二叉树的最低公共祖先 代码(C)

本文地址: http://blog.csdn.net/caroline_wendy

二叉树的最低公共祖先(lowest common ancestor), 首先先序遍历找到两个结点的路径, 然后依据链表路径找到最低的公共祖先.


* main.cpp
* Created on: 2014.6.12
* Author: Spike
*/ /*eclipse cdt, gcc 4.8.1*/ #include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include <queue> using namespace std; struct BinaryTreeNode {
BinaryTreeNode(int _value) {
value = _value;
left = NULL;
right = NULL;
} int value;
BinaryTreeNode* left;
BinaryTreeNode* right;
}; void printTree (BinaryTreeNode* tree)
BinaryTreeNode* node = tree;
std::queue<BinaryTreeNode*> temp1;
std::queue<BinaryTreeNode*> temp2; temp1.push(node); while (!temp1.empty())
node = temp1.front();
if (node->left != NULL) {
} if (node->right != NULL) {
} temp1.pop(); std::cout << node->value << " "; if (temp1.empty())
std::cout << std::endl;
temp1 = temp2;
std::queue<BinaryTreeNode*> empty;
std::swap(temp2, empty);
} BinaryTreeNode* buildTree (void)
BinaryTreeNode* root = new BinaryTreeNode(1);
BinaryTreeNode* node2 = new BinaryTreeNode(2);
BinaryTreeNode* node3 = new BinaryTreeNode(3);
BinaryTreeNode* node4 = new BinaryTreeNode(4);
BinaryTreeNode* node5 = new BinaryTreeNode(5);
BinaryTreeNode* node6 = new BinaryTreeNode(6);
BinaryTreeNode* node7 = new BinaryTreeNode(7);
BinaryTreeNode* node8 = new BinaryTreeNode(8);
BinaryTreeNode* node9 = new BinaryTreeNode(9);
BinaryTreeNode* node10 = new BinaryTreeNode(10); root->left = node2;
root->right = node3; node2->left = node4;
node2->right = node5; node4->left = node6;
node4->right = node7; node5->left = node8;
node5->right = node9; node9->left = node10; return root;
} bool GetNodePath(BinaryTreeNode* root, int v, vector<BinaryTreeNode*>& path) {
if (root->value == v)
return true;
bool found = false;
if (root->left != NULL && !found)
found = GetNodePath(root->left, v, path);
if (root->right != NULL && !found)
found = GetNodePath(root->right, v, path);
if (!found)
return found;
} BinaryTreeNode* GetLastCommonNode (
const vector<BinaryTreeNode*>& path1, const vector<BinaryTreeNode*>& path2)
vector<BinaryTreeNode*>::const_iterator it1 = path1.begin();
vector<BinaryTreeNode*>::const_iterator it2 = path2.begin();
BinaryTreeNode* pLast = NULL;
while (it1 != path1.end() && it2 != path2.end()) {
if ((*it1)->value == (*it2)->value)
pLast = *it1;
return pLast;
} BinaryTreeNode* GetLastCommonParent(BinaryTreeNode* root, int v1, int v2)
if (root == NULL)
return NULL;
vector<BinaryTreeNode*> path1;
GetNodePath(root, v1, path1);
vector<BinaryTreeNode*> path2;
GetNodePath(root, v2, path2); return GetLastCommonNode(path1, path2);
} int main (void)
BinaryTreeNode* root = buildTree();
int v1 = 6;
int v2 = 10;
BinaryTreeNode* common = GetLastCommonParent(root, v1, v2);
cout << "common node : " << common->value << endl;
return 0;


common node : 2


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