdatedTimeLabel.hidden = YES;

  • The drop-down refresh 04-Hide status and time

    // Hide the time
    header.lastUpdatedTimeLabel.hidden = YES; // Hide the status
    header.stateLabel.hidden = YES;

  • The drop-down refresh 05-DIY title

    // Set title
    [header setTitle:@"Pull down to refresh" forState:MJRefreshStateIdle];
    [header setTitle:@"Release to refresh" forState:MJRefreshStatePulling];
    [header setTitle:@"Loading ..." forState:MJRefreshStateRefreshing]; // Set font
    header.stateLabel.font = [UIFont systemFontOfSize:];
    header.lastUpdatedTimeLabel.font = [UIFont systemFontOfSize:]; // Set textColor
    header.stateLabel.textColor = [UIColor redColor];
    header.lastUpdatedTimeLabel.textColor = [UIColor blueColor];

  • The drop-down refresh 06-DIY the control of refresh

    self.tableView.mj_header = [MJDIYHeader headerWithRefreshingTarget:self refreshingAction:@selector(loadNewData)];
    // Implementation reference to MJDIYHeader.h和MJDIYHeader.m

  • The pull to refresh 01-Default

    self.tableView.mj_footer = [MJRefreshAutoNormalFooter footerWithRefreshingBlock:^{
    //Call this Block When enter the refresh status automatically

    // Set the callback(Once you enter the refresh status,then call the action of target,that is call [self loadMoreData])
    self.tableView.mj_footer = [MJRefreshAutoNormalFooter footerWithRefreshingTarget:self refreshingAction:@selector(loadMoreData)];

  • The pull to refresh 02-Animation image

    // Set the callback(Once you enter the refresh status,then call the action of target,that is call [self loadMoreData])
    MJRefreshAutoGifFooter *footer = [MJRefreshAutoGifFooter footerWithRefreshingTarget:self refreshingAction:@selector(loadMoreData)]; // Set the refresh image
    [footer setImages:refreshingImages forState:MJRefreshStateRefreshing]; // Set footer
    self.tableView.mj_footer = footer;

  • The pull to refresh 03-Hide the title of refresh status

    // Hide the title of refresh status
    footer.refreshingTitleHidden = YES;
    // If does have not above method,then use footer.stateLabel.hidden = YES;

  • The pull to refresh 04-All loaded

    //Become the status of NoMoreData
    [footer noticeNoMoreData];

  • The pull to refresh 05-DIY title

    // Set title
    [footer setTitle:@"Click or drag up to refresh" forState:MJRefreshStateIdle];
    [footer setTitle:@"Loading more ..." forState:MJRefreshStateRefreshing];
    [footer setTitle:@"No more data" forState:MJRefreshStateNoMoreData]; // Set font
    footer.stateLabel.font = [UIFont systemFontOfSize:]; // Set textColor
    footer.stateLabel.textColor = [UIColor blueColor];

  • The pull to refresh 06-Hidden After loaded

    //Hidden current control of the pull to refresh
    self.tableView.mj_footer.hidden = YES;

  • The pull to refresh 07-Automatic back of the pull01

    self.tableView.mj_footer = [MJRefreshBackNormalFooter footerWithRefreshingTarget:self refreshingAction:@selector(loadMoreData)];

  • The pull to refresh 08-Automatic back of the pull02

    MJRefreshBackGifFooter *footer = [MJRefreshBackGifFooter footerWithRefreshingTarget:self refreshingAction:@selector(loadMoreData)];
    // Set the normal state of the animated image
    [footer setImages:idleImages forState:MJRefreshStateIdle];
    // Set the pulling state of animated images(Enter the status of refreshing as soon as loosen)
    [footer setImages:pullingImages forState:MJRefreshStatePulling];
    // Set the refreshing state of animated images
    [footer setImages:refreshingImages forState:MJRefreshStateRefreshing]; // Set footer
    self.tableView.mj_footer = footer;

  • The pull to refresh 09-DIY the control of refresh(Automatic refresh)

    self.tableView.mj_footer = [MJDIYAutoFooter footerWithRefreshingTarget:self refreshingAction:@selector(loadMoreData)];
    // Implementation reference to MJDIYAutoFooter.h和MJDIYAutoFooter.m

  • The pull to refresh 10-DIY the control of refresh(Automatic back)

    self.tableView.mj_footer = [MJDIYBackFooter footerWithRefreshingTarget:self refreshingAction:@selector(loadMoreData)];
    // Implementation reference to MJDIYBackFooter.h和MJDIYBackFooter.m

  • UICollectionView01-The pull and drop-down refresh

    // The drop-down refresh
    self.collectionView.mj_header = [MJRefreshNormalHeader headerWithRefreshingBlock:^{
    //Call this Block When enter the refresh status automatically
    }]; // The pull to refresh
    self.collectionView.mj_footer = [MJRefreshAutoNormalFooter footerWithRefreshingBlock:^{
    //Call this Block When enter the refresh status automatically

  • UIWebView01-The drop-down refresh

    //Add the control of The drop-down refresh
    self.webView.scrollView.mj_header = [MJRefreshNormalHeader headerWithRefreshingBlock:^{
    //Call this Block When enter the refresh status automatically



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