




环境配置:window、asp.net  、netframwork4.0 、SqlServer08R2即可



下面版本要实现的功能:权限控制、文件流下载附件、整体项目穿上美观的框架(和www.10086bank.com)类似 。



var idarray = []; //count array
idarray.push(1); //defualt
var userid = "feifei", tiptime = 2000, userproid = -1, usertableid = -1;
var userproname = ""; $(function () {
var sid = "-1";
$("input[name='txtname']").click(function () {
var id = $(this).attr("id");
if (sid == id) { return; } //check is clicked
sid = id;
id = id.substr(id.length - 1); //get number values
$("#btngo").click(function () {
var objarray = [];
var temps = "";
var mytid = "", mytname = "", isenum = ""; objarray.push("ID#ID#nvarchar#36#1###0#0#0#0"); for (var k = 1; k <= idarray.length; k++) {
if ($("#txtname" + k).val() == "" || $("#txtname" + k).val() == "ID" || $("#txtname" + k).val() == "CreatTime") {
temps = ""; //must clear data for down code exq temps = $("#txtname" + k).val() + "#" + $("#txtdescription" + k).val() + "#"; temps = temps + $("#selecttype" + k).find("option:selected").attr("myvalue") + "#" + $("#datalength" + k).val() + "#"; //类型 temps = temps + ($("#checkboxmust" + k).attr("checked") == "checked" ? "1" : "0") + "#"; //bug begin
mytid = $("#selectnum" + k).find("option:selected").attr("myid");
if (mytid == "undefined" || mytid == undefined)
mytid = ""; mytname = $("#selectnum" + k).find("option:selected").attr("myname");
if (mytname == "undefined" || mytname == undefined)
mytname = ""; isenum = $("#selectnum" + k).attr("myenumid"); //获取次字段是否为枚举 temps = temps + mytid + "#";
temps = temps + mytname + "#";
temps = temps + isenum + "#";
temps = temps + ($("#checkboxquerylist" + k).attr("checked") == "checked" ? "1" : "0");
//bug end
temps = temps + "#"; temps = temps + ($("#selecttype" + k).find("option:selected").attr("myvalue") == "file" ? "1" : "0"); //是否文件 temps = temps + "#"; temps = temps + $("#selecttype" + k).find("option:selected").attr("ENUMITEMVAL"); //枚举内容 objarray.push(temps);
} objarray.push("CreatTime#创建时间#datetime#50#0###0#1#0#0"); if ($("#txttablename").val() == "") {
if (objarray.length < 1) {
} //alert(objarray.toString());
//return; waittips(); //等待中......
$.post("ajax/MainAjax.aspx?" + new Date().toTimeString(), { "userproname": userproname, "usertableid": usertableid, "tablename": $("#txttablename").val(), "userid": userid, "type": "new", "data": objarray.toString(), "proid": userproid }, function (data) {
if (data.length > 0) {
var arrayre = data.split('#');
usertableid = data[0];
asyncbox.tips("成功", 'success', tiptime);
window.open("ajax/SQL/" + arrayre[0]);
$("#anewpro").click(function () {
$("#btnpronews").click(function () {
var name = $("#newprobtntext").val();
if (name == "") {
var isp = $("#newprobtncheck").attr("checked") == "checked" ? "1" : "0";
$.post("ajax/myajax.aspx?" + new Date().toTimeString(), { "userproid": userproid, "userid": userid, "type": "new", "name": name, "isp": isp }, function (data) {
if (userproid == -1) {
Addnewprolist(data, name, isp, "刚才");
else if (data == "1") {
userproid = -1;
$("#newprobtncheck").attr("checked", false);
$("#newprodivpeoplelistitle").hide(); //隐藏面板
}); function GetproDT() {
$.post("ajax/myajax.aspx?" + new Date().toTimeString(), { "userid": userid, "type": "getprodt" }, function (data) {
if (data == "nodata") {
var obj = $.parseJSON(data);
for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++)
Addnewprolist(obj[i].PROID, obj[i].PRONAME, obj[i].ISPUBLICPRO, obj[i].PROCEATETIME)
} GetproDT(); //创建新表
$("#btnpronewstable").click(function () {
usertableid = -1;
idarray = [];
$("#btnback01").click(function () {
$("#btnback02").click(function () {
//shin peo
$("#btnaddnewprodata").click(function () {
userproid = -1;
//dom end //具体实现新の行の定法
function AddnewRow(newid) {
newid = parseInt(newid) + 1;
if (!ckexistd(newid)) {
$("#MytbodyContList").append("<tr><td>" + newid + "</td><td class='center'><input type='text' onclick='AddnewRow(" + newid + ")' name='txtname' id='txtname" + newid + "' style='width:99px' /></td><td><input type='text' name='txtdescription' id='txtdescription" + newid + "' /></td><td class='center'><select id='selecttype" + newid + "' onchange='changeType(" + newid + ")' style='width:99px'><option myvalue='nvarchar' selected='selected'>nvarchar</option><option myvalue='int'>int</option><option myvalue='datetime'>datetime</option><option myvalue='float'>float</option><option myvalue='enum'>enum</option><option myvalue='file'>file</option></select><a id='lablea" + newid + "'>长度:<input style='width:40px' type='text' id='datalength" + newid + "' value='50' /></a><select style='width:100px;display:none' myenumid='0' id='selectnum" + newid + "'></select></td><td class='center'><input type='checkbox' checked='checked' name='mycheckbox' id='checkboxquerylist" + newid + "'/></td><td class='center'><input type='checkbox' name='mycheckbox' id='checkboxmust" + newid + "'/></td></tr>");
$("#selecttype" + newid).trigger("liszt:updated");
$("#selecttype" + newid).chosen();
$("#checkboxquerylist" + newid).uniform();
$("#checkboxmust" + newid).uniform();
function ckexistd(val) {
for (var i = (idarray.length - 1); i > -1; i--) {
if (idarray[i] == val)
return true;
return false;
function changeType(id) {
var myvalue = $("#selecttype" + id).find("option:selected").attr("myvalue");
if (myvalue == "nvarchar") {
$("#lablea" + id).show();
//$("#selectnum" + id).hide();
$("#selectnum" + id + "_chzn").hide();
$("#selectnum" + id).attr("myenumid", "0"); //不是枚举
else if (myvalue == "enum") {
//$("#selectnum" + id).show();
$("#lablea" + id).hide();
$("#selectnum" + id).attr("myenumid", "1"); //是枚举
GetUserEnumdata(id); //获取枚举列表
$("#selectnum" + id + "_chzn").show(); //显示chonse
else {
$("#lablea" + id).hide();
//$("#selectnum" + id).hide();
$("#selectnum" + id).attr("myenumid", "0"); //不是枚举
$("#selectnum" + id + "_chzn").hide();
//获取该用户的所有枚举LIST ----只是查询名称列表
var enumobj = null;
function GetUserEnumdata(nid) {
enumobj = null;//on time get data from DB
if (enumobj == null) {
$("#selectnum" + nid).html("");
$.post("ajax/myajax.aspx?" + new Date().toTimeString(), { "userid": userid, "type": "getenumdata" }, function (data) {
if (data == "nodata") {
var obj = $.parseJSON(data);
enumobj = obj;
alerttip("当前为您查询出" + obj.length + "条枚举数据,您还可以自定义添加枚举");
for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++)
$("#selectnum" + nid).append("<option myid='" + obj[i].ID + "' myname='" + obj[i].Name + "'>" + obj[i].Name + "</option>"); $("#selectnum" + nid).trigger("liszt:updated");
$("#selectnum" + nid).chosen(); //変更このさまシ obj = null;
else {
$("#selectnum" + nid).html("");
var obj = enumobj; //$.parseJSON(data);
alerttip("当前为您查询出" + obj.length + "条枚举数据,您还可以自定义添加枚举,添加后请刷新页面获取才能生效!");
for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) {
$("#selectnum" + nid).append("<option myid='" + obj[i].ID + "' myname='" + obj[i].Name + "'>" + obj[i].Name + "</option>");
$("#selectnum" + nid).trigger("liszt:updated");
$("#selectnum" + nid).chosen(); //変更このさまシ
obj = null;
} //查询某个枚举下面的所有item
function GetEnumItemString(myenumid) {
$.post("userajax/TabCompanyOP.aspx", { "type": "getenumitembyid", "myenumid": myenumid, "userid": userid }, function (data) { if (data == "nodata") {
} var obj = $.parseJSON(data); alerttip("当前为您查询出" + obj.length + "条枚举数据,您还可以自定义添加枚举");
var rebackstring = "";
for (var k = 0; k < obj.length; k++) {
if (k == 0) {
rebackstring = obj[k].NAME;
else {
rebackstring = rebackstring + "#" + obj[k].NAME;
obj = null;
return rebackstring;
} //项目列表的具体新增方法
function Addnewprolist(proid, name, isp, time) {
$("#tbodymylistpro").append("<tr id='trpro" + proid + "'><td>" + name + "</td><td class='center'>" + (isp == 1 ? "公开" : "私人") + "</td><td class='center'>" + time + "</td><td class='center'><a class='btn btn-success' onclick=viewpro('" + name + "','" + proid + "')><i class='icon-zoom-in icon-white'></i>查看</a>&nbsp;<a class='btn btn-info' onclick=editpro('" + proid + "','" + name + "'," + isp + ")><i class='icon-edit icon-white'></i> 编辑 </a>&nbsp;<a class='btn btn-danger' onclick=deletepro('" + proid + "')><i class='icon-trash icon-white'></i> 删除</a></td></tr>");
function editpro(proid, name, isp) {
$("#newprodivpeoplelistitle").show(); //显示面板
userproid = proid;
if (isp == 1 || isp == "1")
$("#newprobtncheck").parent().attr("class", "checked"); //控制样式
$("#newprobtncheck").parent().attr("class", ""); //控制样式
function viewpro(name, proid) {
userproname = name;
userproid = proid;
GetproTable(); //获取数据列表
function deletepro(proid) {
if (confirm("确定删除该项目吗?") == false)
$.post("ajax/myajax.aspx?" + new Date().toTimeString(), { "userid": userid, "type": "delete", "id": proid }, function (data) {
if (data == "1") {
$("#trpro" + proid).remove();
function GetproTable() {
$.post("ajax/myajax.aspx?" + new Date().toTimeString(), { "userid": userid, "type": "getprotableDT", "proid": userproid }, function (data) {
if (data == "nodata")
var obj = $.parseJSON(data); //TABLENAME,TABLEID ,CREATTIME
for (var k = 0; k < obj.length; k++) {
$("#tbodymylistprotable").append("<tr id='trtable" + obj[k].TABLEID + "'><td>" + obj[k].TABLENAME + "</td><td class='center'>" + obj[k].CREATTIME + "</td><td class='center'><a class='btn btn-info' onclick=viewdeletetable('view','" + obj[k].TABLEID + "','" + obj[k].TABLENAME + "')><i class='icon-edit icon-white'></i>查看</a>&nbsp;<a onclick=viewdeletetable('delete','" + obj[k].TABLEID + "','" + obj[k].TABLENAME + "') class='btn btn-danger'><i class='icon-trash icon-white'></i> 删除</a></td></tr>");
function viewdeletetable(type, id, name) {
if (type == "view") {
usertableid = id;
else if (type == "delete") {
if (confirm("确定删除该表记录吗?") == false)
$.post("ajax/myajax.aspx?" + new Date().toTimeString(), { "userid": userid, "type": "deletetable", "id": id }, function (data) {
if (data == "1") {
function Getvallist(tableid) {
idarray = []; //clear data
$.post("ajax/myajax.aspx?" + new Date().toTimeString(), { "userid": userid, "type": "getonevallist", "tableid": tableid }, function (data) {
if (data == "nodata")
var obj = $.parseJSON(data); //TABLENAME,TABLEID ,CREATTIME
var newid = -1;
for (var k = 0; k < obj.length; k++) {
if (obj[k].TNAME == "" || obj[k].TNAME == "undefined")
continue; newid = (k + 1); $("#MytbodyContList").append("<tr><td>" + newid + "</td><td class='center'><input type='text' value='" + obj[k].TNAME + "' onclick='AddnewRow(" + newid + ")' name='txtname' id='txtname" + newid + "' style='width:99px' /></td><td><input type='text' name='txtdescription' value='" + obj[k].TDESCRIPTION + "' id='txtdescription" + newid + "' /></td><td class='center'><select data-rel='chosen' id='selecttype" + newid + "' onchange='changeType(" + newid + ")' style='width:99px'><option myvalue='nvarchar' selected='selected'>nvarchar</option><option myvalue='int'>int</option><option myvalue='datetime'>datetime</option><option myvalue='float'>float</option><option myvalue='enum'>enum</option><option myvalue='file'>file</option></select><a id='lablea" + newid + "'>长度:<input style='width:40px' type='text' value='" + obj[k].TLENGTH + "' id='datalength" + newid + "' value='" + obj[k].TLENGTH + "' /></a><select style='width:98px;' myenumid='" + obj[k].ISENUM + "' id='selectnum" + newid + "'></select></td><td class='center'><input type='checkbox' name='mycheckbox' id='checkboxquerylist" + newid + "'/></td><td class='center'><input type='checkbox' name='mycheckbox' id='checkboxmust" + newid + "'/></td></tr>"); $("#selecttype" + newid).val(obj[k].SELECTVAL); if (obj[k].SELECTVAL == "nvarchar") {
$("#lablea" + newid).show();
$("#selectnum" + newid).hide();
else if (obj[k].ISENUM == "1") {//是枚举
$("#lablea" + newid).hide();
$("#selectnum" + newid).show(); //显示枚举元素
$("#selectnum" + newid).html("");
$("#selectnum" + newid).attr("myenumid", "1"); //枚举
$("#selectnum" + newid).append("<option myid='" + obj[k].ENUMID + "' myname='" + obj[k].ENUMNAME + "'>" + obj[k].ENUMNAME + "</option>");
$("#selectnum" + newid).chosen();
else {
$("#lablea" + newid).hide();
$("#selectnum" + newid).hide();
} if (obj[k].TCHECKBOXVAL == "1") {
$("#checkboxmust" + newid).attr("checked", true);
} if (obj[k].QUERYCOLUMN == "1") {
$("#checkboxquerylist" + newid).attr("checked", true);
} $("#selecttype" + newid).trigger("liszt:updated");
$("#selecttype" + newid).chosen(); $("#checkboxquerylist" + newid).uniform();
$("#checkboxmust" + newid).uniform(); idarray.push(k + 1);
} /////----------------------common JS-------------------------------------
var timeoutlength = 3000;
function error(name) {
$.noty({ "text": name + "</br>" + new Date().toTimeString(), "layout": "topRight", "type": "error", "timeout": timeoutlength });
asyncbox.tips(name, 'error', tiptime);
function success(name) {
$.noty({ "text": name + "</br>" + new Date().toTimeString(), "layout": "topRight", "type": "success", "timeout": timeoutlength });
asyncbox.tips(name, 'success', tiptime);
function alerttip(name) {
$.noty({ "text": name + "</br>" + new Date().toTimeString(), "layout": "topRight", "type": "success", "timeout": timeoutlength }); //aler
asyncbox.tips(name, 'alert', tiptime);
function waittips() {
asyncbox.tips("请稍后...!", 'wait', tiptime * 3);


            CSDAL.NewCSFile(Request.Form.Get("userproname"), Request.Form.Get("tablename") + "OP", Request.Form.Get("tablename"), Server.MapPath("CS/"), list);

            AjaxDAl.NewCSFileAspx(Request.Form.Get("userproname"), Request.Form.Get("tablename") + "OP", Request.Form.Get("tablename"), Server.MapPath("AJAXFILE/"), list);

            AjaxDAl.NewCSFileAjaxCS(Request.Form.Get("userproname"), Request.Form.Get("tablename") + "OP", Request.Form.Get("tablename"), Server.MapPath("AJAXFILE/"), list);

            html.NewHtmlFile(Request.Form.Get("userproname"), Request.Form.Get("tablename"), Request.Form.Get("tablename"), Server.MapPath("HTML/"), list);

            return SQLDAL.NewSQLFile(Request.Form.Get("tablename"), Server.MapPath("SQL/"), list) + "#" + result;
 obj = null;
if (type == "new")
type = NewPro();
else if (type == "delete")
type = delete();
else if (type == "getprodt")
type = getprodt();
else if (type == "getprotableDT")
type = getprotableDT();
else if (type == "getonevallist")
type = getonevallist();
else if (type == "deletetable")
type = deletetable();
else if (type == "getenumdata")
type = GetEnumData();
else if (type == "getenumitembyid")
type = GetEnumItemData(Request.Form.Get("myenumid"), Request.Form.Get("userid"));
else if (type == "deleteitemss")
type = deleteitemss(Request.Form.Get("myenumid")).ToString();
else if (type == "changed")
type = changed(Request.Form.Get("name"), Request.Form.Get("itemsid"), Request.Form.Get("enumid"), Request.Form.Get("userid")).ToString();




sql代码 到数据库执行就好了





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var SLarray = []; //clear data obj
var endtime = ""; //common data begin
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$("#btnsave").click(function () {
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userstabmngID = -1; if (data.length == 36) {
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$("input[myid='" + myidarray[s] + "']").val("");
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getlist(); //获取前20条
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function load() {
var obj = $("select[name='SLData']");
$(obj).each(function () {
$("#btnmore").click(function () {
}); //编辑
$("#btnedit").click(function () {
}); })//dom end
function getone(id) {
userstabmngID = id; $("#divadd").show(); $("#divlist").hide(); if (edittype == "view") {
else {
} $("a[name='labsh']").show(); $.post("userajax/userstabmngOP.aspx?" + new Date().toTimeString(), { "type": "getone", "id": id }, function (data) {
var obj = $.parseJSON(data);
if (obj == null || obj == "") { ckisexts(); return; }
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else {
$("input[myid=" + myidarray[s] + "]").val((obj[0][myidarray[s]]).replace(" 0:00:00", ""));
$("label[labid='" + myidarray[s] + "']").html((obj[0][myidarray[s]]).replace(" 0:00:00", ""));
} try {
$("#selecttype" + myidarray[s]).val((obj[0][myidarray[s]]).replace(" 0:00:00", ""));
$("#selecttype" + myidarray[s]).trigger("liszt:updated");
$("#selecttype" + myidarray[s]).chosen();
catch (ex) { } }
} //获取10行数据
function getlist() {
$.post("userajax/userstabmngOP.aspx?" + new Date().toTimeString(), { "type": "getlist", "pagesize": pagesize, "endtime": endtime }, function (data) {
if (data == "nodata") {
var obj = $.parseJSON(data); if (obj.length < pagesize) { $("#btnmore").hide(); } if (endtime == "")
$("#tbodydatalist").html(""); for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) {
$("#tbodydatalist").append("<tr id='tr" + obj[i].ID + "'><td class='center'>" + obj[i].name.replace(" 0:00:00", "") + "</td><td class='center'>" + obj[i].age.replace(" 0:00:00", "") + "</td><td class='center'>" + obj[i].sex.replace(" 0:00:00", "") + "</td><td class='center'><a class='btn btn-success' onclick=domains('view','" + obj[i].ID + "')><i class='icon-zoom-in icon-white'></i>查看</a>&nbsp;<a class='btn btn-info' onclick=domains('edit','" + obj[i].ID + "')><i class='icon-edit icon-white'></i>修改</a>&nbsp;<a class='btn btn-danger' onclick=domains('delete','" + obj[i].ID + "')><i class='icon-trash icon-white'></i> 删除</a></td></tr>");
if (i == (obj.length - 1)) {
endtime = obj[i].CreatTime;
} })
//domain //检查附件是否有值
function ckisexts() {
var obja = $("a[name='labsh']")
$(obja).each(function () {
if ($(this).html().length < 2) {
} var edittype = "view"; function domains(type, id) {
if (type == "delete") {
if (confirm("确定删除吗?") == false)
$.post("userajax/userstabmngOP.aspx?" + new Date().toTimeString(), { "type": "delete", "id": id, "userid": userid }, function (data) {
if (data == "0") {
else if (data == "1") {
$("#tr" + id).remove();
else if (type == "view") {
SLarray = [];
edittype = "view";
else if (type == "edit") {
SLarray = [];
edittype = "edit";
} } //判断是否为第二次点击
function SLexists(myenumid) {
for (var i = 0; i < SLarray.length; i++) {
if (SLarray[i] == myenumid)
return true;
return false;
/////----------------------common JS-------------------------------------
var timeoutlength = 3000;
function error(name) {
$.noty({ "text": name + "</br>" + new Date().toTimeString(), "layout": "topRight", "type": "error", "timeout": timeoutlength });
asyncbox.tips(name, 'error', tiptime);
function success(name) {
$.noty({ "text": name + "</br>" + new Date().toTimeString(), "layout": "topRight", "type": "success", "timeout": timeoutlength });
asyncbox.tips(name, 'success', tiptime);
function alerttip(name) {
$.noty({ "text": name + "</br>" + new Date().toTimeString(), "layout": "topRight", "type": "success", "timeout": timeoutlength }); //aler
asyncbox.tips(name, 'alert', tiptime);
function waittips() {
asyncbox.tips("请稍后...!", 'wait', tiptime * 3);
<!-- content starts -->
<div class="row-fluid sortable" id="divadd" style="display: none">
<div class="box span12">
<div class="box-header well" data-original-title>
<i class="icon-edit"></i>新增数据</h2>
<div class="box-icon">
<a href="#" class="btn btn-minimize btn-round"><i class="icon-chevron-up"></i></a>
<a href="#" class="btn btn-close btn-round"><i class="icon-remove"></i></a>
<div class="box-content">
<form class="form-horizontal">
<div class="control-group success">
<label class="control-label" for="inputSuccess">
<div class="controls">
<input class="validate[required,maxSize[50],custom[noSpecialCaracters]]" myid="name"
type="text" />
<label name="labsting" labid="name">
<div class="control-group success">
<label class="control-label" for="inputSuccess">
<div class="controls">
<input class="validate[required,custom[integer]]" myid="age" type="text" />
<label name="labsting" labid="age">
<div class="control-group">
<label class="control-label" for="selectError">
<div class="controls">
<div class="divfeifeisl" style="width: 130px">
<select id="selecttypesex" myid="sex">
<option myval="请选择">请选择</option>
<option myval="女">女</option>
<option myval="男">男</option>
<div class="control-group success">
<label class="control-label" for="inputSuccess">
<div class="controls">
<a style="cursor: pointer" name="labsh" id="persondoc" path="" isfile="1"></a><a
name="adelete" adeleteid="persondoc">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;删除</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span
name="fileup" myid="persondoc" class="icon32 icon-color icon-link" title=".icon32 .icon-color .icon-link "></span>
<div class="control-group">
<label class="control-label" for="selectError">
<div class="controls">
<div class="divfeifeisl" style="width: 130px">
<select id="selecttypelevel" myid="level">
<option myval="请选择">请选择</option>
<option myval="小学">小学</option>
<option myval="初中">初中</option>
<option myval="高中">高中</option>
<option myval="大学">大学</option>
<option myval="研究生">研究生</option>
<option myval="博士">博士</option>
<div class="form-actions">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" id="btnsave">
<button id="btnedit" class="btn btn-primary" type="button">
<input type="button" class="btn" value="取消" id="btncancel" />
<div class="row-fluid sortable" id="divlist">
<div class="box span12">
<div class="box-header well" data-original-title>
<i class="icon-edit"></i>数据列表</h2>
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<div align="center">
<span class="icon32 icon-color icon-add" id="btnadd"></span>
<table class="table table-striped table-bordered bootstrap-datatable datatable">
<th width="18%">
<tbody id="tbodydatalist">
<span class="icon32 icon-color icon-arrowthick-s" id="btnmore"></span>
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<script src="Script/ajax_upload.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="Script/fileup.js"></script>


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using DBS;
using ProMng;
namespace ICGSystemWeb.userajax
public partial class userstabmngOPajax : System.Web.UI.Page
DBHelper DB = new DBHelper();
userstabmngOP DAL = new userstabmngOP();
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
object obj = Request.Form.Get("type");
if (obj == null || obj.ToString() == "") { obj = null; Response.Write("nodata"); Response.End(); }//非法请求end
string type = obj.ToString();
obj = null;
if (type == "getenumitembyid")
type = GetEnumItemData(Request.Form.Get("myenumid"), Request.Form.Get("userid"));
else if (type == "add")
type = AddOrUpdateDB();
else if (type == "getlist")
type = GetTopNumberData();
else if (type == "getone")
type = getone(Request.Form.Get("id").Trim());
else if (type == "delete")
type = delete(Request.Form.Get("id"), Request.Form.Get("userid")); Response.Write(type);
private string delete(string id, string userid)
return DAL.DeleteDB(id);
} //获取一个
private string getone(string id)
id = CommonData.DataTableToJson(DAL.GetOneDataByGuid(id));
id = id == "" ? "nodata" : id;
return id;
} //获取用户定义数量的数据列表
private string GetTopNumberData()
string endtime = Request.Form.Get("endtime");
if (endtime == "") endtime = DateTime.Now.AddDays().ToString();
endtime = CommonData.DataTableToJson(DAL.GetTopNumberData(int.Parse(Request.Form.Get("pagesize")), endtime));
if (endtime == "")
endtime = "nodata";
return endtime;
} //获取枚举项BY ID
private string GetEnumItemData(string enumid, string userid)
if (enumid == null || enumid == "" || userid == null || userid == "") return CommonData.nodata; string sql = string.Format("select NAME,VAL from ICGEnumItemTab where enumid='{0}' and userid='{1}' ", enumid, userid);
sql = CommonData.DataTableToJson(DB.GetDataTable(sql, null)); if (sql == "") sql = CommonData.nodata;
return sql;
} private string AddOrUpdateDB()
string[] a = Request.Form.Get("myidarray").Split(',');
string guid = Request.Form.Get("userstabmngID");
if (guid == "-1")
guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
DAL.AddDB(guid, a[], a[], a[], a[], a[], guid);
a = null;
return guid;
DAL.UpdateDB(guid, a[], a[], a[], a[], a[], guid);
a = null;
return guid;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using DBS;
namespace konnichiha
public class UserMngTabOP
DBHelper DB = new DBHelper();
public string AddDB(string ID, string username, string userage, string Gender, string persondoc, string birthday, string guid)
string sql = string.Format("insert into UserMngTab (ID,username,userage,Gender,persondoc,birthday) values(@ID,@username,@userage,@Gender,@persondoc,@birthday)");
SqlParameter[] sqlpara = new SqlParameter[]
new SqlParameter("@ID",ID),
new SqlParameter("@username",username),
new SqlParameter("@userage",userage),
new SqlParameter("@Gender",Gender),
new SqlParameter("@persondoc",persondoc),
new SqlParameter("@birthday",birthday)
DB.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, sqlpara);
return guid;
public string UpdateDB(string ID, string username, string userage, string Gender, string persondoc, string birthday, string guid)
string sql = string.Format("update UserMngTab set ID=@ID,username=@username,userage=@userage,Gender=@Gender,persondoc=@persondoc,birthday=@birthday where ID=@guid");
SqlParameter[] para = new SqlParameter[]
new SqlParameter("@ID",ID),
new SqlParameter("@username",username),
new SqlParameter("@userage",userage),
new SqlParameter("@Gender",Gender),
new SqlParameter("@persondoc",persondoc),
new SqlParameter("@birthday",birthday),
new SqlParameter("@guid", guid)
return DB.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, para).ToString();
public string DeleteDB(string guid)
string sql = string.Format("delete from UserMngTab where ID=@ID");
SqlParameter[] para = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@ID", guid) };
return DB.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, para).ToString();
public DataTable GetOneDataByGuid(string guid)
string sql = string.Format("select ID, username, userage, Gender, persondoc, birthday, CreatTime from UserMngTab where ID=@guid");
SqlParameter[] para = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@guid", guid) };
return DB.GetDataTable(sql, para);
public DataTable GetTopNumberData(int pagesize, string endtime)
string sql = string.Format("select top {0} username,Gender,birthday, ID,CreatTime from UserMngTab where CreatTime<'{1}' order by CreatTime DESC", pagesize, endtime);
return DB.GetDataTable(sql, null);


create table  [userstabmng]
[ID] nvarchar(36) not null ,
[name] nvarchar(50) not null ,
[age] int not null ,
[sex] nvarchar(500) null ,
[persondoc] nvarchar(1000) null ,
[level] nvarchar(500) null ,
[CreatTime] datetime default(getdate()) null




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  7. SqlServer中怎么删除重复的记录(表中没有id)
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  10. Linux nohup 关闭终端的时候,程序依然能在后台运行( linux重定向及nohup不输出的方法)