虽然黑色星期五有惊无险的过去了, 但是 Magento 2 社区版无法读写分离这个限制, 始终是悬在整个网站上的一把利剑。

我之前尝试过给 Magento 2 写一个 MySQL 读写分离的插件, 在深入研究了 Magento 2 的数据库访问层后, 发现通过一个简单的插件, 想做到读写分离基本上是不可能的。Magento 2 社区版读写数据库的逻辑里, 混杂着大量的 Magento 1的代码和逻辑, 无法在修改少量代码的前提下做到读写分离, 后来忙着做网站上的各种需求, 于是读写分离就搁置了。

这次黑五, 整个项目的性能瓶颈就是 MySQL, 流量上来之后, 应用服务器负载基本保持不变, 而数据库服务器负载却翻了3倍多, 而且是在数据库服务器提前升级了硬件配置的基础上。所以我觉得 Magento 2 的数据库层必须要优化一下, 既然没法做读写分离, 那能不能加个缓存层呢?将绝大多数读取操作转移到缓存层去, 理论上数据库的负载会相应下降。

要想改的代码最少, 就得找对地方。 Magento 2 的数据库 Adapter 是 Magento\Framework\DB\Adapter\Pdo\Mysql 类, 该类继承自 Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract


Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract::fetchAll($sql, $bind = array(), $fetchMode = null)

Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract::fetchAssoc($sql, $bind = array())

Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract::fetchCol($sql, $bind = array())

Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract::fetchPairs($sql, $bind = array())

Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract::fetchOne($sql, $bind = array())

Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract::fetchRow($sql, $bind = array(), $fetchMode = null)

其中, fetchAll() 和 fetchRow() 是用的最多的两个。

下面以 fetchRow() 为例, 分析该方案的可行性以及实现方法。

* Fetches the first row of the SQL result.
* Uses the current fetchMode for the adapter.
* @param string|Zend_Db_Select $sql An SQL SELECT statement.
* @param mixed $bind Data to bind into SELECT placeholders.
* @param mixed $fetchMode Override current fetch mode.
* @return mixed Array, object, or scalar depending on fetch mode.
public function fetchRow($sql, $bind = array(), $fetchMode = null)

通过解析 $sql 对象和 $bind 数组, 可以得到精确的、格式化的数据, 包含
1. 数据库表名
2. 字段键值对

通过这些数据,可以构建缓存的键(key)和标签(tag), 例如:
$cacheKey = table_name::主键键值对
$cacheKey = table_name::唯一键索引键值对

$cacheTags = [


cacheTags 的作用是给缓存分类, 方便后续清理。

有了 $cacheKey, $cacheTags 之后, 就可以将数据库查询的结果保存到缓存中去;

下次再有查询过来, 先在缓存中查找有无对应的数据, 如果有就直接返回给数据调用方了;


数据更新分为三种: 1. UPDATE, 2. INSERT, 3 DELETE


* Updates table rows with specified data based on a WHERE clause.
* @param mixed $table The table to update.
* @param array $bind Column-value pairs.
* @param mixed $where UPDATE WHERE clause(s).
* @return int The number of affected rows.
* @throws Zend_Db_Adapter_Exception
public function update($table, array $bind, $where = '')

update() 方法接收 3 个参数, 分别是 table_name, 待更新数据键值对, where 条件子句。
刚才我们在构建 $cacheTags 时, 分别有 table_name、table_name::主键键值对、table_name::唯一键索引键值对, table_name 是现成的, 其余两种tag 需要从 where 子句中解析。 通过解析,最坏情况是 where 子句未解析到任何键值对, 最好情况是解析到了所有 filed 键值对。最坏情况下, 需要清除 table_name 下的所有缓存数据, 而最好情况下, 只需要清除一条缓存数据。


* Inserts a table row with specified data.
* @param mixed $table The table to insert data into.
* @param array $bind Column-value pairs.
* @return int The number of affected rows.
* @throws Zend_Db_Adapter_Exception
public function insert($table, array $bind)

insert() 方法接收 2 个参数, 分别是 table_name, 待插入数据键值对。 由于新插入的数据根本不存在与缓存中, 所以不需要对缓存进行操作


* Deletes table rows based on a WHERE clause.
* @param mixed $table The table to update.
* @param mixed $where DELETE WHERE clause(s).
* @return int The number of affected rows.
public function delete($table, $where = '')

delete() 方法接收 2 个参数, table_name 和 where 子句, 假如能从 where 子句中解析到主键键值对 或 唯一键索引键值对, 就只需要清除一条缓存记录, 否则需要清除该 table_name 下的所有缓存记录。

我暂时只是用 ab 测试了 Magento 2 的购物车:

ab -C PHPSESSID=acmsj8q8ld1tvdo77lm5t0dr9b -n 40 -c 5  http://localhost/checkout/cart/


Requests per second:    1.79 [#/sec] (mean)
Time per request: 2786.478 [ms] (mean)
Time per request: 557.296 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests) Percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms)
50% 756
66% 2064
75% 5635
80% 6150
90% 7632
95% 8530
98% 8563
99% 8563
100% 8563 (longest request) MySQL 进程的 CPU 占用率保持在 20% ~ 24%


Requests per second:    1.84 [#/sec] (mean)
Time per request: 2720.852 [ms] (mean)
Time per request: 544.170 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests) Percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms)
50% 586
66% 1523
75% 4036
80% 5667
90% 10228
95% 11621
98% 12098
99% 12098
100% 12098 (longest request) MySQL 进程的 CPU 占用率保持在 20% ~ 24%


Requests per second:    1.99 [#/sec] (mean)
Time per request: 2509.273 [ms] (mean)
Time per request: 501.854 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests) Percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms)
50% 489
66% 511
75% 574
80% 637
90% 19073
95% 19553
98% 20063
99% 20063
100% 20063 (longest request) MySQL 进程的 CPU 占用率保持在 5% 左右


Requests per second:    2.10 [#/sec] (mean)
Time per request: 2384.145 [ms] (mean)
Time per request: 476.829 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests) Percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms)
50% 465
66% 472
75% 565
80% 620
90% 9509
95% 18374
98% 18588
99% 18588
100% 18588 (longest request) MySQL 进程的 CPU 占用率保持在 5% ~ 7 %

通过上面两组数据的对比, 很明显 MySQL 的 CPU 占用率有了大幅度下降(从 20% 下降到 5%), 可见增加一个缓存层对降低 MySQL 负载是有效果的。

但是有一个小问题, 在不使用缓存的情况下, Percentage of the requests served within a certain time 这个值,在 90% 这个点之后, 表现要比有缓存的情况好, 我猜是大量 unserialize() 操作造成 CPU 资源不够导致响应缓慢。

经过修改后的 vendor/magento/framework/DB/Adapter/Pdo/Mysql.php:

class Mysql extends \Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Mysql implements AdapterInterface
{ protected $_cache; public function fetchAll($sql, $bind = array(), $fetchMode = null)
if ($sql instanceof \Zend_Db_Select) {
/** @var array $from */
$from = $sql->getPart('from');
$tableName = current($from)['tableName'];
$cacheKey = 'FETCH_ALL::' . $tableName . '::' . md5((string)$sql);
$cache = $this->getCache();
$data = $cache->load($cacheKey);
if ($data === false) {
$data = parent::fetchAll($sql, $bind, $fetchMode);
$cache->save(serialize($data), $cacheKey, ['FETCH_ALL::' . $tableName], 3600);
} else {
$data = @unserialize($data);
} else {
$data = parent::fetchAll($sql, $bind, $fetchMode);
return $data;
} public function fetchRow($sql, $bind = [], $fetchMode = null)
$cacheIdentifiers = $this->resolveSql($sql, $bind);
if ($cacheIdentifiers !== false) {
$cache = $this->getCache()->getFrontend();
$data = $cache->load($cacheIdentifiers['cacheKey']); if ($data === false) {
$data = parent::fetchRow($sql, $bind, $fetchMode);
if ($data) {
$cache->save(serialize($data), $cacheIdentifiers['cacheKey'], $cacheIdentifiers['cacheTags'], 3600);
} else {
$data = @unserialize($data);
} else {
$data = parent::fetchRow($sql, $bind, $fetchMode);
return $data;
} public function update($table, array $bind, $where = '')
parent::update($table, $bind, $where);
$cacheKey = $this->resolveUpdate($table, $bind, $where);
if ($cacheKey === false) {
$cacheKey = $table;
$this->getCache()->clean([$cacheKey, 'FETCH_ALL::' . $table]);
} /**
* @return \Magento\Framework\App\CacheInterface
private function getCache()
if ($this->_cache === null) {
$objectManager = \Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager::getInstance();
$this->_cache = $objectManager->get(\Magento\Framework\App\CacheInterface::class);
return $this->_cache;
} /**
* @param string|\Zend_Db_Select $sql An SQL SELECT statement.
* @param mixed $bind Data to bind into SELECT placeholders.
* @return array
protected function resolveSql($sql, $bind = array())
$result = false;
if ($sql instanceof \Zend_Db_Select) {
try {
/** @var array $from */
$from = $sql->getPart('from');
$tableName = current($from)['tableName'];
$where = $sql->getPart('where'); foreach ($this->getIndexFields($tableName) as $indexFields) {
$kv = $this->getKv($indexFields, $where, $bind);
if ($kv !== false) {
$cacheKey = $tableName . '::' . implode('|', $kv);
$cacheTags = [
$result = ['cacheKey' => $cacheKey, 'cacheTags' => $cacheTags];
}catch (\Zend_Db_Select_Exception $e) { }
return $result;
} protected function resolveUpdate($tableName, array $bind, $where = '')
$cacheKey = false;
if (is_string($where)) {
$where = [$where];
foreach ($this->getIndexFields($tableName) as $indexFields) {
$kv = $this->getKv($indexFields, $where, $bind);
if ($kv !== false) {
$cacheKey = $tableName . '::' . implode('|', $kv);
return $cacheKey;
} protected function getIndexFields($tableName)
$indexes = $this->getIndexList($tableName); $indexFields = [];
foreach ($indexes as $data) {
if ($data['INDEX_TYPE'] == 'primary') {
$indexFields[] = $data['COLUMNS_LIST'];
} elseif ($data['INDEX_TYPE'] == 'unique') {
$indexFields[] = $data['COLUMNS_LIST'];
return $indexFields;
} protected function getKv($fields, $where, $bind)
$found = true;
$kv = [];
foreach ($fields as $field) {
$_found = false; if (isset($bind[':' . $field])) { // 在 bind 数组中查找 filed value
$kv[$field] = $field . '=' .$bind[':' . $field];
$_found = true;
} elseif (is_array($where)) {
foreach ($where as $case) { // 遍历 where 条件子句, 查找 filed value
$matches = [];
$preg = sprintf('#%s.*=(.*)#', $field);
$_result = preg_match($preg, $case, $matches);
if ($_result) {
$kv[$field] = $field . '=' .trim($matches[1], ' \')');
$_found = true;
} if (!$_found) { // 其中任一 field 没找到,
$found = false;
return $found ? $kv : false;


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